Prof. Richardson casts the Republican presidential campaign as “bizarre”, which would normally be an extreme word to use in reference to a presidential campaign, but now seems like an understatement. I really don’t understand what keeps Trump’s supporters enamored with him. I realize that working class white men are a large component of his support and that they have legitimate grievances regarding their economic stagnation over the past 40+ years of neoliberal order. I have read that they also feel disrespected and looked down upon by the “elites” in government and society in general. I get these grievances and can sympathize with them, but I don’t understand why they think Trump will do anything to improve their lives. He is a billionaire, rich from birth on and not self-made, and his one major achievement in his previous administration was to implement a tax cut for corporations and the wealthy. That tax cut did almost nothing to create jobs or improve their financial standing. Trump has no idea what their lives are really like. All Trump does is tell them what they want to hear, but is so dishonest that they should know that he has no intention of following through with any real help. He is an obvious con man, a liar beyond belief, and appears to be in mental decline. Voting for Trump is like hiring Kristi Noem to be your dog sitter - you’re taking an awful risk.

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Correction: It really helps. Yes hand marked

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Thank you for your explanation; it really !!!.

Yes, had marked paper ballots run through tabulators and then checked with risk limiting random audits is the best way to go.

What is interesting is that even though 66% of the counties/states will use hand marked paper ,those states that don’t are primarily Republican. While Trump and Lindell keep pushing for that use of hand, marked paper ballots a number of Republican states will not do it.{see Verified Voting}

{Machine marked ballots are still vulnerable to computer error, programming error and malware.}

So isn’t that interesting that Trump pushes for election security but a dozen Republican states will not do it ?

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Meant “for some reason “

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Heather, got some reason I can’t load this audio file onto my iPhone. Never happened before. Any suggestions?

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I have an iPhone13 running iOS 17.6.1 and am able to play the audio file. The iOS 17.6.1 update is pretty recent, so maybe that will help?

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Check for updates on your phone, perhaps rebooting your phone might reset.

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