As a child whose mother was widowed after WWII, my brother and I received $20/month from Social Security Survivor Benefits. It wasn't a lot, but it made a difference in our standard of living. Now as a senior citizen, I receive Social Security along with a pension. I'm grateful for SS since my pension wouldn't cover my rent or much of anything else.

Back in the 1970s, I became more aware when congress wanted to cut SS benefits. There were stories in the news about senior citizens eating cat food because it was cheap protein and it was what they could afford. I learned, in Nancy McClean's book Democracy In Chains, Republicans have wanted to delete taxpayer benefits because they don't want to pay for "other's" (meaning former slaves) benefits with tax dollars, much less pay any taxes at all. Social Security was set up as a trust and is not a draw on the budget and therefore not a deficit in congress. They simply are charged with managing the funds to keep it solvent. Possibly this is why senior citizen's turn out to vote in large numbers, to protect our Social Security benefits.

Your Letters From An American and your many YouTube videos and books have furthered my education and I am grateful. Thank you!

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A couple of months ago I felt like there was barely any hope! After the debate, I was in despair and one of my friends pointed me to you! I have learned so much and also I started to have hope, even before Kamala became to nominee! This is a lot of work but now I have tools of discussion! Thank you for what you do! So grateful!

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Absolutely wonderful. I didn't know much of this.

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HCR - Always the best.

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Always informative! SS is critical to this nation.

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