I believe the Republican party has been, and still is, the absolute worst congregation of citizens to affect our Nation. Evolved from fear, racism and wealthy entitlement of the Slavery South into a sick society of wealth and hate.

If it wasn't for Joe Biden's sacrifice, we would be headed to a government of hate and lies (again). That's not a positive message, it's a message of fear, but I don't hear Republican comments saying they believe the positives from the Dems. What else can be done! Republicans want to keep their status and money! 😭

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These Republican extremists and Trump legal problems will certainly motivate 40-something percent to vote AGAINST them. But to turn out and win the majority, and a MANDATE for change, a positive message is necessary. Kamala Harris in Raleigh, NC Friday unveiled an economic agenda focusing on helping the middle class thrive against the rising cost of food, housing, prescription drugs, and child care. The rally is worth watching or listening to, which I did in the car. Plus, I provide economic context since 2020. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/us-inflation-looks-defeated-soft

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The Republicans are working hard in the schools.

The people don't need to burn books or throw them in dumpsters to combat this. The solution is easier.

Critical thinking, logic and scientific method must be taught in all schools, this is the only long term solution .

If the people have these tools, the tools to think coherently and discern .... they can still be wrong, cruel, evil, selfish, but the outlook is brighter.... because we can rule out "gullible".

A place where science is refered to as a belief system should not exist in the modern world.

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I've been shying away from news a bit and would otherwise have missed these gems. Great to have my current state and one I grew up in called out. What many people don't know is that MN may be blue for the time being, but there are many selfish, grifters working hard to pull everything down. One ridiculous source is the Center for the American Experiment. When it was first founded, it wasn't so bad and endeavored to stay as much nonpartisan as they could. That's totally gone now and they're as bad as any outfit out there now. There is so much work to do, my friends. Let's not get complacent. Oh, and because I was raised in Ohio with most of the people I knew avid Republicans, over time as I was learning more when living in several more states, I noticed how much better dressed Republicans were than Democrats. What does THAT tell us! It's a joking matter to a surprising number of Republicans! They truly do think they are superior, better, because they're clever. Geesh.

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She really gives the real deal.

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It was interesting to listen to Kamala Harris’s economic policy proposals. Most sounded good to me, though I’m not sure of the details of how the grocery price-gouging regulation would work, or if it could be made effective. Other than distortion of supply and demand economics of the pandemic and Putin’s war on Ukraine, the reason that grocery prices have risen as much as they have, I believe, is mainly due to consolidation (mergers and acquisitions) in the food processing and retail (grocery stores) industries. There just isn’t as much competition as in the past, not just in grocery/food industries, but in many other industries. We are in desperate need of breaking up the large conglomerates that have been allowed to form. The Biden administration has started this process, but there is so much more that needs to be done. Therefore, we need to do everything possible to get VP Harris elected. I would recommend watching Robert Reich’s YouTube “Coffee Klatch”, which is posted every Saturday morning. In the one from today, he addresses the consolidation problem I mentioned above and it is quite good.

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I guess crime might pay unless you get caught.

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This boils my blood to the point (Their idea of " Don't ask questions...! And steal as much as possible! ) political style of CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR... A true kleptocratic clan of reward pavlov's-dog style of pay-olé and grift.... truly at the trough of Republicans Trumpism...

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I am hard of hearing and would like my “letters from an American” in text form ONLY. I cannot receive your “letters from an American” in recorded message form.

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