tide pools? fragile little (inverse) islands of life, surviving between high-tides. I love tidepools. You see this community of little creatures, coexisting cheek-by-jowl, managing to eke out an existence on what floats by, totally dependent on the "atmosphere" above and around them.

When will the tide come back in for us lovers of a rules-based society? A culture war in Tennessee is like a burning house down the block. Kentucky sounds like a foreign country. Here's hoping the tide is turning, heading back to renew us again, washing that hatred out to sea.

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After such an exhausting ‘boots on the ground’ slog through the muck of Republican hi jinks and the helmsmanship of Skipper Biden, Heather has richly earned a ‘boots off the ground’ break, before returning as our North Star on the soul of the United States.

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Thanks HCR. One of the many things you teach is to pause, to rest, to enjoy. Best.

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I'm always pleased when you give yourselves a little break.

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Heather, once again you show us the importance to stop, relax, enjoy the beauty that’s all around us. This is a beautiful picture.

With that said, now I’ll say what I think of when I look at this.

The two tide pools. I’m depicting them as TFG’s two current court cases. Just sitting there currently in the works, just waiting on the incoming tide, the ocean to swell, roll in and consume the entire beach.

The ocean. This depicts all the other investigative cases currently ongoing against TFG and his minions. Very soon, they will swell, overtake the beach, and give the two other cases the final push to cross the finish line bringing guilty verdicts on all cases.

When the tide swells on the Georgia case, and the federal investigations into his being responsible for the January 6th attempted overthrow of our democracy, attempted coup, where 5 people lost their lives, and countless others permanently injured. Plus the investigation into the unauthorized removal of top secret, classified, documents from the National Archives. TFG is going to find himself consumed by the tide.

I want to take this opportunity to apologize to everyone. I just couldn’t pass up this analogy of such a beautiful picture. That said, I wish I was parallel on the beach in Maine overlooking the gorgeous ocean.

What a life! Sure beats living under a bridge!

Have a wonderful, relaxing, Sunday everyone!

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Just throwing this out because it is so joy-filled. I wish everyone a little elephant love ❤️🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7054196471897681923?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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It's always a worthy endeavor to say "Hello" to your Merrells 😎.

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The wonders of low tide. And on a stunning day.

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I am looking forward to visiting Maine one day. Enjoy the rest.

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Miz Professor: I don't know where you get your mental energy, but, PLEASE, take care of yourself. You make a difference in so many people's understanding of what's going on in our country and in the world.

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An amateur photographer myself, I found your self portrait delightful.

And more importantly, of course, your letters. While I sometimes get an ache in my stomach

When I read what you’ve uncovered, I am grateful for the truth that you report.

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Beautiful scenery, especially the part with your boots, that you are horizontal, relaxing. ENJOY!

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

Good shoes before tidal pools on a perfect day comprised the photograph to subscribers of Letters from an American on this early Sunday morning before sunrise. It is a beautiful beginning of the day, gifted by Heather Cox Richardson. Thank you for your masterful work all week, HCR, and for this visually memorable self-portrait today.

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Good morning and thank you. Have a great weekend!

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Ah, yes it is. Thank you💜

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