To add to HCR's post, here's a five-minute video on the Granger Movement that was started by farmers in the 19th century to collectively address problems. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/to-collectively-address-problems

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Thanks Heather for tonight’s letter. I too am very motivated and excited about the new atmosphere of hope in America. Harris-Walz cannot help but win in November. It’s a grassroots movement. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Your love for the Rule of Law and all Americans keeps me dry-eyed. Many happy regards for your tremendous dedication to our cause… freedom in the heartland USA


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I'd like to stay with the audio version and cease using the written version.

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that is what the call in france and everywhere else telling it like it is. Thank you.

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I forwarded this column to a younger couple who've asked me a couple of times about current events. Heather's discussion sets out the good points of Joe Biden's domestic agenda and his solid achievements (no mention of foreign policy fiascoes however) along with the helpful historical background. The young husband thanked me, and I hope they learned something from the discussion. Being employed in the private sector, he at least is exposed to the ideology of unfettered capitalism, but by hearing the other side they'll be better able to think the issues through for themselves.

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What a great presentation. She really understands.

May the Democrats prevail.

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I hope soon we’ll see Tim Walz talk about this subject matter. And it will be a great opportunity to drop a cool new catchphrase. My suggestion would be “oligarch bullshit”.

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But how did neoliberalism take hold? And how did it get its name?

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Liberalism once referred to the policies of Free Trade - as opposed to Mercantilism, that advocated taxing imports to protect domestic markets. But eventually "liberal" came to mean what it usually means today, a synonym of "progressive," since "liberal" derives from the Latin word for "free." "Neoliberalism," then, was coined to claim that free trade, now interpreted mean unfettered capitalism (which Adam Smith never advocated) was synonymous with freedom: democracies were capitalist (as opposed to communist tyrannies) and so capitalist societies were "free." But now we see that capitalism, when unregulated by government guardrails, leads to its own kind of soft tyranny, and that many capitalists fear democratic governments that might limit their freedom, and love right-wing tyrants who protect big business. They label any social program - like govt-supported child care, or Medicare - as "communist," and will fund the party that pledges to end it, lest the country slide toward socialism and take away their money and their power.

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