Agree. The consistency is found in the GOP inconsistency, their abject fear of color and those different, in differences, their hatreds, and their inconsiderate inconsistencies.
Agree. The consistency is found in the GOP inconsistency, their abject fear of color and those different, in differences, their hatreds, and their inconsiderate inconsistencies.
A Christian is a follower of Christ as described in "We Cry Justice", "The Cost of Discipleship", & "Christians Against Christianity". Followers of Christ support the as led by Bishop William Barber.
Wm. Barber seems devoted. There are varied denominations and religious beliefs. Most are ancient, most seem useless to me. IтАЩve known cardinals that belong in jail, monsignors that a frauds, я┐╝dozens of prelates, educators and religious leaders, scores of politicians that claim all things. So many are troubled. Those that wear it on the sleeve demonstrate their need. Religion when real is a private matter. Norman V. Peale and Billy Graham and the huge movements in giant halks and TV are in entertainment.
Christ was sent by God to transform the individual (Sermon on the Mount) as well as our cultures (Sermon on the Plain), so that ALL of God's children could better flourish (read "Christ & Culture" by H. Richard Niebuhr).
Brian Book - deliver me from established religion. Rome ignored and supported Hitler. Protestants in the USA led US racial intolerance and intolerant born again Christians in the senate oppose a Black woman on SCOTUS - and Putin is warmly supported by the Greek Orthodox leader in everything he does - Tucker Carlson and Fox Fix Christians are unopposed by Billy Grahams insipid son. TV MAGA Christianity would be ignored by St. Francis of Assisi. Trump et al is a heathen ignored by every church and campus in America. Money drives all this evil. The church sold out.. what will it take? Jesus is a forgotten Jew that died on the cross. Rome is a mess. Church of England ignores racism and rape in Buckingham Palace as tolerance fails everywhere.
I agree, that's why I believe in the "priesthood of all believers" which is one of the big contributions made by Martin Luther (breaking the monopoly of the Catholic magisterium). History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Consider the Barmen Declaration of 1934 which called out the German "Christians" who supported Hitler. It was signed by Karl Barth & Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer is one of my favorite theologians, & wrote "The Cost of Discipleship". He was critical of "cheap grace theology" which is being preached today by conservative evangelicals & conservative Catholics. In my humble opinion, Obery Hendricks stands on the shoulders of Bonhoeffer today, & "Christians Against Christianity" is his Barmen Declaration. It is time to stand against cheap grace theology which threatens our democratic republic.
I am ignorant. I am informed. IтАЩve known too many. Then Archbishop Teddy McCarrick sinned with priests. Years later, outed. Yet, he fired the head of Seton Hall at my suggestion when I sensed his criminal nature. We endowed a soccer coach there. Msgr. Wm. B. OтАЩBrien was sleeping with the addicted taken from a DVI TC at Daytop. His church did not care. Temple Emanuel on 5th Avenue is a mess of contradictions. Intolerance rules. Cider House Rules. No establishment religion calling survives. The original concepts are good. All observed in the breach sooner or later when long established. No corporation has a conscience. Our criminal GOP today is the criminal Democratic Dixiecrats of yesterday. No difference.
A follower of Christ can "walk humbly with God & seek justice" (Micah 6:8). Only then can we be "blessed" (Luke 6:22-23) by faithfully following God's gracious gift of Christ. God is faithful & always keeps his promises. The only issue is whether we will faithfully respond. For God promises if we do His will, ALL humans can better flourish. In my humble opinion, this is what gives life meaning, in answer to Victor Frankl.
Agree. The consistency is found in the GOP inconsistency, their abject fear of color and those different, in differences, their hatreds, and their inconsiderate inconsistencies.
PS: they are not Christian. More to the point, who is, and what is a Christain, today?
A Christian is a follower of Christ as described in "We Cry Justice", "The Cost of Discipleship", & "Christians Against Christianity". Followers of Christ support the as led by Bishop William Barber.
Wm. Barber seems devoted. There are varied denominations and religious beliefs. Most are ancient, most seem useless to me. IтАЩve known cardinals that belong in jail, monsignors that a frauds, я┐╝dozens of prelates, educators and religious leaders, scores of politicians that claim all things. So many are troubled. Those that wear it on the sleeve demonstrate their need. Religion when real is a private matter. Norman V. Peale and Billy Graham and the huge movements in giant halks and TV are in entertainment.
Why is "religion when real a private matter"? What about the OT prophets anointed by God to share God's wisdom of social justice?
Lexicon - the OED -
26 pages on SET.
Real religion?
Unreal religion...?
A private matter?
OT prophets?
Anointed by God?
GodтАЩs wisdom?
Social justice?
Social platforms?
Need help with the language.
Do the book.
Christ was sent by God to transform the individual (Sermon on the Mount) as well as our cultures (Sermon on the Plain), so that ALL of God's children could better flourish (read "Christ & Culture" by H. Richard Niebuhr).
Brian Book - deliver me from established religion. Rome ignored and supported Hitler. Protestants in the USA led US racial intolerance and intolerant born again Christians in the senate oppose a Black woman on SCOTUS - and Putin is warmly supported by the Greek Orthodox leader in everything he does - Tucker Carlson and Fox Fix Christians are unopposed by Billy Grahams insipid son. TV MAGA Christianity would be ignored by St. Francis of Assisi. Trump et al is a heathen ignored by every church and campus in America. Money drives all this evil. The church sold out.. what will it take? Jesus is a forgotten Jew that died on the cross. Rome is a mess. Church of England ignores racism and rape in Buckingham Palace as tolerance fails everywhere.
I agree, that's why I believe in the "priesthood of all believers" which is one of the big contributions made by Martin Luther (breaking the monopoly of the Catholic magisterium). History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Consider the Barmen Declaration of 1934 which called out the German "Christians" who supported Hitler. It was signed by Karl Barth & Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer is one of my favorite theologians, & wrote "The Cost of Discipleship". He was critical of "cheap grace theology" which is being preached today by conservative evangelicals & conservative Catholics. In my humble opinion, Obery Hendricks stands on the shoulders of Bonhoeffer today, & "Christians Against Christianity" is his Barmen Declaration. It is time to stand against cheap grace theology which threatens our democratic republic.
I am ignorant. I am informed. IтАЩve known too many. Then Archbishop Teddy McCarrick sinned with priests. Years later, outed. Yet, he fired the head of Seton Hall at my suggestion when I sensed his criminal nature. We endowed a soccer coach there. Msgr. Wm. B. OтАЩBrien was sleeping with the addicted taken from a DVI TC at Daytop. His church did not care. Temple Emanuel on 5th Avenue is a mess of contradictions. Intolerance rules. Cider House Rules. No establishment religion calling survives. The original concepts are good. All observed in the breach sooner or later when long established. No corporation has a conscience. Our criminal GOP today is the criminal Democratic Dixiecrats of yesterday. No difference.
A follower of Christ can "walk humbly with God & seek justice" (Micah 6:8). Only then can we be "blessed" (Luke 6:22-23) by faithfully following God's gracious gift of Christ. God is faithful & always keeps his promises. The only issue is whether we will faithfully respond. For God promises if we do His will, ALL humans can better flourish. In my humble opinion, this is what gives life meaning, in answer to Victor Frankl.