Merely dumping the cap could be done by repealing the law that set it. In practice, what might be needed is a new law that spells out some of the details. The basic idea could be that the population of the smallest state equals one representative, and all the others are proportional. Since that math will not work out as whole numbers, how are the partials handled. Given current realities, some forbidding of gerrymandering would be an appropriate add-on.
Hi Joan, how would dumping that cap be achieved? Through legislation? Anything we the people can do to enliven this issue?
Merely dumping the cap could be done by repealing the law that set it. In practice, what might be needed is a new law that spells out some of the details. The basic idea could be that the population of the smallest state equals one representative, and all the others are proportional. Since that math will not work out as whole numbers, how are the partials handled. Given current realities, some forbidding of gerrymandering would be an appropriate add-on.
Thank you, Joan!