Republican administrations going backwards in time: Trump, Bush 2, Bush 1, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Eisenhower.

Eisenhower was the last good one, and he would be considered a progressive by today's standards. He gave us the interstate highway system. Among other things.

Now let's do the Democrats: Biden, Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy. It is not hard to find great things each of them accomplished for America. Even LBJ was good on civil rights and anti-poverty.

The trend is clear.

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Everything that the GOP has planned is contained in Project 2025.

Read it.


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I'll add "Share it" to your list. It isn't enough for us to know what Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society have planned for the country. We need to spread the word far and wide, in digestible bits, to everyone we encounter.

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It’s not enough to share it. We need Biden to show resolve at the border. Even if it’s only a show. The repuklicans know how to use it against us and we cannot let them have the narrative. The wonton murder of innocent civilians in the Middle East will be blamed on Biden’s continued release of military ordinance to Israel. Biden needs to call an international resolve to a real two-state solution. Well that’s my opinion for the day. If there are protests and rioting on the streets of Chicago during the convention, it’s Day Ja Voux ( I can’t spell in French) all over again.

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I wonder how many "persuadables" there are in the US relative to the election. Would two "performative" moves like you suggest make a difference?

There is almost nothing that is humane that Biden could do at the Mexican border without Republican support in the House of Representatives. And that is the point. They have been instructed to block any legislation by Wanna Be King Donald. But...Biden could further hammer away at the fact that Republicans in the House HAD A BILL to strengthen the border - the bill they ASKED for and then shot down like an enemy missile. Bipartisan support be damned. Make the Border Problem a Republican Caused Problem.

The Palestinian issue is complicated beyond words. Anything Biden does, or does not do, loses votes. To halt military help to Israel would destroy his support from one side. Would it gain him enough support on balance? It pains me to put this discussion into political strategy - when the suffering is so enormous. But politics is survival.

Does anyone really think if Biden withheld military support from Israel that Netanyahu would suddenly change his vicious stripes? Does anyone really think that Israel's extreme "coalition cabinet" would respond to pressure from an American president? Have you ever listened to them? America has been struggling with the abuses in the West Bank for a long time. Do you think the settlers who act like Jewish Taliban care about international pressure?

Those of us who are appalled by the Gaza disaster are not one issue voters. And while I have no good answers about the Middle East - other than the unrealistic idea of handing Gaza over to the UN - I do agree that would be best. But have you met Netanyahu? Do you think he or the vast majority of Israelis would allow some Blue Helmets to rule them?

The Gaza situation, as horrible as it is - is a small problem when compared to the horrors described in today's letter from HCR.

Gaza would seem like child's play if Trump and Project 2025 were installed next January. Imagine the next steps by Putin if his puppet was president. Imagine the millions of people rounded up in camps across America.

Again, I am not minimizing the abuses and outrageous conditions in the Middle East. But obsessing over that when there is so little we can do (after trying for decades!) is like ignoring the very large Earth destroying asteroid that will hit the planet on January 20, 2025.

The idea that we would let Trump return to office, the idea that women's reproductive rights and actual health safety are being destroyed, the idea that Project 2025 could actually come to pass - these worries far surpass anything that is happening in any other part of the world.

And if that insane event comes to pass, what will unfold in Ukraine and perhaps Poland and Finland...would make us forget Israel and Gaza quickly.

To withhold aid to Israel in its forever struggle to simply exist would be a gift to Iran and Russia. Iran does not believe Israel should exist. It uses Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis to execute its campaign to wipe Jews off the map.

And Putin loves the distraction from his own atrocities. Please read this:


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Bill, your comments are filled with pragmatism, a thinking process some single issue voters find wanting, some purists find cowardly, and some shallow pool opinionaters are incapable of conceiving: and their loud voices demand and draw attention

Pragmatism requires perspective from all the many angles of “what’s possible?”, what isn’t, and what happens as a result. It can be exhausting to game it all out, but someone’s gotta do it

Thanks for what you do here

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Thank you, Bill, for this. I wish people understood that there is nothing that Biden can do other than what he is doing to influence Bibi and the fundamentalists who support him. Bibi has made it clear that he will do what he wants and if more innocent Palestinians die, so what. I have longed been appalled by the actions of Jewish settlers in the West Bank. And now we have protests all over campuses in the US which is fine if they would stay peaceful and not attract outsiders who just love this sort of thing. At Portland State the university prez allowed them to set up near the library. So of course, some broke into the library and now the police are likely to be involved. The protesters are very well organized for provision of food and medical aid stations, etc. which suggests to me that other than students are involved. The school has been shut down for two days. What about the other students. What about the Jewish students who no longer feel safe and hear derogatory remarks. Russia loves all this of course and I am sure has a finger in the pie somehow. And Iran loves it too. As for death star prevailing in the election, I encourage everyone to vote D. Those who have or will vote uncommitted are fooling themselves especially if they are immigrants and/or Muslim. They will be part of the deported or be put in camps or whatever else that monster and his minions have planned.

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Michele, I wish you'd say "Israeli settlers" instead of "Jewish settlers." Not everyone who lives or governs in Israel is Jewish, and not all Jews are Zionists. Ascribing Israel's bad treatment of Palestinians to Jews is what stokes antisemitism.

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And you know with all the chaos, you know who comes around and says remember the good old days when we had peace during my years in office and you know so many buy into it. We can easily cause our own demise. I will not live under a Trump administration. I will either leave the US or prepare for battle as in that ole Patrick Henry slogan.

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Michele, I completely share your distress about the Jewish settlers--I saw it first hand in the West Bank where settlers had seized the best part of Palestinian land, had built these huge villas, and would not allow Palestinians in there neighborhood! And since this horrific conflict began, the army has provided settlers with rifles they are using to indiscriminately kill Palestinians. This is not OK! Bibi wants to annihilate the Palestinians--the defense minister directed Gazans to three towns proclaiming them safe only to bomb all three. If Bibi invades Rafah and we continue to provide him with weapons, I will not be a happy Biden voter....

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The campus pro-Palestinian protests and the over-the-top reaction to them in some cases (police violence, Zionist counter-protester violence at UCLA) are all going to benefit Trump and work against Biden. This may sound like a conspiracy theory, but I could well imagine a Republican operative paying some agitators to stir up passions on both sides of the issue to stoke violence between the two sides, not exactly an unknown tactic in managing public opinion. Instead of beating each other up (there's already enough violence in the world), the pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel students should be banding together to push for cease-fire and solution of the Israel-Palestine problem, which has festered for far too long. Surely they can agree on that.

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If anyone thinks that ANYTHING at all will be better under Trump, they are delusional. His only interest is himself. He is mentally unstable. How could he possibly make anything better?

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I don't care if withholding aid to Israel loses support from one side or that it will please Iran and Russia. Supplying weapons that are used to bomb the very people we loudly proclaim to want to provide food and medicine is just wrong! Settlers seizing Palestinian land to build themselves gleaming white villas also has to stop. Perhaps I too would join Hamas if that happened to my family's property!

I do agree with you that a trump presidency would be the ultimate dire danger to befall us and the world. I don't know what is worse--what he is going to do or that there are enough braindead people that would vote for him....

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Thanks Bill. I share the same thoughts and feeling.

I am terribly worried about this situation however I always come back to this thought, Netanyahu and his strong arm tactics created Hamas. I know, sounds crazy but stay with me for a second.

Netanyahu and his cabinet’s suppression of the Palestinian people gave Hamas a reason to be created “Support Hamas and We’ll Fight Netanyahu’s Suppression”. I find it ironic, if any race should understand the harm of suppression, it is the Jewish people. Hmmm didn’t we just finish Passover ~ the exodus of the Jewish people from the Egyptian suppression???? If history has taught us anything, suppression is not sustainable.

What does Netanyahu need to continue his suppression of the Palestinian people? American support. American withdrawals that support who is going to step in? China, Russia?? China doesn’t want this mess, they are focused on expanding their economy. Russia ~ well lets just say their a little busy this week trying to suppress the Ukraine people. Heck, they are using N Korean/Iran weapons.

So that leads us to who could Netanyahu turn to for support? Iran has a deal with the Russians to supply weapons to Russia for their war. Iran needs the cash from that arrangement. Now there is not to say the Iranians don’t have a stash they will use to attack Israel. I’m sure they have a stockpile with Netanyahu’s face on it but they have a commitment to Putin.

But here is the big picture, just a public announcement by the Democrats that they will no longer support or vote for any aid to any government which suppresses people. Of course they would use better vocabulary than what I am typing here but you get the picture. Let’s put Netanyahu in the same bucket as Putin and Orban. Trump threatened to pull the US out of the NATO, I think it is time to use a page from that playbook and threaten to pull American aid to Israel.

Like the student’s are saying our continued support of Israel is just like supporting know oligarchs. Israel suppression of the Palestinian people is no different.

After this announcement runs a couple of news cycles, then Biden can step in and have a conversation with Netanyahu. The conversation could go something like “This is the deal Bebe, the Palestine people live in Gaza and free this means, they control their own water, electricity, etc….free to travel wherever they like or no more aid. Deal or No Deal??

I feel today’s leaders are not like those of the past who were willing to take risks and lead. Leadership means making difficult and uncomfortable decisions.

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Yo.., "the students"..., they've got this one right. And they darn sure are not alone. We sat and watched the 'tube' as over a million people in England took to the streets to demonstrate support for the plight of the Palestinians when this erupted. But,here in our "christian nation" the people who have really had enough of an apparent catering to jewishness know that its generally better to just be quiet, and not risk getting accused of being anti-semitic, or whatever else. Meantime, at the base of this whole mess exist human beings wrapped around some religious belief as their justification for in-human behavior Of course, skin color and physical appearance, all influenced by wealth... don't forget the price of oil...etc, yup, that plays right into it.

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Hamas was created in Egypt as an offshoot of The Muslim Brotherhood in the late 1980s. It was always for annihilating all the Jews, and ending Israel’s existence.

Netanyahu stupidly thought he could manage them by enabling them. But he wasn’t the reason they formed.

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Some advice for President Biden: "Be careful which Country's leader you hug and kiss. Such can cause unintended consequences."

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Thanks, Bill!!!!

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I couldn't agree more and cried myself to sleep last night.

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Brilliant Bill Alstrom, simply brilliant summation for everyone to think about digest and determine we must vote Blue everywhere, not just the presidency, but most absolutely the presidency. The world is a complicated place and one person cannot solve it all. Most importantly your comment on voting basted on a single problem solves nothing. One truly must recognize sometimes we need to compromise and then come back another day to address. Thank you Bill for your brilliant summation. Can you repost as a general comment. So that all will see and not just those who chose to follow replies to a specific comment of another on HCR’s followers. Thank you, thank you.

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Excellent response, Bill. Congress has, with its inaction, created the situation at our southern border. Demands that the President unilaterally "do something" would only worsen the situation, because I can guarantee that what would happen is that our reactionary justices would overturn it, and accuse the President of acting beyond the scope of his office.

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Gaza is now uninhabitable. A new area must be used to house the 2.2 million Gazans. I suggest that the triangle of land south of Gaza known as the Negev be joined to Gaza and the West Bank. That will make them contiguous. The north border will then become Israel's southern border. Create a DMZ at the border as Korea has. This should satisfy Hamas and create a chance for a new government. Gaza will have access to the Med. The Israeli blockade will end. A kind of Marshall Plan will be needed to get Gaza cleaned up and functioning. The $3+ billion a year now given to Israel will then be used in the new Palestine. This creates the "two state solution."

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From 30,000 feet that solution looks terrific. I like the logic.

But what is the Israeli incentive to do this? And while Hamas might be "receptive", having a two state solution is not their stated goal. Their mission, their raison d'etre, is the elimination of all Jews from the region. They are still angry about "Nakba" - with good reason. But unless Hamas decides it wants peace instead of vengeance and extermination, nothing will change.

There is a reason that Egypt restricts Palestinians from entering freely into their country.

Nothing will change until Netanyahu and his religious radicals are replaced. Nothing will change as long as Hamas rules - as a puppet of Iran.

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I just don’t have any idea how to… I take that back I do. It’s convening a UN sponsored international committee that would guarantee Israel’s right to exist, install an international force to insure that a new emerging Palestinian state would be devoid of extremists. And that is alll wishful thinking. As for the border, this comment bugged me to no end when HS was asked about an executive action and Myorka responded that it would t hold up in court which was of course a political diversion. It doesn’t matter if it would hold up in court. This one issue is poison and it will hurt Biden and anyone who denies it is t too bright.

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Your post is more excellent than I can put into words! In my view you have distilled the various situations accurately, and I completely agree with everything you wrote here. Thank you! (Now I just have to figure out how best to get it in the hands of those who willfully deny the truth.)

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The typical pivot to 'blame Biden.'

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Thankfully he has broad shoulders!

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I agree. If for nothing but a show of strength, Biden should take bold steps at the border and with Israel to call for a ceasefire. We can’t afford to lose our coalitions in this election. Those who are upset with the Democrats could make the biggest mistake of their lives by staying home rather than voting. Trump will be their biggest nightmare and will destroy their causes. I pray they will have the maturity to understand that first, we must win. Then they can bring their protests to the President and he will listen! We just can’t play nice right now. That’s what Trump and his voters are counting on, as they roll over us with a tank………..That will be “deja vu”!

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Deja vu

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Also "wanton." Wonton is a Chinese dumpling.

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Of course.

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Of course

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Listen to the students...Palestinians, Jewish, etc. The Jewish people, & also us Americans, have been lied to for a long time, like more than 75 years, on this Palestine issue. Check out the documentary "Israelism." I saw it streaming on YouTube. Check out new presidential candidate Jill Stein, brutalized while being arrested at a peaceful protest. Didn't we have enough police misconduct after George Floyd's murder?? Israel is very capable of supporting themselves after all this time. Why won't the Freedom Flotilla be released from Turkish waters??? Check out other historians than Heather Cox Richardson, although she is very good on many issues. Learn the more accurate version of Oct. 7th.

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Listening, Beverly, requires some skills. It's not just a passive activity.

Another key part of Heather's today was her account of the Powell memo's vitriol against "the liberal bias" that used to buoy all of America's higher education -- its hatred of any humanities.

The humanities taught listening -- to "others," to communities other than one's own.

That's gone. The billionaires don't want anyone skilled in seeing, respecting, gifted in referring to individuals. Life for the billionaires reduces to packaging, labeling, commodifying.

They won, Beverly. Even you, when referring to the documentary "Israelism," do not connect any of it to any context bothering you today. Of the hundreds of other commenters today, how many cite any humanities as part of their efforts to center the human?

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Thank you Phil. The movie explains how students are taught about allegiance to Israel. When they ask questions later on, they learn another version. Simone Zimmerman started "If Not Now" that works with "Jewish Voices for Peace" to get justice in GAZA & West Bank. The other young man got disillusioned as a IDF military man & joined "Breaking the Silence."

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Deja vu

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Yep. It was Too early to google it. Or I was lazy.

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Not to make light of a horrific situation, 'wonton murder' sounds like a Chinese plot to poison someone. Perhaps you mean 'wanton'. French is not the only problem. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

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No question about it.

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I believe the most important audience are the young. New voters or newish voters. Too many are abstainig. How do we reach thm??

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Rachel, if you don't already have a grassroots community, I recommend checking out markersfordemocracy.org. We've already had guest speakers from groups that are working diligently to reach our young voters. There are at least 3 zoom meetings weekly plus other activities. Check us out!

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There are orgs doing just that. Google them.

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What a wonderful community we have created here--ask a question, and people will send in substantive, useful answers !

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And you have to use the www.

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Thank you for the link. I haven't read the report, just read about it, so now I have no excuse not to be informed.

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And do read "DARK MONEY" by Jane Mayer.

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Right now, "A show" is what counts. Outwardly stepping on the button and doing something, no matter how well phrased or intended would certainly be proclaimed a total disaster by the (R)ssholes. Just like how our 'pull-out' from afganistan was twisted by the twisters. I mean, when the entire (R) family has signed on to prevent this administration from fixing it, so that the (R)'ss can use it as their platform.., anything Biden might do will be used to humiliate him. But, I do agree that a carefiully scripted "show" at a key moment , sans critical details, could confuse the maggatts while giving the rest of us some satisfaction.

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Bob, how about posting the 10 key points, starting with the installation to the presidency of a "Christian King" with what amounts to dictatorial authority. The REAL thing is NOT trump, the puppet. It’s the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025!

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But chump is the means by which they plan to achieve success. He is the carnival barker who is announcing the main attraction. If course, he thinks that he is the main attraction.

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I assume T. will also put his own maniacal spin on things, and cannot be counted on to reliably just follow their lead. He will be his own man, and do his own thing. I presume Putin has as much control over him as does the Heritage Foundation. The Saudi Prince too. Look at whom he has gotten to fund his various business enterprises. It is scary stuff. We All Do Better With Biden!

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Main thing is, we've got a middle class now!

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A middle class educated also in humanities, Jessica, or not?

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Look at who is VP choice, a chumpette or an old guard. Will give a hint as to who has final say. May even be a cat fight.

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Will we even know before the Republican Primary?

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Brilliant! And the GOP has been selling tickets for the past 40 years by GRAB-ing their base: riling them up about guns, religion, abortion, border. I don't think we can change the minds/hearts of the hard core. But there are plenty of "undecideds" and young voters to reach. We need numbers so overwhelming that even the cleverest gerrymandering cannot succeed.

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I dream with you, but have you watched the young piss on Joe and blame him for Bibi’s mess. Just what Dems need, NOT

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So true, Jeri. He's being used by the even more lethal forces.

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Yep, the big dogs are on the job now. No hesitation like before. Repub control smells so good. Like blood in the water for sharks.

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Didn't we have enough of this forked-tongued snake oil salesman the first time? There are ways to save ourselves from the greedflation gang who will do whatever Narcissimo trumpolini dictates. Plenty of good ideas in all of the above.

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Boggles my mind that people recall those four years as being better than what Joe has done. Every single day was worse than the day before. Propaganda is powerful, just like the Nazis knew

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Google Paul Weyrich, co-founder of Heritage. His resume will curl your hair. Like Roger Stone, he's been doing his dirty work while flying under the radar of most Americans since at least the '70s. Few people have any idea how far back the tentacles of these plotters go.

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This is exactly Why we need to know Who, What, Where, and When about the Heritage Foundation. They have been brewing the present circumstances for Decades! Seems like they want to take over the world. We MUST know more!

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Jessica Fleming,

There is nothing righteous or respectable about the Heritage Foundation with their "self-righteous" pamphlets (which I used to read and respect to my regret!!!! ...when I was voting "on the side of the enemy." They have been brainwashing their readers just like Hitler...with their "our readers are above the rest of humanity" attitude.

"A Christian King" in the form of DT is an insult to the Christian faith!!! He is not a Christian.

Jessica, you are correct!!! DT is a large empty puppet . I cannot believe, America, the land of the free and the home of the brave" would bow to this fake .....the Republican Party has made into their "god". (I am sure Putin is laughing at us so hard that he is falling out of his chair!)

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Donald, Jessica, is not "a large empty puppet."

He's full of shit and the gaseous odors emanating from his diapers.

He's also full of the labeling vitriol which tens of millions of fellow American share, all like him having been schooled bereft of humanities.

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I think expanding on my previous commentary is a good idea. I've been clearing my mind reading a lot of Thoreau to expunge the project.

I'll see if I can form a cogent explanation of what I've read and how I think it affects our country. Which ideas I find most upsetting and why.

It is a decades long fever dream of the Heritage Foundation.

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That would require that I sort through the entire text again. I'm not sure I can do that. I will, however look over my un-cut posts to try and isolate some specific highlights for notable specific changes with their attending full statements.

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PLEASE do so, Bob. It's Clear how much we need and want it, and thankfully you have the ability to Summarise

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I'm working on it. It will take some time. My choices may not agree someone else's. But I'll cull some particulars that piss me off. Each chapter is around 30 pages so if anyone has a favorite part of government it is available in full.

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THANKS SO MUCH, Bob! Will be a Great Help to Many of us.

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I will.

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For those who don't have the time or courage to read all 887 pages, Carlos Lozada of the NYTimes did. Here's a gift link. It's much worse than I initially thought. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/29/opinion/project-2025-trump-administration.html?unlocked_article_code=1.ok0.bGDB.XSdoODgAibOS&smid=url-share

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Thank you for the link and for alerting us to the existence of this organization.

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Thank You, MisTBlu, I think. Terrifying.

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That is the word!! TERRIFYING.

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Thank you for gifting the link

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Thanks MisTBlu

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Thanks for sharing

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Take a Valium first - it's terrifying!

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Andra Watkins is a NYT bestselling author who “escaped” from a Christian Nationalist church decades ago. She has read and dissected the almost 1000 page Project 2025 manifesto.

“Mainstream media outlets miss Project 2025’s Biblical language and imagery. They speed-bump over the radicalized religious fanaticism of this document and its framers. Post by post, I’m spelling it all out.”


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Companion read: The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory by Tim Alberta. 🤯

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And vote straight Blue!

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And vote hard: chase down your registration to be sure you are registered, deliver your ballot the safest way you can, stand in long lines in crappy weather, take Imodium, wear a catheter, take a meal, take water, take coffee, sit down on the sidewalk, lean against a building … and do not let anyone intimidate you,

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I vote in Washington state, where everyone votes by mail. Very civilized.

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Here in NV, too, but the GQP, run by false electors, want to change that.

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If Project 2025 is implemented, I'm not sure elections will be held again.

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Based on what we know reading it would most likely be more horrifying that what has been reported.

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Bob Lewis (or ANYONE??)..you would not happen to know the name of the organization, mentioned in this forum about a week or so ago, and its effort to analyze and condense the 1000+(?) pages of the Project 25 document? I neglected to bookmark the site, despite best intentions. Now I find it impossible to locate that reference in our previous forums. Having read and skimmed a number of pages in the orginial "Project 25" document, I would welcome a thorough synopsis. If not Bob, perhaps someone in the forum might be able to help? I'd be very grateful. Thanks.

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I've written a series of posts on Project 2025. Each post is comprised of excerpts taken from a given chapter. I provide no commentary or opinions as I believe the quotes speak for themselves. I want folks to make up their own minds, not simply follow mine.

Here is a link to a description of the project with commentary regarding its anticipated effects. It is from a response to an earlier post of mine on Jeff Tiedrich's Everyone is Entitled to My Own Opinion posted on 20 April by Munchygut.

Perhaps this is what you are referring to.


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Here's another link from a comment above.

For those who don't have the time or courage to read all 887 pages, Carlos Lozada of the NYTimes did. Here's a gift link. It's much worse than I initially thought. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/29/opinion/project-2025-trump-administration.html?unlocked_article_code=1.ok0.bGDB.XSdoODgAibOS&smid=url-share

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Thank you so much for these links, which I moved to my email for careful reading, and sharing...

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I have taken the advice of some other commenters, and have written a more thorough discussion of the project and my opinions of it. It is available for free on my site Polytricks, if you'd like to read it.

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I appreciate your help and your comments. Thank you!!

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I have taken the advice of some other commenters, and have written a more thorough discussion of the project and my opinions of it. It is available for free on my site Polytricks, if you'd like to read it.

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I said that before reading Project 2025. Now I use the word terrifying.

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It was Ike, career soldier and former commander of Allied Forces in Europe during WW II, who coined the term "military-industrial complex" while warning the nation of the danger of its growing influence on national affairs.

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I think Eisenhower was a lot like Grant (aside from the obvious) in the way they ran their administrations. They were both rather naive in trusting their appointees. And in both cases they were 'betrayed' by politics.

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An insightful observation. Both expected appointees to behave in line with how authority is honored in the military.

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Yes, and with concomitant disciplinary followup for the greedy/foolish.

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Interesting factoid, the highest tax rate in those days was in the 90’s…what deficit!

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Eisenhower is an exception

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Eisenhower was drafted as president because the Republicans were so desperate to get back into the White House after 20 years out of power that they were willing to take a "squish" as their candidate, and picked the guy all the ex-GIs would vote for, which they did.

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Rule of law, steps towards equality,infrastructure. Not a bad president. Why did he chose Nixon as his VP??? Such a shame Ike wasn’t a Democrat = no Nixon!

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Yes, not bad....As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign called 'Operation Wetback.' The largest mass deproration program in American history.l....so not bad, horrendous.

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Why? To balance the ticket. Also, too, to find a bride for his grandson :-)

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Well, my Dad was such a dyed in the wool Dem he voted for Stephenson both times but he was not unhappy about Ike. Nixon and Goldwater? A totally different thing.

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TC, my man! Are you telling me that the ex GIs didn't vote for "Mr. Republican", Robert Taft, the son of the only man to serve as both President and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court even while having trouble getting out of the bathtub, William Howard Taft?!?!?

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So true its hurts Daniel as I went to William Howard Taft High School in Los Angeles, the Taft Toreadors. When I pressed my history teacher on Taft he quickly changed the subject to Chester Arthur claiming Arthur was the worst President [ 1881-1885] but, Chester did not have a orange hair.

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Ha! That's funny, Bryan.

So you're an Angeleno like me. I went to Loyola High School

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Yup, like TC but, I headed north to Big Sur then to the Monterey Pop Festival & got a big 🎶 dose ... of other realities.

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And I to Luther Burbank Junior High School.

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It's now Taft Charter High - just in the4 vicinity of my neighborhood in the SFV.

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Perhaps your teacher was just referring to the 19th century re Arthur?

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Daniel AND Teddy Roosevelt’s Secretary of War.

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I am.

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Written with Taft in mind


Spot Check Billy

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Indeed. Harry Truman first tried desperately to get Ike to run as a Democrat. (“Truman,” David McCollough).

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In that group. Lincoln was the original Republican president.

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And he was cordially hated by the "real" Republicans. All three of the "good" Repuiblican presidents - Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower - were flukes forced on the scumbags if they wanted to take power.

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What was a real Republican in 1860?

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Abe Lincoln’s insistence of Free Labor, internal improvements and his reverence for the Rule of Law was Republican in 1860 and are obvious Joe Biden’ Democratic Party goals and achievements for 2024.

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Made very clear before 1860 in the intensely followed Lincoln-Douglas "debates".

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Terry, in 1860 a "real Republican" was essentially the newest kid on the political block. I believe their new leader, Lincoln, emerged as a consensus "next best" candidate from a deadlock between two other politicians who had joined the fledgling party. ...not a bad "compromise."

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Here's a Wikipedia article which is kinda fun to read. My great-grandfather was the Chairman of the Allen County Indiana Republican Party. He had attended one of Lincoln's speeches in Chicago and was impressed enough to sign up for the duration. I don't know if he was a delegate to this convention or not, but I wouldn't be surprised.

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Annabel, i just found out recently that i am not too distantly related to one of the Democratic presidents you have listed. My daughter is deeply involved with our family tree with the ancestry thing and with my great grandmother's maiden name of, '' Carter'' she did an extensive research and revealed to me we are related to Jimmy Carter. I was somewhat surprised at finding that out. We are from Georgia just like former president Carter is.

When she told me we were related to a President, i told her, please tell me it's not Donald TUMP. I would have kept that hidden for sure!

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I took your lede to mean 'the order from best to worst at moving the US back in time.'

Of course, that wasn't your intent, but Trump, Reagan and Nixon would be the true regressives. The Bush's were bungling fools who tried to rule like conservatives and Ford and Eisenhower were fairly good at not breaking anything even though both of their administrations were marred by recessions.

None of them legislated as conservatives but rather as repressives, especially to the poor and people of color. Except Trump, who was repressive to everyone except the uber rich and the corporations.

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Don't forget that Eisenhower and the Dulles brotheres engineered the overthrow of both the Democractic governments of Guatemala and Iran and look where that has led us!

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Not enough people know about the atrocities committed by our CIA. Countries we interfered with that ultimately created some of the migrant issues we scream about…Iran, Guatemala - coup on democratically elected Arbenz. Eisenhower carried it out. Cuba, Chile, Argentina, the US accepted the fraudulent election in Honduras because United Fruit wanted control of resources. It’s a long list of sheer corruption…that we dare shake our fists at others is beyond audacious.

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Among other things Pres. Eisenhower accomplished was to propose and sign into law the first Civil Rights Act since Reconstruction.

Robert 🙏🙏

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Again, I’ll say or remind folks that the natural order of things is change - and usually that means change or progress for something better - not trying to hold back the hands of time or in some instances, trying to turn the clock back to days long gone by[e]! Think of the definitions, the context, the meanings and perceptions of the words: conservative, moderate, liberal [progressive] … with the passage of time, most things generally improve and make our lives’ better and/or easier and we have to learn to change with the changing times. However, we have those among us who are either afraid of change or are just too lazy or stubborn and prefer to resist change. Of course all change may not always or necessarily be good, but it is inevitable and we will or must have to adapt to live with and/or control, manage it!

It seems that the political party that one would think should [have been] be trying to conserve things like clean air, clean water, undisturbed areas of forests and wildlife, reluctant to accept the realities of climate change, has been the party that has failed or that has been recalcitrant to live up to that conservative label in these areas.

Just a small reminder of “Houston, we have a problem”. Remember, it was Ronald Reagan, before he ever likely thought of running for president of the United States who was widely known for saying: “progress is our most important product”.

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If you really want to bookend these two lineages, put Roosevelt /Truman after Kennedy and Hoover after Eisenhower. Literally the high and low points of the 20th century. So far we have the low of the 21st century courtesy of Trump...not sure that it can get worse. I hesitate to say Obama was the high point with 3/4 of the 21st century yet to go.

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Terry, I have discovered through hard experience that one should NEVER, EVER say

"it can't get worse" for it surely seems to tempt fate to prove one dead wrong. It can ALWAYS get worse! We are spared to some degree in the Orange One by the blindness of his all too apparent narcissism and his reliable tendency to accuse others of precisely what he has on his own mind in an explicit form of projection. Were we to be confronted by someone brighter, with better education and less blinded by his own narcissism, we would likely have an even worse nightmare in someone we couldn't so easily recognize until it was too late. The Bill Barrs and Mitch McConnels of our political world come to mind.

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LBJ gave us what I like to call LBJcare, more commonly known as Medicare. That's also major.

Nixon actually gave us the EPA, and he tried to give us a population policy, whch would have done us a lot of good, as we're way overpopulated now. Unfortunately, the Catholic Church let him know that they would prevent his re-election if he went ahead with that. So our population grew from a little over 200 million when he was elected to the current 335 million.) We are using up groundwater, threatening our agricultural production, at a time when we've recently learned the importance of keeping critical supply chains in house.


And propublica recently projected that MILLIONS of Americans will be climate refugees within the next several decades


Nonetheless, US immigration policy will add nearly 80 million to the population over th e next four decades, according to the Census Bureau, equivalent to four New York States.

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Eisenhower was indeed, a very competent and thoughtful president who accomplished some very good things for the nation.

But let's not forget that it was Eisenhower who approved two apparently innocuous but very telling alterations to our national lives - the addition of 'under God' to the pledge of allegiance, and the addition of "In God We Trust' to our paper currency.

Both were the fruition of attempts by members of the business community in order to align capitalism with Christianity, and thus be in contrast with godless communism. We can still hear the echoes of this success in the three right wing buzz words so commonly applied to the Democratic Party ; socialism, communism, and Marxism.

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I'm late to the party today... Annabel, it goes back more than a century. Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover can be added to that list.

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No fan of Nixon, but the EPA and his revenue sharing with the states were good things, otherwise, he was a crook and caused a lot of dead Americans due to his undermining of the U.S. getting out of Vietnam. Johnson knew about his actions and was livid. However, nothing was done due to "politics".

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I agree with you Annabel; it has been all downhill for the GOP since Ike.

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Unfortunately, it isn’t just a trend. Yes, I second Bob Lewis. Read Project 2025. Leonard Leo and other wealthy radical conservatives are behind this project. It is well thought-out and planned. Trump is just the puppet to carry out this takeover.

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Eisenhower gave us the framework for an Interstate Highway System, which was not implemented under a judicious use of the "Rule of Law". Eminent domain in particular was used as a tool for social engineering to transfer wealth from middle class nonwhite people and was upheld by the "Rule of Law". To this day our cities still suffer from the bad effects of this program.

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Horrific stuff, and truly the end of American democracy should he squeeze through the electoral college.

College protestors please take note… in addition to having your hearts in the right places with innocent lives being lost, there is plenty of outrageous cruelty in the works right here in the U.S. We haven’t seen anything yet, but we can prevent the worst with your help.

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Ryan, if you live in TX or AZ and you need an abortion or assistance with a miscarriage, you’ve already seen some terrible things.

Or if you’re an asylum seeker who arrived during the trump administration, and your child was taken away from you upon arrival, you’ve already seen some terrible things.

Or if you have a loved one who died during covid due to lack of protections because of the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation, you’ve already seen some terrible things.

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Not that the POT cares, but ALL of the states with virtually total abortion bans, have lost 20% or more of their OB/GYNS. (Sorry, I don't have the link).

After the Idaho SCOTUS case, MSNBC reported that 50% of the OB/GYNs that handle high risk pregnancies have left the state or retired. And 22% of all OB/GYNs in Idaho have done the same.

Women's health means nothing to the Party of Trump.

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I cannot "like" this post. It illustrates the war against women, especially independent women who get pregnant.

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The "Like" button is fraught. It does feel weird to Like some comments that are about Unlikable things. I'm "liking" Gary Loft's comment because he made an important point, and it's a good, informative reminder. (He made a good point about a bad thing.)

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Ruthie, most of the time I'm able to get there, but not with this one, for some reason.

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I normally see at least two dimensions of a post: the subject matter; and the way the writer discusses the subject matter. The subject matter is what it is, and there is usually not much we can do about it. What the person says about the subject is what is most interesting. It feels odd to "like" a carefully worded description about genocide, for example.

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Ruthie, I would add if you fell into homelessness or had a mental illness you would also know and have seen for decades some terrible things about how we treat "the other" in our current "enlightened" society, even with the good presidents.

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Ruthie, please send your letter to a national newspaper, the White House and everyone you know. I have long thought that the friends and relatives of the over one million who died of Covid plus friends and relatives of hospital worker eye witnesses would swing the election away from the manchild who made it political. You and John M have reminded me of even more horrors.

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Actually, I'm quite sure Ryan was saying "This is terrible enough, but we ain't seen nothing yet." And he's right.

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If these same kids fail to show up for Biden and allow Trump to destroy our country, they are well intentioned losers! Death toll in Gaza under 40,000 (including Hamas)-protests. Death toll in America, calculating avoidable Covid deaths caused by Trump's policies while in office, over 400,000-silence. Efficacy of divestment protests, virtually none! https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/why-divestment-doesnt-hurt-dirty-companies

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

Winston Churchill

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And why didn't the protesters show up to support Ukraine? Way more women and children have died in Ukraine than Gaza.

Putin has several hundred thousand Russians as well as dozens of his detractors. Trump calls Putin brilliant. He is a psychotic killer. No life other than his own is worth saving to Putin and Trump feels EXACTLY the same.

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"The best argument against authoritarianism is meeting an average politician."

- Anonymous

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Gary, you exactly identified the issue! Almost no one in America wants an authoritarian. What people want is someone who will do as THEY the voter wish and be authoritarian to those with whom they disagree. E.g. Would Biden gain or lose votes if he said ' I will be a dictator from day one. I will make it illegal to sell ICE cars within 5 years (like china did), illegal to burn coal within 5 years. I will round up extremist MAGAs and prosecute them. I will issue an executive order than big corporations that pollute eggiously or rip off the public, the CEO will go to jail. I will immediately arrest the CEOs of big oil companies for denying climate change and gouging the public. All MAGA judges like Aileen Cannon, Clarence Thomas, Alito will be impeached. Verdict? How much support does a progressive dictator lose from progressives? Our constitution provides that 'no one gets what they want, but they get what they need'. MAGAs are piggies who refuse to share.

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But MAGAts are driving the narrative with the carnival barker leading the parade. MSM just reports both sides with zip investigation of facts

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Nahh Jeri, I think even the MSM has begun to see the value, if not the wisdom, of beginning to call the MAGAts on their fantasy world. I would offer the Time article leading off HCR's column as evidence of this gradual movement back to fact-based reporting along with several sources trying to alarm us by getting into the weeds of the 2025 plan.

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Too little, too late, JohnM.

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Not enough to be noticeable.

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I’ll dream and hope but the train has been zooming along while the MSM has been the pony express.

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With total Presidential immunity, impeachment is unnecessary.

Biden could remove the six SCOTUS Republicans without the troublesome impeachment process if SCOTUS rules the President has immunity from all laws when he is acting in an official capacity.

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I really don't think that the MAGAts have thought that part through.

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Could he?? Or is impeachment the only vehicle to remove a Supreme Court Justice??

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I think the point here is that if SCOTUS declares that the President has immunity, then the law of the land no longer applies to the President. It's like the old joke in chemistry class, about the main problem with a "universal solvent" -- even if you could create such a thing, there would be no way to contain it. If the President can enjoy legal immunity, there would be only one way to contain him/her.

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Biden and the Left are not advocating any of the hypotheticals you outlined above, whereas DT and the MAGAs really do have plans to gut our civil service, ham-string our independent judiciary, and create a system of concentration camps larger than that of NAZI Germany. Both-sides-ism, even hypothetical both-sides-ism, just doesn't cut the intellectual mustard, and is a waste of time.

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Thanks for the link, 100P. Very good information about divestment.

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I think Lenin reached the same conclusion.

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Where’s the outrage for Ukraine?

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Where’s the outrage for Ukrainian?

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He knew us, sad to say.

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I'm uncomfortable with the level of kid-blaming. I've been reading that 44% of protesters arrested aren't even students.

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As bad as the Gaza thing is, you are correct…the outrage and issue on the campus’ needs to be about Trumps bid to lead this country.. Gaza will be a garden party if Trump prevails in America..

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The college protestors really piss me off. If they were protesting Netanyahu, I would join them. They are supporting Hamas, likely with agitators from God-knows where and turning it into “bash Joe” rallies. Look beyond your nose, young people. Chump will love Bibi and you will have helped him.

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From the limited exposure I have had to them I think that many college-educated young people are painfully aware of the extant cruelty in the US.

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Not where I am

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SCOTUS should never have touched the immunity case of Presidents. Of course, they did it to delay the two Federal cases against Trump, but the consequence could be that they become irrelevant if Trump decides to ignore their decisions as well as the states.

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Ryan, true, college protestors should take note of what is going on right here as well. The overall problem is, IMO, systemic: we haven't and we aren't doing the job of teaching critical thinking skills in our schools, junior high through college, and our courses on history and government need to be rewritten, in part, to compare and contrast the democratic process vs. the autocratic rule. I would venture to say that those who support Trump and the MAGA/KKK plan are ignorant of the likely consequences, in terms of their individual rights and what happens to them economically.

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The repubs have realized their goals for “education.”

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Not all the way. Project 2025 goal is to privatize education, suffering the Department of Education. Homeschool for the poor. Elite schools for the wealthy. Buhbye quality education for the middle class. Buhbye equality. The divide grows.

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Dr. Ryan, you are absolutely right. If these protesters refuse to vote for Biden, things will get much, much worse.

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So important for these students to understand. But they are blocking out everything, that is scary too.

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It appears that Time magazine and Eric Cortellessa have this week sounded the alarm for American democracy. I will never understand why we had to wait so long for mainstream media to expose this truth, but I am extremely grateful that they have stepped up with the list of incontrovertible facts supporting their claims.

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Pam, it's also worth noting 'and spreading the word' that Time Magazine online went paywall free June 1, 2023. Many here may not consider that a big thing, but it is a very big deal, especially as an affordable source of credible facts in evidence for all of those which includes myself and my household, who fall far below middle class income with little discretionary income beyond bare needs. That's where an awful lot of votes and anger are at; they desperately need accurate information in this age of too much information and wherein baseless falsehoods and all the bs is free, but truths are too expensive. jmho folks ~

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Thanks, D4N, for pointing out that baseless falsehoods are free while truths are too expensive. I never thought of it that way before.

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Walter was free, boring, and informative like news was back then. Then Rupert dressed it up in costumes, added script writers (for those alternative facts), and made it entertaining and money-making. Walter was gone, Dan was targeted, as was Bill Moyers and others, and Bill O’Riley was the voice of fair and balanced. The news circus was in full swing. it took a while, as some anchors slobbered over Reagan’s “communication skill,” but the fix was in.

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Thank you for this truth, Jeri.

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Chris Wallace ruefully blamed his father, Mike Wallace, for showing that you could make money off news. That and the demise of the requirement of balance for the free use of public airwaves set us on this path.

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I blame Chris Wallace for giving legitimacy to Fox. Mike was no sell out

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I have been gobsmacked at every step by the gall of so many. The cabal has grown

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Another truth - or two. Thanks, again, Jeri.

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Roger Ailes was the architect of the Fox of today. He was a Nixon staffer and felt Nixon got a raw deal from the MSM.

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Indeed he was, he and Rupert were the evil brains behind the while shebang. At least he didn’t have a tattoo of Nixon’s face on his back. Boy, have we all paid for Roger Stone’s anger over Nixon’s fall.

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Spot on Jeri. That's precisely as I've observed and concluded on all counts you mention here. To expound lightly on one of those points, Dan 'was' targeted, and recognized the subtle and not so subtle assaults on his honor, and walked away from CBS.

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Yes, after Moonves made him persona non grata. I’ve always thought it was Rove who targeted him. But there were/are so many dirty tricksters on Repub rosters. It was just like the stuff he did in Texas in 1994. Maybe someday a squealer will emerge and brag.

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I'd also share with you and others who notice the "bread crumbs" I drop here now and again, that I've personally followed Dan Rather for even longer than I've followed HCR, even to Substack; His page there is fittingly called "Steady." The most recent article falls in line with my current endorsement of "Time Magazine's" paywall elimination. For those who can afford it, or not,

See >> https://steady.substack.com/p/why-did-trump-do-the-time-interview/comments

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I'm sure we won't learn it from Dan; Too much honor and dignity, and I would guess an NDA of some sort is involved. I'm sure it will come out, but likely after we all lose this great man who has persevered non the less. It's all not an unfamiliar playbook of the far right. Consider other "truth tellers" silenced. Immediately the "Dixie Chicks" and their Natalie Maines comes to my mind. In March 2003 live, onstage at a concert in London, she casually with a smile commented that she was against the impending Iraq war and ashamed along with others that the U.S. president was from Texas (G.W. Bush, the junior - Maines herself from west Texas). Far right backlash was swift, cruel, and punishing for her and the band, eventually turning even Nashville against them. See > https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/natalie-maines-a-dixie-chick-declares-war-on-nashville-182410/



The far right is not a 'newbie' at censorship. Peculiar fact also, that honorable, steady Dan Rather is a native Texan also.

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Morning, Lynell! That is in fact a good way to look at it. Thanks, D4N!

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Catch you tomorrow, Ally!

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But it’s so much easier to turn on Fox. My bros can’t be bothered to read, although they did master the skill. So glad there are those who still go to the trouble. Now if Rupert were to broadcast the interviews…

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I may need to buy a subscription to support their effort.

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For what it's worth, I'd put you in my personal "Hall of Fame", etc., if you and others did just that Cameron. I'm very cautious in this day and age we find ourselves in, to recommend. I felt and feel that I need to 'vet' recommendations very carefully, which I've done, past and present. I even did that with our dear doctor HCR for an awful long time before endorsing her in ways that I know made a huge difference for her. I started following her silently and for free at FB from day one of her writing, eventually 'coming out' so to speak, then following her to Substack, where I do so hope to always be her humble student for as long as I breathe air.

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Affordable source of credible facts, WOW. I’m in

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Steven Miller as head of Homeland Security ( neo gestapo!)

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Egads.. That's a horrible thought Ted.

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May 1Edited

& Rick Grennel has Sec of State. Kash Patel as Sec Def.

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I heard Steve Bannon tell Kash Patel the other day that Patel would be head of the CIA.

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Rick Grennell

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Ugh. I can't bring myself to "like" this.

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Pam. - Half of American adults read at a 6th grade level or below.

Even Trump's words would be a challenge for them to understand in print.

When HCR's newsletter became available a short while ago, how many of her dedicated daily readers switched to the oral version? I don't know the answer, but hopefully she found a new audience when she did that.

I was wondering this morning if it would be worth it to advertise her newsletter as well as Substack in the local papers. Of course, Professor Richardson would need to approve this.

Ken Burns mentioned when he was moderating a session with Heather in New Orleans, that "he wakes up with Heather every morning." Of course he clarified that he read her newsletter every day.

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Interesting thought, Gary. I don't know how Dr. Richardson would view this. My sense is that her following has grown through word of mouth.

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Pam. Substack has benefited so much from Professor Richardson's newsletter. One would think they would advertise on YouTube or in the major newspapers.

She has done incredibly well through word of mouth and her books have also helped her bring in subscribers. Joyce Vance, Tom Hartmann and Robert Reich among others have also helped her as she has helped them.

I just wonder how many subscribers she has here in Maine and in other states.

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It's a very big deal. I hope they make it one.

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But will it matter in the cacophony of propaganda from everywhere one turns.

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The Atlantic Jan/Feb edition is an entire issue that presented the problem. TIME confirms all those articles.

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The Atlantic has a paywall.

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yes, it does. I bought the magazine.

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Follow the Atlantic writers. They all give really good interviews that can be viewed on YouTube. Christine Amonpour and Walter Iasacson do a great job.

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Really good interview here with the editor of the Atlantic and Chief Geoffrey Goldberg by Christine Amonpour & Company


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Thanks. I have 2 copies of the edition. One is noted up.

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How a country that suffered a depression and two fronts of a World War could be in this position is unfathomable. We are in a cold Civil War and we need to be on the front lines in terms of the press, (especially you incredible Heather) the vote, and our voices.

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We know what dictatorships look like. We know of the horrors. What's the appeal?

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Deep-seated racism. It's why so many want or "like" Trump. And wanting easy solutions to complex, worldwide problems and issues. We need better news reporting, better education for many, and more compassion.

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Follow the money.

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JL, a couple of times now, reading in recent days the comments on HCR’s SubStack my thoughts have drifted to the movie Rosemary’s Baby and Rosemary exclaiming, having been surreptitiously drugged, becoming aware mid-rape by the devil of what is actually going down: “This is no dream, this is really happening!”. I kinda look at the whole Project 2025 like that….and we’d all better wake up FAST!!

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This is really happening…when will we get as agitated as the misguided youth

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Jeri, I have been so agitated by the whole thing for quite awhile….I commented to a friend how can I be chilled to the bone whilst simultaneously having my hair on fire?!!! Yeah, THAT agitated! Will tell anyone who will listen to me that this IS REAL. Although when I first read about it soon after it “dropped” I thought it was an Onion spoof…..until I dug deeper and felt the dread in the pit of my stomach…uh oh, this is a concerted movement backed by serious BIG money & it’s going to take all of us democracy-freedom lovers to push back, hard, against this “coup”. I may be old, but still have some spit & vinegar to wage a resistance!!

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Barbara, Aye and there's the real source of your (and our) consternation, the big money hidden behind most of the buffoons we see on the political scene. Since Citizens United poured gasoline on the fire lit and sustained by big business, especially the big businesses based on fossil fuels and depleting earth's natural resources, the "progressives" and "liberals" among our population have been submerged in and endless spewing of propaganda supporting their income or denying the reality of their profoundly negative effects on our earth. This is what the balancing act looks like between the engines of capitalism and government "of the people, by the people and FOR THE PEOPLE."

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Big money grinds everything. Dems need some to fight back.

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John Citizens United is one SCOTUS decision I WISH they’d overturn, because it thwarts one of the founding principles of our country (tho the meaning has morphed over time): “All men are created equal”. Now our voice$, our $ay in our governance has become unequal.

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Been in that pergatory between heaven and hell for a long while. I get my hopes up, then dashed, over and over. Now it seems like we are the lobster in the warming pot. Time to jump out and marinate in the spit and vinegar to prepare for the fight of our lives.

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Apt analogy, Barbara.

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Redemption from the grievance for the aggrieved.

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This interview is all the proof necessary to know that - regardless of the "election" in November, Trump and the MAGAt fascist revolutionaries cannot be allowed anywhere near the White House. The Constitution is not a suicide pact. We are not called on to peacefully say "You win" to people dedicated to the destruction of the constitutional democratic republic founded on the Constitution.

Trump himself is in desperate need of "termination... with extreme prejudice." He's nothing but a traitor, for which the ancient punishment of hanged, drawn and quartered in public would be appropriate.

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I think he will be convicted in New York, probably a little jail time. If Fani had avoided the 'odor of mendacity' and not been playing 'booty call' with employee, that conviction might also have transpired and resulted in significant jail time prior to November. 'Little Marco' Rubio and 'Sick Rick' Scott are responsible for pushing along Aileen 'Loose' Cannon, any other judge would have pushed that relatively simple case to trial by now, resulting in for sure a conviction. Really a total 'clown show' ala Weimar Republic. "When you strike at a king, you must kill him." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Panthers, I feel like that whole 'odor of mendacity' affair is a nothing burger, personally. If Clarence Thomas not being recused for the same "odor" owing to his far right spouse Ginny's well publicized actions, could it not be argued that a lowly local prosecutor is merely following examples set ?

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No! Each lawyer, whether a judge, plaintiff, defense or government lawyer, has sworn to follow the law, period! There is no 'others do it' defense to illegal unethical actions! E.g. High ranking lawyers and White House and DOJ lawyers violated the law with the approval of the President. That is not carte blanche to do the same. Instead the legal proceedings of disbarment and indictment are the slow but eventual remedies, as we have seen with Trump's 'lawyers'. As for Clarence Thomas, I agree his conduct is unethical. If Dems get a nice margin in Senate, we could see impeachment. 'Hit the Road Jack, don't come back' drive your $250,000 gifted camper to a campground and stay there! BUT Fani Willis is soooo stupid! Everyone could smell she was shacking up with her employee. All she had to do was say 'yeah, we dated for a while, office romance is acceptable and common', next question. As Nixon learned, 'the cover up is worse than the crime'.

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They cannot be allowed anywhere near Congress, either.

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So true. They shouldn't be allowed out of confinement.

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The cheating has started already. I will never believe it if chump “wins.” They are trying every dirty trick that has ever been tried and will stop at nothing. Hardball, Dems. (Not more effing emails.)

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Researching election history - it seems that it always conservatives that complain of cheating. Always.

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Always on the offense, I so enjoyed the few years I lived with the Dem agenda, although there was plenty of chaos, most caused by the Repub rabble-rousers…and their reaction to …everything

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Particularly if the popular vote is overwhelming.. we need to end this system of elections

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Good luck with that. Repubs have been busy. Look at election “integrity” laws passed.

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The plain fact is that Trump is insane, mentally deranged. Who will move to see him carried to a mental hospital?

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Not just the WH, but we must be campaigning to get the current GOP members out of every level. ALL OF THEM.

Look around at what the state level GOP elected reps are doing as proof. It is the entire leadership at every level. Hear any of them condemn P25? The dictator intentions?


I wrote Grassley and Ernst about this and guess what they wrote back? ........NOTHING. If there is no condemnation, then there is agreement.

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This is why we need trump and the republicans to win in November. Peaceful transfer of power - or is that only a thing when the dems win the election. Typical double standard from democrats who doesn’t understand the first amendment, DEI and freedom of thought - seriously

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We need Trump to win? Don’t you see the consequences? Have you lost your mind?

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Whoa, Jenny, are you a Thinking person?

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For the love of G-d...........stop drinking the Kool-aid.

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Shove your head back up your ass, dumb cunt.

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Whoa, TC! Be careful with your language! You’ve decided to go low when you’re usually erudite and thoughtful (with the occasional violent ideations, I might add.)

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Watching what passes for the "news" - with people continuing to be stupid enough to think this Threat to the Republic is "just another politician" can do that.

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Please, in deference to us women here.

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TC, I’ve been an admirer of your writings including many of your comments and your masterful essay, "The Wind has Changed." It's because I admire you that I'm particularly dismayed about your word choice here. Please don’t promote the use of this sexist slur.

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Guess it was all those dems rushing the capital when DJT got inaugurated in 2017......

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I want to take a moment to commend Dr Richardson for reshaping the way I read the news, and I want to show support for her style of writing.

Today, on her Politics Chat, Heather once again talked about the conflict in the Middle East, and how with every news story, she gets such hate mail from people representing both sides of the war. While they are passionate, commenters shoot over-the-top displays of hatred aimed at “the messenger” instead of those who can affect the narrative. With no vested religious or cultural ties to the conflict in Gaza, I can appreciate the importance of an impartial voice to report facts, and how it affects America’s safety and standing in the world.

Thanks, Dr Richardson, and please don’t be deterred by the haters. They want to scare you into stopping your letters, and we need them to save our democracy.

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"Don’t you see why many Americans see such talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles?” Cortellessa wrote. Trump said, 'I think a lot of people like it.'” Tragically, Trump's assertion is accurate.

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His people, Joanna, HIS people. These are the ones who whisper in his ear, like Stephen Miller and Bannon. Most of us simply do not relate to the Don nor to his ilk.

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Yes, but there are a lot of HIS people . . . and they vote. Approximately 74 million voted for him in 2020, which is a bit more than Miller and Bannon.

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Don’t fall into the Strongman/Authoritarian trap. They fill the air waves with garbage and you feel overwhelmed and you want to give up. That’s what Strongmen like Trump want you to do.

Trump followers are not in the majority. But they will be the majority to vote if everyone gives up and stays home. I remind myself of that frequently.

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That's why we need to remind the people of the MAGA's threat to abortion access, social security, Medicare, taxation, closing the border, a free press, and a nonpartisan judiciary.

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But they are real, stupid, ignorant, and righteous. A damn dangerous combo

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Yes. Upwards of 74 million of them, which includes a majority of white Americans.

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No, not anymore. Don’t forget he murdered 1+ million with the Covid debacle!

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And let's not forget the growing base of Biden Republicans and Never Trumpers.

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The COVID deaths included both Republican and Democratic voters, albeit a significantly greater number of the former. Our extended family alone lost three Trump voters to COVID. All three had refused to be vaccinated, although the eldest of them had underlying conditions that ultimately led to his demise. Normal mortality rates among voters of my generation will also shrink the Republican base by Nov 24.

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💔 Everyone is entitled to their opinions/beliefs, but this is sad nonetheless.

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Yes there are and they will win in November and we will see if the democrats can stand by while power is transferred

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You seem to forget that their "insurrection" failed and a democrat peacefully took office. We democrats will follow the rule of law and should Trump somehow succeed we will bide our time and build grass roots consensus starting in the state houses just like they did. We are not traitors to the constitution.

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What'd I miss? My memory is there was a peaceful transfer of power in 2017 when a Democrat lost to a Republican; and it was only in 2021 when a Republican lost to a Democrat that that 248-year-old (+ or -) tradition of peaceful transfer of power was broken.

Thanks, Robert!

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He will never be my president. Once was one too many

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Jenny K--I'm wondering what--if anything--it would take for Dems to take effective collective action instead of "standing by." Dems aren't crazy cultist True Believers, who are galvanized by hate. Too many Dems prefer self-righteously sacrificing the "possible," in order to manifest Don Quixote sword-waving at the illusory windmills of "perfect." They don't know how to unify to take positive, practical, action. What was good about Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, and Barbara Lee--all outstanding candidates--running against each other? In the upcoming Las Vegas primary election, we have 2 popular, outstanding Democrats competing with each other to be the mayoral candidate.

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Dems have pissed me off with shooting themselves in the foot. But evil is a Repub thing.

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Jeri Chilcutt: So true that ". . . evil is a Repub thing."

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May 1
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I am sorry…you’re right! However, he is facing 4 criminal trials that he didn’t have before. No matter what the news pundits say, those numbers will not he the same. In 2020, nearly 351,000 died of Covid.

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They like the idea, not necessarily the consequences, which they have not thought through.

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“I ask him, Don’t you see why many Americans see such talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles?” Cortellessa wrote. No, Trump said. “‘I think a lot of people like it.”

Could it be Trump said something that is true? But surely not a majority, or, I would hope, even close. Trump is openly advocating ending the republic. Republican (in any meaningful sense)? Not even close.

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Watch the Washington state R’s gov convention in Spokane. Some crazy talk the other night. R’s are way more whacko than the country realizes. Whacko like Waco.

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Disturbingly whacko on first glance.

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J L: And 2nd and 3rd glance . . .

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Ted: RE "R's are way more whacko than the country realizes . . .": Yup.

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Chump idiocy has metastasized

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It's always a mystery why so many people worship sociopathic despots.

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It’s not a mystery to me. They are desperate to preserve their systemic advantages as white Americans. They are happy to sacrifice democracy to accomplish that goal.

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I'm not sure they perceive a systematic advantage. To do so, they would have to be "woke." I think it's more like a feeling that "the system" is now working to their disadvantage. Which it is, thanks to the people they have been electing for the last 40+ years. "Guys like us, we had it made. Those were the days." For the boomer generation. Nostalgia for the times when we were younger, healthier, and more hopeful for our own prospects. Otherwise, as Click and Clack used to joke, "unencumbered by the thought process."

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James M. Coyle: True the lower middle class Archies and Ediths, who don't have a clue, feel as if the system is finally working for them. It's like they have a shiny new hammer to punch holes in their life boats. Truly "unencumbered by the thought process." Not sure what your Baby Boomer reference means. The first wave of BBs doesn't have anything to be nostalgic about other than Motown. We were busy fighting for civil rights and women's rights, and against Vietnam.

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Archie and Edith were from the "greatest generation." They're almost all gone now. Our generation has replaced them and forms the greater part of the Trumpian base. We're on our way out as well (I, too, am from that first wave). But I hope to last long enough to vote blue in many elections to come.

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James M. Coyle: What is your source for stating that Baby Boomers form the "greater part of the Trumpian base"?

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Rex Page: So true for the wealthy right-wingers. . .

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The don’t want to think or have to make moral choices. They want someone to decide for them, and if/when it involves hating on the same folks whom they feel threatened by, so much the better.

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Susan, they have been groomed for years to do what the white man in front of the church tells them to do, and it is gravy (and no surprise whatsoever) that it involves hating the same folks they hate because (drumroll) they have been so "carefully taught."

I think I'm channeling Mike S. this week. I miss him.

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J L: Wonder what Margaret Mead would have thought--

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So long since I read her. Certainly our dedication to self-serving despots is deep in the workings of human psychology and sociology. I think it has something to do with favoring sociopathic punishment as opposed to serving human needs as the primary way of establishing social and family order. I think both tend to be self-perpetuating. Certainly the PTSD of the former seems to be, and the latter is a lot more work.

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J L Graham: Yup. He said something true. Might not need a "majority" as long as gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the Electoral College favor him. Acultamuricans don't even know what a Republic is. All they care about is following the orders of their Mess-iah.

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JL, what I see in my world is that many of the self-identified MAGAts want, with all their flinty hearts, exactly what is being proposed, with no clue in the world how badly impacted they will be along with the rest of us.

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I can remember when Bush was elected in 2000, we thought about emigrating to NZ! Never n a thousand years would I have thought that I would be looking at someone like Trump as a SECOND TERM PRESIDENT!!! America, wake up!!!

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I was not one to shout out that I was leaving the country in the past decades. I mentioned it, but not so seriously. I feel much different now. I've been keeping a close analysis of my funds, and if it comes to it, then I am prepared to do what must be done. I know it will not be easy, but compared to the contrary, perhaps a life-saving choice. I fall into some categories of what will be endangered people, although mostly only if I announce it loudly. I am hoping to make sure we keep Biden in the WH this November.

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We’ll be on the lengthy enemies list

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I've been wondering if it would be wise to scrub our online presence, and return under a new guise.

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Too late I fear, glad to be old.

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Yes, too late, long since. I worry more about anyone who could be connected to me, extended family, etc. The fascist mentality knows no bounds. Mom and Dad met in college after the war, both on GI Bill. I arrived early June '48. Mom missed her graduation, was in labor with me. I have a clear memory of hearing a story on the news about the French war in Indochina, probably '52, and asking Mom if I would have to be in that war. I think she said 'probably not'. Turned out I was in that war, American version. The Vietnamese people refer to that war as "The American War". Growing up I read a lot about the Nazis and the holocaust. It boggles the mind to think that there are people out there who seem to look forward gleefully to recreating the holocaust. If I live as long as my Mom I'll have another 21 years. I'd like to live to the century mark, or even longer. I had my annual wellness checkup a couple days ago. Doc said I'm in very good health. Maybe there will be a miracle and the magats will get religion, the old fashioned kind, before the days of the prosperity gospel, etc. I still have hope.

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I'm afraid the religion of the magats is green. Has been for a long time. I denied it even after chump's horrible four years. When the Joe denigration started (or continued), I felt that we had truly lost our way.

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NZ is lovely! I've lived there and highly recommend it.

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Talia, I’ve longed since the late 60’s to visit/live there—knew someone who, from the US, taught math there at a grade school & my grandmother traveled there & sang its praises too. Picked up a couple of hitchhikers from NZ (again in the late 60’s) and brought them to my (then) husband’s parent’s home and hosted them for a couple of days. They shared a lot about NZ & invited us to come visit them in a reciprocal way….if only we, as low income students, could have afforded it!! I have long wondered “what if”… if I was able to relocate there….but then I was/am close to my family and can’t imagine them being 1/2 a world away….a conundrum indeed.

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May 1Edited

Love NZ, and have friends there ! (I've not personally been there yet, but it's on my bucket list, having had so much info from friends).

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Clearly touched a nerve with my comment about fleeing the country for pastures more stable and liberal! We just got back from walking the Queen Charlotte track in Marlborough Sounds (delightful!) and would highly recommend. We are Brits living in SD but have family in NZ, Spain and England and Scotland and everyone we talk to is gob-smacked that Trump was elected the first time and they are terrified that he might be elected again! Can’t let that happen, folks-and I daily give thanks for Heather and all like-minded souls!

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Your observation that folks in other countries are terrified of the possible second djt term triggered a question in my mind. Given that djt is getting help from foreign actors, why couldn’t these terrified folks help Dems? Create an anti-propaganda machine to counteract the pain coming at us from foreign dictators? The 2024 election will impact the entire world, so maybe Dems could get a boost from democracy loving people everywhere.

Too naive?

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Thank you, Heather, for the history lesson of how, in the last 60 years, we’ve gone from the type of Eisenhower Republican to a party willing to vote for a man who would be king. Luckily, many of us have awakened to find that , while we were complacent, one party has attacked our democracy and is perfectly willing (or excited) to vote for a despotic would-be autocrat.

The good thing is that a goodly number of us have stopped sleep walking and are willing to do the work to preserve our democracy because, as President Biden said, “… we must be its keepers”.

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Self-determination is participatory or it's not self-determination. No?

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Mary, it occurs to me that Eisenhower came about as close to being a king as one can become in a republic first rising through the ranks of the army to become Supreme Allied Commander and then President; the big difference was that he was a king with a conscience and a concern first for his troops and then for the civilians who made up the general (the General's?) population. Subsequent efforts by Republican candidates to run for office and govern when successful seem to have been largely captured (co-opted?) by the Big Money of capitalism.

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JohnM, I don’t think that Eisenhower saw himself as above the law. He used the postwar taxes to shore up infrastructure instead of looking out for the richest Americans. Back then, the top incremental tax rate was 90%!

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...hence "king with a conscience." 🤗

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JohnM, Not a king—not above the law.

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Exactly so Mary. He stayed within the bounds of the law! Not quite conscience, perhaps, but certainly unlike his vice president (BAD choice). I think no single person ever wielded more direct power as Supreme Allied Commander nor more power and influence as president than Ike. Even other great generals like MacArthur tended to lose their bearings and boundaries (conscience?) when given the vast amounts of power we gave our generals during the war.

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I’d read Podhorzer’s piece earlier this morning and highly recommend the typical 20-minute-read. I’ll pick this up in the morning, HRC, because I need to sleep. This is simply horrifying but unsurprising.

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I read the Time article this morning. I can't believe there are still people that won't see it.

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They see it, and they like it. White Christofascists.

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Agreed, Rex. It is what they so desperately want.

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A bit of good news. The Gateway Pundit has declared bankruptcy.

For those who haven't heard of it, think of a moderately influential right wing publication that by comparison makes Fox seem rational.

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Eric Cortolessa's piece verifies the worst fears people have about Project 25. Imagine this: Clarence Thomas, thrown under the bus, and replaced by Byron Donalds, or Shelby Steele; Samuel Alito, forcibly retired and replaced by Charlie Kirk-or Eric Trump.

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Thank you Professor Richardson, for an overview of history, and the forward-looking report of what a second Trump crime wave would accomplish.

I'm in the midst now of a review of the 900+ pages of Project 2025 and I intend to publish my findings in a style that uses humor and snark to make the information digestible (to the extent it can be deemed such). The Heritage Foundation is proud that 60% or more of their original "Mandate", produced after the Powell Memo has been implemented beginning with the Reagan Administration. Their detailed plan led to extreme wealth inequality (which is antithetical to any attempt at meaningful democracy), the rise of many Heritage-like "Think" tanks -which serve as nothing more than well-paid propaganda production entities -while their propaganda is then pushed through massive distribution through entities such as Rupert Murdoch's Fox "News" in a consolidated media landscape. The additional benefits such as the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine and the SCOTUS decision on Citizens United have also had a significant impact in the erosion of the American experiment. To be clear, Trump doesn't matter -any GOP member who rises to the Executive Branch -with the help of extremists in Congress and a corrupt Supreme Court will finish the job started by Nixon and Reagan.

As I've said many times, any meaningful form of democracy requires an educated, informed, and engaged society. The obscenely wealthy and their GOP shills in America have continued to assail all three pillars for multiple generations. It is remarkable that we've lasted this long in spite of the money and power expended to quash the thought of a democratic society.

There must be a comprehensive response to the original "Mandate" and the Powell Memo, not to create an unjust liberal political machine, however to hold all those extremists to account -whether they are behind the scenes flowing money to undermine the system like Robert Mercer, Koch, Barre Seid, the DeVos/Prince family, those in Congress (or State/local government) such as those who continue to conspire in election subversion, and the ethically challenged like 'Justice' Thomas. We must recognize what has transpired for multiple generations as an attack and those who attacked the system must be indicted and subjected to the very system they've undermined -including wealth forfeiture -returned to the society from all they defrauded for years.

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George, I posted up/down (?) thread the site https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/ as a resource for those seeking to thwart this movement….the more the merrier…let’s nip this in the bud!!!!

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Thank you Barbara.

Nipping in the bud might just be the understatement of 2025! -Drowned in the bathtub, a wooden stake through its heart, incinerated, and ashes sent with Elon Musk on a one-narcissist one-way trip to the nether regions of space -that would be more appropriate.


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That’s a good one George!!!👍👍👍!!!!

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Very very true George!!!We need to stop them before it gets any worse than it is!!!

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I keep a flash drive on my computer labeled "no name." The only thing on it is the Powell memo. I read it every once in a while to remind myself what is at stake. August 23, 1971. Almost 53 years ago. I don't remember when I first became aware of it. I am surely aware of it now.

We have ample proof what a difference one man can make. Who would have believed that memo would deliver to us Donald J. Trump?

Our Great American Experiment is fragile, indeed. And we are among its guardians who, once more, must come to its rescue. We are not alone, of course, but it does sometimes feel like that, doesn't it?

I am grateful for Americans like Heather Cox Richardson, Eric Cortellessa, and many others who could be named here, who step up to the plate and dedicate their considerable talents to reminding us why we care and what our focus must be.

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I remember reading it the first time, and blew it off; You know, just another crackpot.

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