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Good point. Two former G.O.P. Representatives have co-founded Republicans for Harris*. Their premise? To get the Party they believe in back, the former President needs to get his head handed to him on a platter come November.

EDIT: * thank you, Art Kleiner for pointing out the mistake. Wow! The difference a word can make!

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A landslide D victory in November is a real possibility that I hope will be realized, but it's important to remember that is only treating a symptom of the authoritarian impulse, and not curing the disease.

When people stop acting like Trump, and/or supporting figures like Trump, it will be because we cured the disease. And when we cure the disease, it will be because there is a sufficiently accurate and widely accepted understanding of its root cause. That must happen or we're just going to end up experiencing another symptom of the same disease. IMHO, the biggest obstacle in our way is an inaccurate but widely accepted pessimism about our ability to cure the disease.

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We need a fair and balanced media to cure the ill they've brought us. Maga could not of done it by themselves but they had a good start with social media. How do you get balance without destroying democracy?

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"There is no particular thing that you can do alone. The 'I' in it is very small, after all. We are all here to have a kind of living of our own and to be recognized for what we are." тАФMarian Anderson.

The question is not whether the 'I' in it is very small. It is regardless of whether the one thing many people are doing together is serving the greater good or serving a part at the expense of the whole.

The bad guys have a small short-term advantage and an enormous long-term disadvantage. The good guys have a small short-term disadvantage and an enormous long-term advantage.

How do you get balance without destroying democracy? Start by assume that we can, and then assume that we have to work together to figure out how.

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Keep a lookout for "Project Liberty." My son (Braxton Woodham) has been working on this project under Frank McCourt, Jr. as well as with many others. You might be interested in Frank's book: Our Biggest Fight: Reclaiming Liberty, Humanity, and Dignity in the Digital Age.

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Indeed, it's a disease. Paul Levy's book Dispelling Wetiko explains it clearly. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13642726-dispelling-wetiko

When I first heard Kellyanne Conway refer to 'alternative facts' as a valid explanation for the bazaar comments coming out of Trump and his cronies' mouths, I understood. It's a method of gaslighting that is the language of the MAGA party doing their best to destroy the idea of the American Dream according to their selfish ideas bred by fear. That is not the founder's intention! I have great faith in our current leaders and the Constitution. I especially have faith in the majority of Americans who will vote for Harris/Walz in droves that override anything these selfish, fear-mongering, controlling, criminally greedy people have in mind. If you want to live the way of Project 2025 or The Trump Agenda, try living in Hungary. This is The United States of America, after all!

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Let me guess what "Dispelling Wetiko" entails: we all must treat one another the way we would want to be treated if the shoe was on the other foot in word and in deed, and in literally every context. How'd I do?

Gaslighting is nothing more and nothing less than the perpetrator serving an exclusive interest that excludes the victim.

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Thank you! I have been saying that those who think the MAGA agenda for America is a good one should move to Hungary. I appreciate others suggesting this as well. I told a family member to plan a move instead forcing the rest of us to live in Hungary right here in the US.

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Perfectly said.

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Responding to James R:

We have a population in this country that prefers тАШbumperstickerтАЩ explanations. Immediate results. Understanding this disease and seeing the hard work to root it out isnтАЩt easy, or comfortable. It will be a long haul, with many distractions. This disease didnтАЩt start recently, and will not be revealed and reduced quickly. I believe the work is necessary, to save democracy , our county and our grandchildrenтАЩs lives.

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No argument here. Your last sentence tells me you're keeping your eye on the prize. My only concern is for when people with good intent forget the "why" by getting lost in the "how."

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I am not smart enough to figure out "how" to get the job done! And it won't be in my life time that I have remaining!

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It's not up to you to figure it out. It's up to us to figure it out together. The most important thing is being on the right side. As for when it will happen, wouldn't it be nice if you get surprised?

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Spot on. Trump is symptomatic of how far off the rails things have gotten. First, we treat the toxic expression of the underlying disease (trounce him in the ballot box), then we go to work on healing the body politic - which is a much harder task, but the one we need to address. There are signs everywhere of the underlying disease.

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Correct. It is a much harder task. But in addition to being hard, it is also easy. The easy part is Step 1, the hard part is Step 2, and Step 1 is in my response to Gayle.

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And it isn't going away with the election. It has been there a long time and most of us were not aware of them....hiding in plain site!

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Articulate, as always, Sir James. ЁЯдЭA landslide would be great. One thing I try to keep in mind is that, while l greet Vice President Harris's enthusiasm with gratitude, I must remind me that her time in the White House will likely disappoint me. ЁЯдл Not because the Vice President will under-perform; she may very well have a fine presidency. тЬМЁЯП╜No one can match my sky-high expectations. ЁЯШ│

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interesting mea culpa, Ned ...

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I keep things in the "I" when I am concerned that I may offend someone with 'you'. In this case, I sense that many people set themselves up for disappointment by thinking all or even many problems will go away once a preferred candidate assumes power.

EDIT: to re-work the original malapropism: I keep things in the eye "in the mirror" when . . . .

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And that, I believe, is partly because we don't educate ourselves about how the government can work for the people - all the people - and what it takes to make sure that's what happens.

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What would happen if the highest priority for every fifth-grade teacher was to ensure that every student ends the school year knowing that it is always possible and always mutually beneficial to adhere to the golden rule in word and deed, and in literally every context? I believe that vision of the future is possible. And I believe that the effect will be that sixth-grader will be adhering to the first principle of all the worldтАЩs great religions, democracy, science, and capitalism (the original Adam Smith version, and not Milton Friedman's fundamentalist ideology that most people now think of as capitalism). I think that's what it takes to make sure government works for all the people.

In this vision, I've named these future fifth-graders "the children of the revolution" based on a paraphrased T Rex lyric: "You can fool some people, but you wonтАЩt fool the children of the revolution."

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Electing a Democratic Trifecta in 2024 will bring about the needed тАЬmedicineтАЭ to cure the disease: The Freedom To Vote Act; the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act; SCOTUS Reform w/a rollback of their insidious rulings that took away our freedoms; and reforming the way we elect a President: The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC); or states rolling back the тАЬwinner take all electoral votesтАЭ to provide true representation within each state - thank you Professor Richardson for bringing this up in your recent Politics Chat!)

All of the above will fortify our democracy and support we the people so our voices will be heard.


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All the measures you describe are good and absolutely necessary, but insufficient until they achieve the ultimate goal of allowing everyone's voice to be heard. That's not something one side decides for the other.

Specifically, everyone needs a safe space that allows their voice to be heard ... even when their beliefs are otherwise harmful. As Derek Black & Matthew Stevenson can attest, it takes a lot of time, energy, and attention. Ref: On Being podcast, Befriending Radical Disagreement. But we have to keep reminding ourselves that because too many people with otherwise turn to con artists like Trump, it's much harder to deal with the consequences of not doing it. That said, I'm confident Harris and Walz understand this.

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There are too many individuals with the same mindset as tffg!

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But they are still out there and apparently they have lots of money!

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James: Curing the disease in this case would involve wholesale "deprogramming" of the sick. MAGA people are wholly acting out of emotion. Any rational explanation or approach does not work. I see the solution in revamping the educational system, teaching elementary school kids the skills of critical thinking.

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"It happens like this always: when dictatorships fall, people look back and they say, 'Well, how didnтАЩt we see that at the time? This is so obvious.'тАЭ тАФVladimir Kara-Murza.

Expect a forthcoming manifestation of the "Kara-Murza effect" when the dictatorship now in control of the Republican party falls.

If you're saying elementary school can and should immunize children from the authoritarian impulse, I agree.

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Here, Here тАж or should it be: Hear, Hear?

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'ear, 'ear!

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Shame on me for not thinking of that [тАШear, тАШear] тАФ so very apropos тАж even appropriately, very apropos!!!

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'ar 'ar

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Me too! it kept getting funnier.

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I think I read "Here, here!" Since the cheer is made after another's remark, I go with, "Hear, here!" As in listen to this *(wo)man here; really just splitting the difference. ЁЯШЙ

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How about "Here, Hear"........or "Hear, Here"?

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Haha. I always have to stop and think as they both make sense to my brain. :)

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Me, too, Cary. ЁЯдл

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тАЬRepublicans FOR Trump?тАЭ

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Oy vey. I am getting really bad in the faculties. I intended to say Republicans for Harris. Adam Kinzinger is hardly for the former President. Thank you for catching my mistake.

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Did he mean the "Republicans for Harris" group I've been hearing about?

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Yeah, Kathy, that is what I intended. UGGG -- shrinking grey matter.

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I hope they're willing to go further back than Reagan for inspiration...

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Aug 17
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"Actually, I know a guy who can make that happen. For a price. No measly little nip on the ear." - Robert Phillips

Please consider removing your comment. In context, it is not funny. The assassination of Trump would be a disaster.

When Ned McDoodle spoke of "Trump having his head handed to him on a platter" it was a biblical reference used metaphorically. But you took it literally and took the conversation someplace else. And given the actual violence it implies, not to a good place.

ThankYou for your consideration.

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I agree, Lin*. I've heard people say "He should be taken out" as far back as Nov 2016 -- including my dear wife -- and my reply is always "That would make T***p a martyr, far worse. Kill him politically by popular will."

And I absolutely agree that one should condemn every form of calling out for violence against political opponents (or anyone else), whether said in jest or not.

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A natural death would be fine but murder would only strengthen the maga movement. We cannot go back to the 60's and assassinating people we don't like. A landslide of VP Harris is definitely the way to go!

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The "God loving" Heritage foundation has threatened Liberals with violence if the speak out!!! A "Jesus code" to alllow the Proud Boys to get out their AR assault guns??? I love it.....Time to fight back agaist the the true Pedophile Party.

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So what youтАЩre saying is that when the MAGAts all claim divine intervention in preventing his death by bullet, it may indeed be true? Just not for the reasons they think. Lol! WouldnтАЩt that be a kicker?!?

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Agreed. some god or other diverted that bullet just enough to make sure trashy has to stay on the ballot in November so he can be trounced - thanks, god!

I just can't imagine who the Rs would put up as a candidate if trashy died before the election. Would they be happy with JDV as their presidential candidate? I think not, although "malleability" seems to be his salient characteristic. I don't think there is sufficient support for any of the people who ran against trashy for the nomination, so, who?

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Agreed. But, sans proof, I don't think his ear was hit by anything. I really believe that it could have been a set up. The MAGA-lothians have incredible money invested in their holiday plan which is winning! Losing is not on the table and the fumbling-fool is the MAGA-Magnet, a more dull-tool they could not find (except maybe his new 'back-up' JD). Actual assassinations are childs-play to the FSB. Collateral damage being part and parcel to the deception. Have you no imagination? Have you not been fooled. The clown want to be awarded a purple heart. Wait and see. Gag me!

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I don't think there would be an election. Magas would declare war and we know they are ready for it.

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True. The FSB has much more subtle ways of murdering dissidents. As I recall, a dose or two of some radioactive substance (polonium?) is a preferred method. And Navalny didn't die from a sudden cold, or whatever they are claiming today.

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Trump's form on a cross would replace that of Jesus'.

We would then have a holy war. ....... NG!

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Your are quite correct, there,ЁЯТбLin. That metaphor was popular in banking twenty-five years ago.ЁЯШЙThere I go dating myself again; hell, no one else will.ЁЯШЙLin, I agree that Mr Phillips withdraw the comment or, at the very least, the third statement about an attempted assassination. тЪЦя╕П

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I understand what you are saying. And, so, I will exercise my right: the dark humor is often appealing but, for me, it crosses the line into poor taste when it mocks something like an attempted assassination of a national leader. For me, at least, shock value has its limits. Rights entail responsibilities.

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A "national leader"? Trump??

If so, we are in deep, deep s**t.

(See? I censored myself there!)

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I do not like the former President any more than you do. ЁЯдв Like it or not, he is a national leader. ЁЯШ▒ Assassinating him is not a solution any more than it would have been when Arthur Bremer tried to assassinate Governor Wallace in 1972. тЪЦя╕П Like your sense of humor on your last line. ЁЯШК The good news is that, after watching Governor Walz's speech in Nebraska this afternoon, the former President's time as a national leader may be coming to an end. ЁЯЩП At least, I hope so. ЁЯдЮ

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I'm replying because you seem to be a reasonable person. We will have to agree to disagree on what qualifies one to be a "leader." Trump and his acolytes (some 47M, I'm told) certainly think he qualifies as one. He had 4 years to "lead" and we all know how that turned out. I will admit that he is a national figure, inasmuch as 34 felony convictions makes him so.

I am old enough to have lived through the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK, Jr., as well as various attempts, including Squeaky Fromme's on poor old Gerald Ford. And not to mention those we sanctioned on others, world-wide. Hell, I even campaigned for Gene McCarthy on a write-in effort in California (I was still 5 years from being able to vote). And we see what that got us: Nixon (resigning in disgrace), Reagan (who as governor of California called in the National Guard to use tear gas at a rally I attended. It wasn't the last time Ronnie made me cry ЁЯШТ.) And of course two Bushes and so forth.

The thing is we of the righteous liberal left are always crying "take the high road." So if the results of the 2020 election had gone the other way, instead of storming the Capitol we had repaired to the bar at the Willard Hotel and muttered over our martinis "Damn shame, that. Well, we'll get them in four years." Well, have we looked at the calendar lately?

The MAGAs are thugs, a street gang, armed with chains, knives, brass knuckles, etc. (Yes, those are metaphors.) We show up for their rumbles with a copy of the Marquis of Queensbury rules. Nice, polite, civil. Makes us look like chumps.

Before I retired I was employed by an Executive Branch agency across several administrations - deep state and proud of it. If Trump were to be elected Project 2025, there will be no Executive Branch as I and my fellow mid-level bureaucrats knew it.

Can't let that happen.

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I agree with most of what you say, though I am more conservative than you are. The former President is a national leader; but he is also a national disgrace and a traitor who has wrecked the Party I grew up in. One thing for sure: character trumps politics and Trump trumps anything decent. This afternoon, Governor Walz stated the threat of the Former President and his M.A.G.A. thugs to traditional Republicans very cogently in four sweet minutes.


I salute your service to my country, Sir. The only POSSIBLE deep-state I ever saw -- both in the State Department and in banking -- was the tendency of many to conflate their career interests with the interests of their organizations. I sure did it. If we did not have people like you manning the fort, we would be in BIG trouble.

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Governor Walz is a credit to his long years of service, and a palpable asset to the Harris campaign.

I thank you for your thanks, but I just carried out the work that was appropriate to my position - I take some pride in knowing that what I and my colleagues did actually improved the lives of people who otherwise would not have had assistance.

I retired before the Trump regime took over. But I was not surprised when many of my colleagues chose to retire not longer after it became clear what the Trump administration was up to. I went to a lot of retirement parties in 2017 and 18! With that and the advent of the other pestilence (COVID), came a staffing shortage that still lingers. I have recently been asked to do some pro bono work strictly on an advisory basis, to assist. I'm glad to do what I can. The new fiscal year starts on October 1, and use it or lose it is an immutable fact of the business of governing. Cheers.

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lin -- Thank you for speaking out!

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I have deleted my comment.

Now apparently just the intolerant and possibly slanderous replies remain, which removes them from any context.

Please now delete your reply.

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I do understand the use of metaphor, but thanks for your instruction on the matter just the same. Of course I wasn't literally advocating such an act. And I don't really know a guy.

I also recognize attempts at censorship when I read them.

A bad joke - maybe. I will consider removing the comment in my own good time.

Is there a way to submit any further comments to this forum in "draft" forum to get approval before posting? I will surely abide by the majority opinion.

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Sure. Draft it.

Reread it to yourself. And you decide. It is your responsibility in the first place. Which is what this discussion is about FGS unless you haven't figured that out yet. Grow up

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Your scolding post is not called for. When I write something for posting to a forum, I always read it over. One thing I consider is the apparent intelligence and sophistication of the reader. Got that wrong on this one. As one commenter kindly explained to me what I was responding to was a metaphor. Yes, I realized that. And responded in the same manner. If anyone took it literally that is on them. I cannot, will not, be constantly dumbing down what I write out of fear that it might upset someone's sensibilities.

Strange, no one complained to the writer of the original post about the use of the head on the platter figure of speech, nor should they have.

(What does FGS mean, anyway?)

Now YOU grow up.

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Your comments are not wanted here. ItтАЩs more befitting the MAGA crowd.

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I have, against my better judgement, deleted my original post.

Now delete your reply., or I will report it.

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I respect and thank you for your discussion with me. I must confess, however, that threatening to report Bill for his remark is coercive and unfair.

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Fair enough. But his "your comments are not wanted here" remark is not exactly conducive to a cordial exchange of ideas. Too close to "we don't like your kind around here" for my comfort. In fact it was more "befitting the MAGA crowd" than what he accused me of. Simple schoolyard bully stuff, to which I replied in kind with the level of rhetoric he is apparently most comfortable with. I acquiesced to the desires of the vox populi and removed my original horrific ЁЯШиpost, the replies to which are still hanging out there with no context. Obviously, to use the parlance of the schoolyard, I will not run to the principal to complain about the bully. Thank you for your considered comments and discussion. Always welcome.

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I am not going to contemn your "horrific" post because his eminent brilliance (i.e., me) makes comments I later regret and pull or for which I apologize. It was dark humor; not malicious. You are a decent man.

One thing I have learned: not to make a comment I would rather delete later on 'Daily Kos'. Comments there can neither be deleted nor edited. Most of all, you were not bullying anyone.

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Thank you. Of course we all say/write/do things/make decisions we end up regretting. Some can be remediated. Some can't. And they pile up the older we get, even though age is supposed to confer wisdom.

To be clear, I did not remove my offending post because I thought better of it. I did so to cast bread or oil or whatever the metaphor is on the waters. One thing the original complainer did that still irks me is to automatically assume that I had meant my comment literally! Seems she was the one doing the literal interpretations.

I'm not familiar with Daily Kos. I contribute my pithy comments on NYT forums from time to time (not under my real name). They have the same policy - no recalls for editing or deletion. And their moderators are tough!

The thing now is to get Kamala elected. I see it just as important to retake the House leadership, and add to the slim majority in the Senate. Meanwhile, I shall continue to enjoy and draw inspiration from Professor HCR's profoundly intelligent commentaries. She's the real deal!

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I find that my humor is frayed during these fraught times. My concern was with the attempted assassination. I must admit, however, that when President Reagan was almost assassinated, I made a flip remark on my way out of work, "Now, I will watch it in slow motion."

Obviously, I regretted that remark; what angered me was that, that night, I did see the attempted assassination in slow-motion. So. as the old saying goes: point a finger at you, and three point at me with my thumb pointing up toward G-D, whom really knows the score.

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Really Bill K., you don't speak for everyone..."get that tone out your voice," as my dearly departed mom use to say. Just cause you don't like it does not mean he didn't have the right to state it. 1st Amendment, you trippin'!

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Nerisa, you are not invoking the First Amendment but manipulating it. I have suffered difficult responses, adverse responses; far more so than this one by Bill. Often such adverse response can give me pause, but it never seems fitting to try to manipulate someone.

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Robert Phillips -- Please delete your extremely offensive comment.

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I have deleted my "extremely offensive comment."

Now please delete your extremely intolerant comment.

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Marshall, its a state of infiltration

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