Apr 21·edited Apr 21

It is interesting to me that appeals to defend democracy did not work. Appeals to equality did not work. Appeals to international rule of law did not work. Perhaps these are too abstract for conservatives? What did work? Accurately pointing out the Russian influence in MAGA positions. Let us hope that the parallels between Medvedev's statement wishing for civil war and the MAGA position of closing down the government are also realized. And, most of all, let us hope this understanding extends to real awareness among voters as well as legislators on all levels and opposing action to the absolutely real Russian influence on Trump himself.

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💥That quote from Medvedev! Perfection! May the Magats hear it and FINALLY understand that ALL their talk about a civil war, ALL their upside down talk about insurrection equaling patriotism… NONE of that was their own ideas! They weren’t “doing their own research” on the Internet. They were being slow-dripped a steady strong diet of propaganda straight out of the Kremlin. We almost lost EVERYTHING because of their gullibility and lack of critical thinking and, dare I say it?— wholly unChristian values.

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I have gained a glimmer of hope that Democrats are slowly but surely gaining some support from Republicans that appear willing to finally oppose the MAGAS and vote in the best of interests of our country and other countries that need support from us. MTG must be furious! That gives me joy!

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A big thank you to those on both sides of the aisle who made this happen. The only way to protect Europe from Putin's imperialist aggression is by helping Ukraine. This was a good day.

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“Vladimir Putin Losing Grip on US Congress”

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Professor ⭐, You've got to be hardest working scribe in the History biz.

Thank you for this letter that

chronicles such movement and progress.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

April 20, today, is a massive rejection of the conservative nationalist movement.

The conservative movement is splintering at the national level, with no one with an understanding of reproductive freedom, democracy and foreign affairs. At the state level, the maga cult is at war with the traditional corporatist Republicans, as we see in AZ, MI, PA. These candidates for Senate are losing traction in these states.

Meanwhile, blue collar workers in Southern states are rushing the gates before the shift whistle, to sign cards requesting a union vote. I think I'm seeing a birth of Democratic Capitalism - from sea to shining sea

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In a way, I’m happy to read this clear statement of what Russia wishes for the USA’s future:

“… I … wish the USA with all sincerity to dive into a new civil war themselves as quickly as possible. Which, I hope, will be very different from the war between North and South in the 19th century and will be waged using aircraft, tanks, artillery, MLRS, all types of missiles and other weapons. And which will finally lead to the inglorious collapse of the vile evil empire of the 21st century—the United States of America.”

Every MAGA member of Congress and of State Governments across America should be asked “Do you want the USA to collapse as the end resort of a new Civil War?”

This just might finally motivate Merrick Garland to prosecute these elected officials… on the charge of seeking through word and/or deed the destruction of the USA!

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Given how much Biden has achieved in his first term with such a crazed and antithetical GOP trying to thwart him at every drop of a peanut, imagine the world now if Maga and Frump had just shut up.

It’s my opinion that Joe Biden deserves another term, more than almost anyone before him. And that Frump is the least deserving, proving over and over again how inept, how inadequate how self serving, and how dangerous he is. Not just to America but to the whole world wide rule of law.

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A letter that gives me some hope before I go off to sleep.

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All pro-Putin republicans that voted against this bill should be published.

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Pretty sad that a majority of one of the two governing parties is effectively wishing for the “the inglorious collapse of the vile evil empire of the 21st century—the United States of America.”

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Stunning comments from Russian leadership, and a glorious moment of bipartisanship! I am proud of Congress in this moment, and give Johnson a good deal of respect. In this moment.

PS - in regards to (Covid-related) partisan poison, I feel compelled to leave an unrelated link to a post I wrote about Paxlovid for Covid treatment. A lot of doctors (and higher risk people) are failing to take this medicine when sick, and a recent small study in the NEJM about the lack of symptom resolution vs placebo made this worse. Read and share, I sincerely believe it might actually save a life or two:


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I only hope Ds are overwhelmingly rewarded in November.

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"visibly diminished". I'd like to see him visibly diminished to invisibility. And he can take his MAGA minions with him on the journey. It's going to be a long, tiresome summer, watching him and the ever-entertaining Empty G on the profit-hungry MSM. I think I'm going to swear off TV, except for "Law and Order" and the occasional movie. Time to go through the stack of unread books.

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It's much worse than an "attention-seeking and bomb-throwing MAGA faction."

Marble Mouth Marge and her fellow traitors ally with Putin and fellow dictators. The ayatollahs, Russian oligarchs, and other international autocrats all hate democracy, the rights of women, the rights of people of color every bit as do the thug Republicans, their Clarence court activists for their billionaires.

It's the stress on the negative that stews them together. Their nationalism simply allows them a cohering poison, a mean-spirited atavism worse than any mere tribalism or other group sickness.

Even now we see their fat, orange leader in the U.S. rally them all as if for a reality TV show, one with rank sensationalism at its core -- loud-mouthed mutual entertainment for masses who haven't an ounce of love, caring, or human concern for anything in life. Just mad script. With the venom of their obese criminal defendant, the far upper arms of their Marjorie, and the marbles in her sub-literate mouth.

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