Thank you for citing this wisdom from a more stable society.
The accelerating treadmill that is ours makes it difficult to manage our own lives and enable our children to manage theirs, let alone build for posterity.
We are trying to face down parasites who bleed both the present and the future dry.
Thank you for citing this wisdom from a more stable society.
The accelerating treadmill that is ours makes it difficult to manage our own lives and enable our children to manage theirs, let alone build for posterity.
We are trying to face down parasites who bleed both the present and the future dry.
Thank you for citing this wisdom from a more stable society.
The accelerating treadmill that is ours makes it difficult to manage our own lives and enable our children to manage theirs, let alone build for posterity.
We are trying to face down parasites who bleed both the present and the future dry.