I didn’t say anyone was, especially at this point since the election is over. It is obnoxious though on this site that you can’t say anything negative about Biden without getting raked over the coals. I know everyone here thinks he is some kind of second coming of FDR but sorry to say that is just not the case. FDR would have pushed for Medicare for all and a much larger jobs guarantee.
FDR came to the Presidency after the shock of the ‘29 Crash in the bottom of the depression, crippled, with a brilliant wife, comparisons always break down, but FDRs following was a higher percentage of the population. Bidens only been in office a few months. Let’s see what he does next.
Yeah agreed. Still sucks though.
Who’s better ?
I didn’t say anyone was, especially at this point since the election is over. It is obnoxious though on this site that you can’t say anything negative about Biden without getting raked over the coals. I know everyone here thinks he is some kind of second coming of FDR but sorry to say that is just not the case. FDR would have pushed for Medicare for all and a much larger jobs guarantee.
FDR came to the Presidency after the shock of the ‘29 Crash in the bottom of the depression, crippled, with a brilliant wife, comparisons always break down, but FDRs following was a higher percentage of the population. Bidens only been in office a few months. Let’s see what he does next.