A week ago, no one other than people who knew them directly personally knew who the Tennessee Three were. A week later the world knows who they are, and as Obi-Wan Kenobi said to Darth Vader as he delivered what he thought was the killing blow, "Now I shall be more powerful than you can possibly imagine." And they are. Today the governor was forced to issue an executive order establishing background checks for gun sales, and to ask his fellow Unreconstructed Confederates in the legislature to pass a "red flag" bill.

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“The Republicans on the [Shelby County] commission didn’t show up to vote.”

How’s that for standing up for what you believe in?

Real profiles in courage, those Republicans. Yes sir!

“Are you mice or are you men? Well, squeak up!”

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When the news is framed in rational terms and people can respond to real events, we see the motions of push and pull with clear eyes. Again, Dr. Cox Richardson has placed the pieces in a pattern we can digest and find reason to continue the fight and continue to advocate. Fox "News", and Russian war crimes, vie with courtroom challenges for our attention. And the good Dr. weaves them into a tapestry that shows their relationships and meaning. I can breath easier, and hope you can too.

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Another perfect, informative, and inspiring letter. Thank you, Doc! 🌞

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These two who have seen killings in the black community, protested the killing of white kids, and adults.

They were expelled upon saying dramatically that :

all lives matter.

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Thank you Heather.

“You can't expel hope. You can’t expel justice,” Justin J. Pearson said. “You can't expel our voice. And you sure can’t expel our fight. We look forward to continuing to fight. Continuing to advocate. Until justice rolls down like water,” he said, echoing the Reverend Dr. King, “[a]nd righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”

“Let’s get back to work.” Yes, let US.

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Just to add some frosting I wanna' share this little gem with any who didn't know. Joan Baez knew MLK very well; she was frequently at civil rights landmark protests, including the 1963 march in Washington D.C. - I'm thinking she was maybe 21 or so at the time. Anyway, check out this happenstance event, cheers to all > https://news.yahoo.com/joan-baez-meets-gloria-johnson-144202320.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKdECzyiaW2CgEyPqPLWcsK1X7yE3wOiRVXb_FCKCoQGj1jYPD_nRfbzHw3qqlC8D6TYg82R3O1JFygrnBwLS84L_MM3lpu51rClb8v8h8_tIOAFIGkdmj0FQotQvKUg7rkDcBg6uSsWwzN_o-6XlnPYX9gsb3U-HtfIcXfdYMZX

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The Justins are going to be in the forefront in moving forward the American democratic ideal. They are eloquent, righteous, politically savvy, idealistic, have a clear appreciation of history, are warm, personable, magnetic and unafraid.

They are what we all need now--vivid examples of people in the next generation that will do the work to confront and defeat the white christian nationalist autocracy.

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Thanks, Heather, for pointing out what appear to be signs that there will finally be a reckoning for those committed to authoritarianism rather than democracy. I hope there will not be further delays. No more powerful expression of democracy at work than the reinstatement of Jones and Pearson to their elected office. May justice finally prevail against those who seek to pervert it.

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Trump creates his own storm of lies that cause a hurricane of bad press for him. Then he tells the judge to postpone and relocate his trial because the jury pool is poisoned by him. This is like the boy who kills parents and asks the judge for mercy because he is an orphan. I hope the judge tells him to "bug off" (in polite legal language, of course) and fines him and his lawyers for bringing frivolous suits. Meanwhile, I am preparing a message of "thoughts and prayers" in case his beloved "2nd Amendment" people take action.

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Thank you, for another informative, concise review of current events and some historical significance. I just can’t shake my head anymore with the goings on in our nation. Sometimes, the attack on human rights and democracy is just overwhelming.

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Isn’t it time to do the polite thing and send congratulations to the NRA and Republican National Committee every time there’s a mass shooting? If that isn’t too wearying a task.

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I live in a city that is the county seat. For years, all we had were antiques stores and a couple of restaurants. Right before Covid hit, millennial groups reinvented our drab city and it has become alive with restaurants, music, breweries, and markets. Like the two Justins, this age group is stimulated by what they’ve lived through, what they have seen and experienced. Their enthusiasm and commitment has trickled down to me, a 72 yr old activist. I was like them once. Fighting for justice around every corner. The Tennessee Repubs met their match and then some. Schumer and a few other Democrats have asked Garland to investigate what went on in those chambers. I can tell you that it was a poisonous act. But guess what? That apple got thrown right back in the good ole boys faces! Between these marvelous and bright Justins and those who are GenZers, I think we’ll be okay.

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Learning about the actions and aspirations of the American people so often tends to be more uplifting than learning about the actions and aspirations of their American politicians.

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The Russian tactic of 'encouraging' and/or requiring their soldiers to participate in war crimes as a way of binding them to their units and their mission is precisely what was done during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. People who were not members of the Interahamwe (civilian militias) were forced to commit murders with their own hands at roadblocks all over the country or else be killed themselves. Some did it for the chance of profiting by the act, or as a form of revenge, but for the majority it was much like the Bosnian truck drivers forced to drive loads of bodies away from mass murder sites for burial in secret - do your part or be part of the load. It is now estimated (by Gerald Prunier among others) that at least one third of the Hutu population of Rwanda at the time directly participated in at least one murder, though relatively few were leaders of any kind.

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"Grossberg recorded Trump allies Rudy Giuliani and others saying they didn’t have evidence for their accusations of fraud. "

Honestly, we now have a recording of Trump's main team claiming he was the real President basically admitting to lying about that fact.

When are we going to arrest these traitors?

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