The audio letters allow me to share with my family easily. Please continue.

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After hearing your summary and analysis HCR , thank you very much, I feel a cautious sense of optimism that we are witnessing at a significant fulcrum point.

Sick of the chaos and watching the sleepy con man, republicans and their backers - not interested in gold running shoes or marked up bibles - are pulling up stakes. The " hush money" chickens have come home to roost.

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I posted this on linked in and FB as my real feelings after listening. I had to spread the word to spread the word. "

This is the best reporting you will hear and it says it all. A RUSSIAN document was discovered laying out its strategy for misinformation and destruction of AMERICA- including psychological warfare to turn us against ourselves and our own self interest. The exact strategies in the document are those Russia (power hungry Putin) has used to take over the message of the Republican party that is now PRO-PUTIN. Caring more about Putin, the killing machine, than their own neighbors who want control over their own bodies. Can you imagine that we are pro KGB leader Putin who is killing Ukrainians to take their country? This is the most intelligent listen you will find today on real life present moment from historian Professor Heather Cox Richardson. Please listen. Power is in TRUTH!!!! "

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The 18th is the birthday of James McCune Smith. IMO, an important birthday,


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