On Thursday and Friday of last week, April 22 and 23, President Biden convened a virtual meeting of 40 world leaders to discuss addressing climate change.
I'm from Delaware and as a college student first voted for Joe Biden in 1972. Throughout 2020, my son (in his mid 30s) and I would debate about merits of the leading Democratic contenders for the nomination. My son supported Bernie and his progressive agenda, while I supported Biden. I thought that country needed a calm President who would help the nation settle down after four years of turmoil and chaos. I was expecting him to be much like a relief pitcher who is called into a game to stop the other team's rally and help his team catch its collective breath.
I think we have both been pleasantly surprised by the first 100 days of the Biden presidency. Biden has come across as more progressive than my son imagined (albeit not as progressive as his preferred candidates). As for me, Biden has not been sleepy Joe, a president whose main function would be to pour oil on troubled waters and allow us to recover from the Trump years; instead, he has shown himself to be his own man, not Obama 2.0, taking strides to help us beat the pandemic, restore the economy, help those in poverty, rebuild our infrastructure for the next generation, challenge us to deal meaningfully and effectively with climate change, etc.
His is not the agenda neither my son nor I expected to see from a 77-year old man. I hope his energy is contagious and helps us move this country forward. There is still much about the GOP members of Congress that scares me, but Joe Biden is giving my hope for the future.
Last Friday during his commentary Bill Maher said Joe Biden was a big disappointment to, wait for it, comedians. Those poor people did not get the material they expected to get. During the rest of the commentary, Maher pretty much echoed what Fran wrote above. There have been seven Presidents in my adult life. While a lot is going on in the world, I have never experienced a sense of calm and optimism at the start of an administration. The "100 Day" thing seemed like just a catch phrase after a while even though those other guys had the intention of making an impact during their "first 100 days". For the most part, Biden is seriously rocking it. Again, Biden was maybe my fifth choice for Democratic nominee. I have never been happier about being wrong. I was OK when he got the nomination, because I figured he would have competent people around him. Biden has made me feel guilty that my expectations were "tragically low". I just wanted Trump gone. We got Trump out of office plus many dollops of competence. Yeah for us😊😊😊
Me also. I wanted Bernie and when Biden got in I thought, oh here we go, business as usual with a do little fumbling moderate. But, BOY was I wrong! This man never ceases to amaze me. His energy and governance are mind boggling.
I forgot that incident. It's just getting better. I hope the abysmally hypocritical Republicans fall on their swords. They deserve it. Lyndsey needs to just turn into a greasy puddle.
I feel the same way, Sharon. I'm ashamed that my expectations were so low. While I share Bruce Sellers' concerns about the Republicans trying any trick in the book to regain control (we both live in Georgia, but my county is more liberal than his), I still believe that we can hold them at bay. We are the majority, and the turnout here in '20 was unprecedented, despite Covid's rampage and the postal service doing everything possible to disrupt absentee ballots. We have to remain vigilant, and hope that everyone but the Taylor Greenes and Failed 45s benefits enough from Biden's successes that they want four more years (including the midterms) of Democratic sanity.
I so agree with these comments. I campaigned my heart out for Elizabeth Warren. And I still love her. But Joe Biden has been a huge surprise for me. His is not the agenda I had hoped for either, but what he is doing, in the way he is, calms me and gives me hope.
Energy IS contagious. I said this exact phrase on the weekend to my soccer players. Boy I hope the independents and middle of the road GOP’ers see this and start acknowledging the good coming from this president. And infrastructure, for the love of Junior Mints, INFRASTRUCTURE. Can we all agree that our roads, bridges, tunnels, trains, subways, electrical grid are dated, unstable, unreliable, and NEED REPLACEMENT. Does anyone remember the WPA? I have family in Michigan and weekly I hear FIX THE DAMN ROADS. Well, unless the state wants to bear the burden ALONE (which means residents see a tax increase and more debt taken on by the state), they need complementary funds at the federal level. And unless an infrastructure bill gets passed, no funds will be passed and no roads will be fixed. This ISN’T complicated.
Michigan's Governor Whitmer got a chance to actally fix one of our roads, shovel and all. Great job! She requested a cooler full of Oberon beer for later.
Our LFAAers in Texas have suggested that the Great Texas Winter of 2021 will make a difference politically. Enough difference? We shall see. Let's listen to what they say down the road.
Hate to be a spoiler...all this well-earned praise for Biden is encouraging and feels great, but after reading all the paeans to Biden and the Democrats I can't help but feel we are in a giant echo-chamber here. It's okay to prop each other up after the previous years of doom & gloom from Big Orange You-Know-Who, and I get that. But, all I have to do is take a few steps outside my door and it's a different story. Around here, Joe Biden and Democrats are basically the Antichrist and his Satanic Hordes. Unless word, aka TRUTH, gets out and soon, we will get Republicans back in power again in the blink of an eye. They're already licking their chops down here at the prospect. I am encouraged that Biden & Co. are coming to GA the day after his address to Congress on the exact day 100 of his administration. Democrats owe a lot to our state in 2020 as we were part of their being able to have the slimmest of margins in Congress. We can't rest on our laurels, though. Republicans here are already chomping at the bit to "take Georgia back", and, as we've seen, they'll do it ANY way they can. Yes, Biden has pleasantly surprised me, but I still have this nagging feeling this can all be undone in a matter of months and it'll be back to the same-old-same-old. Maybe it's my Monday blahs...
Saw my first Trump 2024 sign in my sweet Red town Saturday, so I appreciate your cautions. Also know I need sounds of joy and fair they well from our band of hopefuls to keep me on my toes and celebrate at the same time. What we all must do is increase the size of the community who share the stories, sound bells, and make a joyful noise if for no other reason than that is terrifies the Reds. 😅
You are correct, I believe. So it means the "fight" must continue with no abatement. It's not impossible. We need to keep the momentum going - no sitting back.
I hear your concerns, and complacency is anyone's worst challenge. I think then the Democratic Party must continue working hard to 1) get out the vote despite challenges; 2) build a bigger tent to include labor, unskilled and skilled workers, trades, low-paying frontline workers; 3) connect with rural agrarian businesses and employees, conservationists, and preservationists; and 4) negotiate with GOP to create and sustain independent state boards of election and fair, independent districting.
You're right, Sam. The folks you mentioned are the ones who believed the Republican hype of trickle down economics, but if we raise them up to middle class where they belong, they will be powerful allies. It looks like it's begun and I hope "we" don't drop the ball.
Well a solid prosperous and improved reality may be the best counter to the propaganda and Q-lies, however 2 years is not much time to see the results from all the good he’s doing. Still say we have to figure out a better way to disrupt the propaganda people are being drowned in
Dems don’t see the evil manipulativeness in others, but for the Putin/Koch/GOP that’s their main reason for being. I’d like to think it’s normal to expect that others won’t try to manipulate minds by lying.
C'mon man! I agree that we have to keep fighting, and know that you could be correct, but we did it once, and can do it again - even in Georgia! We know who the real Antichrist and Satanic Hordes are.
I know! But given past experience, I fear complacency and apathy yet again could be our undoing in '22, extending into '24. People in this country can be lazy and tune out of anything political. My hope is we got enough folks riled up in '20 to realise what's at stake, that they'll still get off their butts and get involved once again. I also think Republicans' situation could be more dire than they're letting on. NOTHING is certain or a given in these times!
Hey Bruce, I hear you regarding complacency and inattention. So, it's a privilege to share grounds for optimism.
I believe that the 2020 elections saw a record amount of out-of-state donations all across the country, as Americans realized that their own fates depend on all of Congress. Progressive candidates drew support from all directions (so did GQP but tough luck for them). I donated repeatedly, total nearly $300, to your new senators, all with 100%-450% matching amounts through various PACS. Like a million others, I never did that before.
In sum, you are not striving alone, Bruce. We had your back and we'll do it again, with pleasure. Emphasis on We.
I'm hoping that Trump's four-year assault on this country will be enough to keep everyone with a brain engaged. You're correct, Bruce, that there are absolutely no givens. Your concerns are well founded.
Killing the filibuster is goal number one to reclaim the Senate for the American people. Next and close behind it are term limits and age limits for both the House and the Senate.
Reform, reform and reform are in the air.
I noted that after the upcoming President's address to the House and Senate the Progressive Wing of the Party are going to have a few words to say. Am looking forward to hearing what they have to say.
Bruce, what you are getting is a practical application of terrorism. The idea is to keep people of balance and afraid of making decisions because they might be wrong. This is at the beginning of the spectrum. As terrorists fail they resort to violence on as big a scale as they can imagine.
What Joe Biden offers is reality and the promise of a good future where people are at the very least civil to each other. We, the people, have been terrorized by Trump, Cruze, Lindsey, and all of the other would be Hitlers and Musolinis of the world. Their time has come and gone.
Our time is now and in the future. Beware of terrorism should be the watchwords of the day.
Joe Scarborough made what I thought was a stellar observation re: Biden. That people mistook his moderate demeanor as a sign he couldn't be proactive or progressive. I thought that was very insightful, and true.
Fran, you are right on. I feel the same way. I have some concerns however. One, Republican opposition to his agenda is strong and unified - how much of it can he get done and make stick (e.g. law versus executive orders). Two, no matter how great Biden is or will be, he will get solid opposition from the right. And any relaxing by the Democrats in support of elections and campaigns, and we lose power with a snap of the finger, and things will just snap back again. I wring my hands over 2022. Three, I hope K Harris is being actively groomed. It sure doesn't appear to me that she is as involved as I would wish. Joe is pretty old, and it's likely he will not run in 2024 even if he says he will.
While I appreciate your caution, I don't feel your pessimisn. Kamala Harris, as was Biden during the Obama administrstion, is "the last one in the room." She's there for all of it, and hss final say. I can't think of better grooming. But, yes, WE all have to do our part to stop the Republican raping of America.
I share your concerns, but have observed that he plays his hand close to the vest. That was confirmed in a news article a few days ago that claims that Kamala is quietly working behind the scenes to implement Biden's agenda, and in doing so is cementing her influence. It appears to be their strategy to keep the other side guessing what their next step will be.
Nancy this is the same strategy that President Obama used his his Vice President, Joe Biden. It seems to work better the more you use it. The President and his Vice President are experts at what they do and the people around them are strong as well.
I loved Obama, but Biden has the added advantage of years of Senate experience and knowing which arms to twist. Even the image of "Sleepy Joe" seems to be working in his favor, and Kamala Harris is just as strategic, I think. I see no weak links so far. Experience is pivotal.
I think of Biden as the "middle relief" guy; the starter has been blown up, we're a run or three behind, and we need someone to get us through so that we get to the hotshot closer with a lead and sew up the game.
Moonshot, indeed. We have the opportunity to build capacity for solar for the world. We have the opportunity to actually lead into the future, generating opportunities and astounding work/jobs.
Caregiving has LONG been undervalued and simply an expectation of women to do caring work for free. This, alone, could change the future.
Heather, you are wondrous and the light of the day in my small life. I am ever grateful.
“Over the course of two days and eight sessions, President Biden convened heads of state and government, as well as leaders and representatives from international organizations, businesses, subnational governments, and indigenous communities, to rally the world in tackling the climate crisis, demonstrate the economic opportunities of the future, and affirm the need for unprecedented global cooperation and ambition to meet the moment.”
Yes! Yes it is. Amazing how we will solve the climate crisis and grow the economy. Two birds with one stone. But I think it will be even more than that.
Compared to Biden, the previous occupant of the White House was like a beached jellyfish, impotent, ineffective, Incompetent, unimaginative. I could use some more adjectives folks!
Nasty. abusive. bully. egotistical. sadistic. racist. hateful. pondscum. Adjectives are important and iDJT always seemed to have the nasty ones that stuck thanks to the media repeating them. I have been making alphabetical lists for years. Try it! A good zoom game when you score it like Boggle.
The emergence of China as a global alternative energy provider reminds me a bit of how US automakers doubled down on big cars rather that get out in front of small car manufacturing.
Also, I'd like to see climate efforts address refugees, as we are already seeing increases in the numbers of refugees due to climate change and will continue to do so. We tend to focus on the political reasons that people flee. As drought and other significant weather events occur around the globe, more people will be displaced or unable to get water to drink or grow food to eat.
Down here in what is still the "Good Ol' Boy" South where they all drive pick-up trucks, the trucks have become absolutely gargantuan. I mean, some of these things need their own zip code. Remember Humvees, and how they were kind of Republicans' way of sticking the finger to all the anti-fossil fuel advocates? More often than not, down here at least, the rear of these behemoths would display an array of bumper stickers that were pro-Bush, pro-military, pro-Pick-Your-Rightwing-Cause, etc. They got like 8-9 MPG and were hideously huge--your basic civilian Sherman tank. Well these days, down here at any rate, the competition is on for who can have the biggest, baddest, big-ass pick-up truck. All the auto manufacturers seem all too glad to keep making them bigger and more powerful--I'm curious what the gas mileage is on these honkers. The drivers of them are all too often the ones riding your rear bumper, speeding like mad--because they CAN!--and are some of the biggest a$$h*les on the road. You can't see around or over them. When I see them in parking lots I am amazed at how huge they are, and they ain't cheap either! No, these guys (and 95% of the time they're guys) don't give a you-know-what for downsizing or being responsible regarding fossil fuel and the planet. Good luck trying to convince them otherwise. "I have a right (is this in the Constitution somewhere??) to buy what I want and use all the gas I want...screw you and get outta my way!" Maybe if gas/petrol became as expensive here as it is in Europe (in The Netherlands I remember it averaged $6-$8 per gallon...hello public transportation!), people would change their tune?? I love my little Honda that chugs along at 30 MPG, thank you, though I can see switching to EV at some point.
Sounds like Texas. I putter around in a tiny little used Nissan because my Toyota Prius was totaled a few years ago. I'm hoping to EV too at some point.
I live in riverside RI which is Truck City. One day I counted 25 big ass trucks parked just down my street. Of course there are a few Trump flags also.😖
I have a 1990 F-250 that has 40K on it. I use it for dump runs, yards of soil, and as a community resource. It gets about 12 MPG. Only used when needed. But looking forward to exchanging fossil fuel motor for electric...I feel guilty about having it, but I figure I could live in the back of it if the R's take away social security.
My '03 Honda Civic gets only 26 or 27 mpg (much higher on the highway, but I rarely go on the highway except down 400 for 10 minutes to get to the doctor). It also has BIG windows and outstanding visibility, an important safety feature for me. Most new compact cars and sedans I see have narrow windows. Maybe SUVs don't, but I couldn't easily climb into one. Mine also looks like it just came out of the showroom.
Some SUVs, especially the American brands, are almost as big as the behemoth pick-ups. I like the smaller ones, myself. My brother has a Honda HRV and likes it. The CRVs have gotten bigger and bigger, as have Toyota's RAV-4s. AND they've gotten more expensive. It's all gotten so crazy.
Laurie, The Pandemic, and our transition from misery to light has not be easy... I won't go on, we've been through the mill in the USA and sheltered ourselves to keep out of harm's way. Although, it has been difficult to look beyond our circumstances, your call to help the refugees beckons us to see what is on the horizon.
'The hardest way to enter the U.S. is as a refugee: the country handpicks those it welcomes, and the three-year process includes extensive screenings by federal security agencies. Once here, refugees work in essential industries such as health care, start businesses that help stimulate the economy, and otherwise make their new communities safer and stronger.' (International Rescue Committee)
The link below opens to a piece on POLITIFACT about Biden's current position on admitting refugees:
We are going to have significant in-country climate refugees. already happening in my area of the Olympic Peninsula...I am one of the California climate refugees who was able to get here. We are looking a massive migrations of USA Americans, not to mention the other Americans seeking safety.
We need to be preparing for climate refugees around our planet. Anyone?
I sat with a client yesterday who is a Trumpster. Every word that came out of her mouth was about going backward. Going backward and still praising the “leadership” “qualities” of that former person. This is the backward energy that he hooked his supporters into believing was actually going to save them. As I read this letter this morning the contrast is frighteningly clear. My son said to me one time, “they will either go kicking and screaming or they will go with the flow ....but they’re going to HAVE to go“. And here we are living in a country where nearly half the people in it long for yesterday and dig their heels in at the mention of progress.
I am 71 and I long for yesterday also but I have the intelligence to know that it doesn’t exist anymore and it probably shouldn’t. Crack open a bottle wine, take out the old photos and have a cry but wake up in the morning and move into the present. It’s already here waiting for you.
I'm from Delaware and as a college student first voted for Joe Biden in 1972. Throughout 2020, my son (in his mid 30s) and I would debate about merits of the leading Democratic contenders for the nomination. My son supported Bernie and his progressive agenda, while I supported Biden. I thought that country needed a calm President who would help the nation settle down after four years of turmoil and chaos. I was expecting him to be much like a relief pitcher who is called into a game to stop the other team's rally and help his team catch its collective breath.
I think we have both been pleasantly surprised by the first 100 days of the Biden presidency. Biden has come across as more progressive than my son imagined (albeit not as progressive as his preferred candidates). As for me, Biden has not been sleepy Joe, a president whose main function would be to pour oil on troubled waters and allow us to recover from the Trump years; instead, he has shown himself to be his own man, not Obama 2.0, taking strides to help us beat the pandemic, restore the economy, help those in poverty, rebuild our infrastructure for the next generation, challenge us to deal meaningfully and effectively with climate change, etc.
His is not the agenda neither my son nor I expected to see from a 77-year old man. I hope his energy is contagious and helps us move this country forward. There is still much about the GOP members of Congress that scares me, but Joe Biden is giving my hope for the future.
Last Friday during his commentary Bill Maher said Joe Biden was a big disappointment to, wait for it, comedians. Those poor people did not get the material they expected to get. During the rest of the commentary, Maher pretty much echoed what Fran wrote above. There have been seven Presidents in my adult life. While a lot is going on in the world, I have never experienced a sense of calm and optimism at the start of an administration. The "100 Day" thing seemed like just a catch phrase after a while even though those other guys had the intention of making an impact during their "first 100 days". For the most part, Biden is seriously rocking it. Again, Biden was maybe my fifth choice for Democratic nominee. I have never been happier about being wrong. I was OK when he got the nomination, because I figured he would have competent people around him. Biden has made me feel guilty that my expectations were "tragically low". I just wanted Trump gone. We got Trump out of office plus many dollops of competence. Yeah for us😊😊😊
Me also. I wanted Bernie and when Biden got in I thought, oh here we go, business as usual with a do little fumbling moderate. But, BOY was I wrong! This man never ceases to amaze me. His energy and governance are mind boggling.
Even AOC was singing his praises last week! Didn't expect that!
I've followed Biden for nearly 40 years, so my expectations weren't that low. But they skyrocketed when he said "Keep yappin', man!"
I forgot that incident. It's just getting better. I hope the abysmally hypocritical Republicans fall on their swords. They deserve it. Lyndsey needs to just turn into a greasy puddle.
Lyin'sey Graham
Love it!
Support Joe and his team in prayer...every day!
I feel the same way, Sharon. I'm ashamed that my expectations were so low. While I share Bruce Sellers' concerns about the Republicans trying any trick in the book to regain control (we both live in Georgia, but my county is more liberal than his), I still believe that we can hold them at bay. We are the majority, and the turnout here in '20 was unprecedented, despite Covid's rampage and the postal service doing everything possible to disrupt absentee ballots. We have to remain vigilant, and hope that everyone but the Taylor Greenes and Failed 45s benefits enough from Biden's successes that they want four more years (including the midterms) of Democratic sanity.
Attaway !
I so agree with these comments. I campaigned my heart out for Elizabeth Warren. And I still love her. But Joe Biden has been a huge surprise for me. His is not the agenda I had hoped for either, but what he is doing, in the way he is, calms me and gives me hope.
Energy IS contagious. I said this exact phrase on the weekend to my soccer players. Boy I hope the independents and middle of the road GOP’ers see this and start acknowledging the good coming from this president. And infrastructure, for the love of Junior Mints, INFRASTRUCTURE. Can we all agree that our roads, bridges, tunnels, trains, subways, electrical grid are dated, unstable, unreliable, and NEED REPLACEMENT. Does anyone remember the WPA? I have family in Michigan and weekly I hear FIX THE DAMN ROADS. Well, unless the state wants to bear the burden ALONE (which means residents see a tax increase and more debt taken on by the state), they need complementary funds at the federal level. And unless an infrastructure bill gets passed, no funds will be passed and no roads will be fixed. This ISN’T complicated.
Michigan's Governor Whitmer got a chance to actally fix one of our roads, shovel and all. Great job! She requested a cooler full of Oberon beer for later.
I love her. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty
Thank you Laurie; YOUR energy is contagious!
There's actually a song, a good one, about the perils of neglecting infrastructure, in this case shipping. Enjoy!
Well...let this somber song move you.
Everyone saw what Texas experienced this winter, thanks to Republican philosophy!
Are Texans seeing that linked to Republican thinking and doing?
Our LFAAers in Texas have suggested that the Great Texas Winter of 2021 will make a difference politically. Enough difference? We shall see. Let's listen to what they say down the road.
I doubt that the diehards are seeing the connection, but Texas was already on the way to being purple, so this can't help but favor the Democrats.
Junior mints😂good one!
Yes -- for the love of Junior Mints!
(Reeses too!)
"For the love of Junior Mints!"
Thank you and I agree I want Joe and Kampala’s energy to be dare I say it — infectious.
Kamala. I know it’s just a typo. (Kampala is a city in Uganda 🙃)
It's been 16 hours since Marcie replied, and Kampala is STILL the capital of Uganda.
Hate to be a spoiler...all this well-earned praise for Biden is encouraging and feels great, but after reading all the paeans to Biden and the Democrats I can't help but feel we are in a giant echo-chamber here. It's okay to prop each other up after the previous years of doom & gloom from Big Orange You-Know-Who, and I get that. But, all I have to do is take a few steps outside my door and it's a different story. Around here, Joe Biden and Democrats are basically the Antichrist and his Satanic Hordes. Unless word, aka TRUTH, gets out and soon, we will get Republicans back in power again in the blink of an eye. They're already licking their chops down here at the prospect. I am encouraged that Biden & Co. are coming to GA the day after his address to Congress on the exact day 100 of his administration. Democrats owe a lot to our state in 2020 as we were part of their being able to have the slimmest of margins in Congress. We can't rest on our laurels, though. Republicans here are already chomping at the bit to "take Georgia back", and, as we've seen, they'll do it ANY way they can. Yes, Biden has pleasantly surprised me, but I still have this nagging feeling this can all be undone in a matter of months and it'll be back to the same-old-same-old. Maybe it's my Monday blahs...
Saw my first Trump 2024 sign in my sweet Red town Saturday, so I appreciate your cautions. Also know I need sounds of joy and fair they well from our band of hopefuls to keep me on my toes and celebrate at the same time. What we all must do is increase the size of the community who share the stories, sound bells, and make a joyful noise if for no other reason than that is terrifies the Reds. 😅
You are correct, I believe. So it means the "fight" must continue with no abatement. It's not impossible. We need to keep the momentum going - no sitting back.
I hear your concerns, and complacency is anyone's worst challenge. I think then the Democratic Party must continue working hard to 1) get out the vote despite challenges; 2) build a bigger tent to include labor, unskilled and skilled workers, trades, low-paying frontline workers; 3) connect with rural agrarian businesses and employees, conservationists, and preservationists; and 4) negotiate with GOP to create and sustain independent state boards of election and fair, independent districting.
and if the Republicans continue to obstruct, I believe Biden "has a plan for that."
You're right, Sam. The folks you mentioned are the ones who believed the Republican hype of trickle down economics, but if we raise them up to middle class where they belong, they will be powerful allies. It looks like it's begun and I hope "we" don't drop the ball.
Well a solid prosperous and improved reality may be the best counter to the propaganda and Q-lies, however 2 years is not much time to see the results from all the good he’s doing. Still say we have to figure out a better way to disrupt the propaganda people are being drowned in
It's boggling that the Dems don't know how to control the narrative.
Dems don’t see the evil manipulativeness in others, but for the Putin/Koch/GOP that’s their main reason for being. I’d like to think it’s normal to expect that others won’t try to manipulate minds by lying.
C'mon man! I agree that we have to keep fighting, and know that you could be correct, but we did it once, and can do it again - even in Georgia! We know who the real Antichrist and Satanic Hordes are.
I know! But given past experience, I fear complacency and apathy yet again could be our undoing in '22, extending into '24. People in this country can be lazy and tune out of anything political. My hope is we got enough folks riled up in '20 to realise what's at stake, that they'll still get off their butts and get involved once again. I also think Republicans' situation could be more dire than they're letting on. NOTHING is certain or a given in these times!
My Senator sends me emails about the "Republican situation" around the country. Not being complacent here in VA.
Virginians, including our favorite Lynell, have two very good senators.
Hey Bruce, I hear you regarding complacency and inattention. So, it's a privilege to share grounds for optimism.
I believe that the 2020 elections saw a record amount of out-of-state donations all across the country, as Americans realized that their own fates depend on all of Congress. Progressive candidates drew support from all directions (so did GQP but tough luck for them). I donated repeatedly, total nearly $300, to your new senators, all with 100%-450% matching amounts through various PACS. Like a million others, I never did that before.
In sum, you are not striving alone, Bruce. We had your back and we'll do it again, with pleasure. Emphasis on We.
HashTag MeToo, TPJ and Bruce!! TPJ and me and others consider Warnock and Ossoff our Senators, too!!
I'm hoping that Trump's four-year assault on this country will be enough to keep everyone with a brain engaged. You're correct, Bruce, that there are absolutely no givens. Your concerns are well founded.
Yes, Bruce, so what do we do about it? That’s right, everybody: Call your senators and demand they KILL THE FILIBUSTER!
Killing the filibuster is goal number one to reclaim the Senate for the American people. Next and close behind it are term limits and age limits for both the House and the Senate.
Reform, reform and reform are in the air.
I noted that after the upcoming President's address to the House and Senate the Progressive Wing of the Party are going to have a few words to say. Am looking forward to hearing what they have to say.
What an interesting time to live.
For The People is the key. Can it pass with the filibuster intact? I suspect not.
Bruce, what you are getting is a practical application of terrorism. The idea is to keep people of balance and afraid of making decisions because they might be wrong. This is at the beginning of the spectrum. As terrorists fail they resort to violence on as big a scale as they can imagine.
What Joe Biden offers is reality and the promise of a good future where people are at the very least civil to each other. We, the people, have been terrorized by Trump, Cruze, Lindsey, and all of the other would be Hitlers and Musolinis of the world. Their time has come and gone.
Our time is now and in the future. Beware of terrorism should be the watchwords of the day.
My handyman told me, "I can't wait till '24."
Be tempted to say "Me too. Mr Biden will be out oldest two-term president. So excited!" 😝
Well said Fran! And I love the infusion of hope.
Joe Scarborough made what I thought was a stellar observation re: Biden. That people mistook his moderate demeanor as a sign he couldn't be proactive or progressive. I thought that was very insightful, and true.
Fran, you are right on. I feel the same way. I have some concerns however. One, Republican opposition to his agenda is strong and unified - how much of it can he get done and make stick (e.g. law versus executive orders). Two, no matter how great Biden is or will be, he will get solid opposition from the right. And any relaxing by the Democrats in support of elections and campaigns, and we lose power with a snap of the finger, and things will just snap back again. I wring my hands over 2022. Three, I hope K Harris is being actively groomed. It sure doesn't appear to me that she is as involved as I would wish. Joe is pretty old, and it's likely he will not run in 2024 even if he says he will.
While I appreciate your caution, I don't feel your pessimisn. Kamala Harris, as was Biden during the Obama administrstion, is "the last one in the room." She's there for all of it, and hss final say. I can't think of better grooming. But, yes, WE all have to do our part to stop the Republican raping of America.
Mary Pat, I agree with you.
Yes, lots of ways to mentor a successor beyond more speeches or press conferences.
I share your concerns, but have observed that he plays his hand close to the vest. That was confirmed in a news article a few days ago that claims that Kamala is quietly working behind the scenes to implement Biden's agenda, and in doing so is cementing her influence. It appears to be their strategy to keep the other side guessing what their next step will be.
Nancy this is the same strategy that President Obama used his his Vice President, Joe Biden. It seems to work better the more you use it. The President and his Vice President are experts at what they do and the people around them are strong as well.
I loved Obama, but Biden has the added advantage of years of Senate experience and knowing which arms to twist. Even the image of "Sleepy Joe" seems to be working in his favor, and Kamala Harris is just as strategic, I think. I see no weak links so far. Experience is pivotal.
Fran 100%. I just wish I could vote for Biden for 50 straight years!
I think of Biden as the "middle relief" guy; the starter has been blown up, we're a run or three behind, and we need someone to get us through so that we get to the hotshot closer with a lead and sew up the game.
Exactly. Sometimes low expectations yield pleasant surprises
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for competently and elegantly describing what has been swirling around in my brain.
Well said. I agree with my own “pleasantly surprised”. ❤️🤍💙
I hope so, too.
Moonshot, indeed. We have the opportunity to build capacity for solar for the world. We have the opportunity to actually lead into the future, generating opportunities and astounding work/jobs.
Caregiving has LONG been undervalued and simply an expectation of women to do caring work for free. This, alone, could change the future.
Heather, you are wondrous and the light of the day in my small life. I am ever grateful.
Thank you.
"Sunshot" rather than moonshot?
“Over the course of two days and eight sessions, President Biden convened heads of state and government, as well as leaders and representatives from international organizations, businesses, subnational governments, and indigenous communities, to rally the world in tackling the climate crisis, demonstrate the economic opportunities of the future, and affirm the need for unprecedented global cooperation and ambition to meet the moment.”
That is leadership.
Yes! Yes it is. Amazing how we will solve the climate crisis and grow the economy. Two birds with one stone. But I think it will be even more than that.
Yes, more than that including a rebalancing of global political relationships and priorities.
Compared to Biden, the previous occupant of the White House was like a beached jellyfish, impotent, ineffective, Incompetent, unimaginative. I could use some more adjectives folks!
Nasty. abusive. bully. egotistical. sadistic. racist. hateful. pondscum. Adjectives are important and iDJT always seemed to have the nasty ones that stuck thanks to the media repeating them. I have been making alphabetical lists for years. Try it! A good zoom game when you score it like Boggle.
You left out "toxic." :-/
Serious oversight!
Comparing 1/45 is an insult to the world's jellyfish.
Agree w you
The emergence of China as a global alternative energy provider reminds me a bit of how US automakers doubled down on big cars rather that get out in front of small car manufacturing.
Also, I'd like to see climate efforts address refugees, as we are already seeing increases in the numbers of refugees due to climate change and will continue to do so. We tend to focus on the political reasons that people flee. As drought and other significant weather events occur around the globe, more people will be displaced or unable to get water to drink or grow food to eat.
Down here in what is still the "Good Ol' Boy" South where they all drive pick-up trucks, the trucks have become absolutely gargantuan. I mean, some of these things need their own zip code. Remember Humvees, and how they were kind of Republicans' way of sticking the finger to all the anti-fossil fuel advocates? More often than not, down here at least, the rear of these behemoths would display an array of bumper stickers that were pro-Bush, pro-military, pro-Pick-Your-Rightwing-Cause, etc. They got like 8-9 MPG and were hideously huge--your basic civilian Sherman tank. Well these days, down here at any rate, the competition is on for who can have the biggest, baddest, big-ass pick-up truck. All the auto manufacturers seem all too glad to keep making them bigger and more powerful--I'm curious what the gas mileage is on these honkers. The drivers of them are all too often the ones riding your rear bumper, speeding like mad--because they CAN!--and are some of the biggest a$$h*les on the road. You can't see around or over them. When I see them in parking lots I am amazed at how huge they are, and they ain't cheap either! No, these guys (and 95% of the time they're guys) don't give a you-know-what for downsizing or being responsible regarding fossil fuel and the planet. Good luck trying to convince them otherwise. "I have a right (is this in the Constitution somewhere??) to buy what I want and use all the gas I want...screw you and get outta my way!" Maybe if gas/petrol became as expensive here as it is in Europe (in The Netherlands I remember it averaged $6-$8 per gallon...hello public transportation!), people would change their tune?? I love my little Honda that chugs along at 30 MPG, thank you, though I can see switching to EV at some point.
A neighbor across the street owns one of the behemoths. He's alright, but when it's parked in front of my house it seems like home just shrank.
Big, black, obnoxious trucks. Going like bats outta hell.
Sounds like Texas. I putter around in a tiny little used Nissan because my Toyota Prius was totaled a few years ago. I'm hoping to EV too at some point.
I live in riverside RI which is Truck City. One day I counted 25 big ass trucks parked just down my street. Of course there are a few Trump flags also.😖
You can't even buy a basic pick-up new anymore.
I have a 1990 F-250 that has 40K on it. I use it for dump runs, yards of soil, and as a community resource. It gets about 12 MPG. Only used when needed. But looking forward to exchanging fossil fuel motor for electric...I feel guilty about having it, but I figure I could live in the back of it if the R's take away social security.
My extreme go to should the worst happen is to sell everything and buy An older Winnebago, cut loose and find the other nomads.
My '03 Honda Civic gets only 26 or 27 mpg (much higher on the highway, but I rarely go on the highway except down 400 for 10 minutes to get to the doctor). It also has BIG windows and outstanding visibility, an important safety feature for me. Most new compact cars and sedans I see have narrow windows. Maybe SUVs don't, but I couldn't easily climb into one. Mine also looks like it just came out of the showroom.
Some SUVs, especially the American brands, are almost as big as the behemoth pick-ups. I like the smaller ones, myself. My brother has a Honda HRV and likes it. The CRVs have gotten bigger and bigger, as have Toyota's RAV-4s. AND they've gotten more expensive. It's all gotten so crazy.
Crazy and stupid.
Laurie, The Pandemic, and our transition from misery to light has not be easy... I won't go on, we've been through the mill in the USA and sheltered ourselves to keep out of harm's way. Although, it has been difficult to look beyond our circumstances, your call to help the refugees beckons us to see what is on the horizon.
'The hardest way to enter the U.S. is as a refugee: the country handpicks those it welcomes, and the three-year process includes extensive screenings by federal security agencies. Once here, refugees work in essential industries such as health care, start businesses that help stimulate the economy, and otherwise make their new communities safer and stronger.' (International Rescue Committee)
The link below opens to a piece on POLITIFACT about Biden's current position on admitting refugees:
and hear “Running” (Refugee Song) - World Refugee Project:
Wow, Fern, that was wondrous and powerful. thank you for sharing!!
Thank you, FERN.
We are going to have significant in-country climate refugees. already happening in my area of the Olympic Peninsula...I am one of the California climate refugees who was able to get here. We are looking a massive migrations of USA Americans, not to mention the other Americans seeking safety.
We need to be preparing for climate refugees around our planet. Anyone?
Hi kimceann, Listen and see the song 'Running'. The link is at the bottom of my comment. Peace.
What does Climate Refugees mean?
Laurie, you make an excellent point.
Great analogy!
And we continue to double down on big cars.
I sat with a client yesterday who is a Trumpster. Every word that came out of her mouth was about going backward. Going backward and still praising the “leadership” “qualities” of that former person. This is the backward energy that he hooked his supporters into believing was actually going to save them. As I read this letter this morning the contrast is frighteningly clear. My son said to me one time, “they will either go kicking and screaming or they will go with the flow ....but they’re going to HAVE to go“. And here we are living in a country where nearly half the people in it long for yesterday and dig their heels in at the mention of progress.
I am 71 and I long for yesterday also but I have the intelligence to know that it doesn’t exist anymore and it probably shouldn’t. Crack open a bottle wine, take out the old photos and have a cry but wake up in the morning and move into the present. It’s already here waiting for you.