Sorry, one other thing. In the aftermath of the election, Donald Trump showed his true colors. As Americans were dying every day, he barely mentioned the Covid crisis. Instead, his focus was on pushing the Big Lie of election fraud. The blame for not calling him out on his narcissism falls squarely on his supporters' shoulders. His …
Sorry, one other thing. In the aftermath of the election, Donald Trump showed his true colors. As Americans were dying every day, he barely mentioned the Covid crisis. Instead, his focus was on pushing the Big Lie of election fraud. The blame for not calling him out on his narcissism falls squarely on his supporters' shoulders. His lack of character, integrity, honor and empathy meant nothing to millions of Americans, who chose to focus on his lies. Shame on them. Shame on us.
Sorry, one other thing. In the aftermath of the election, Donald Trump showed his true colors. As Americans were dying every day, he barely mentioned the Covid crisis. Instead, his focus was on pushing the Big Lie of election fraud. The blame for not calling him out on his narcissism falls squarely on his supporters' shoulders. His lack of character, integrity, honor and empathy meant nothing to millions of Americans, who chose to focus on his lies. Shame on them. Shame on us.
And, sadly, they have not gone away. We will be dealing with all of this again in 2022 and 2024 and beyond.