I am so nervous about the situation in Ukraine. I don’t understand how a man who claims to have moral authority could help try to overthrow our gov and refuse aide to a country where death and destruction are rampant. I mean if he really wants to enforce his religion over the majority of citizens why is he in cahoots with two men, Putin and Trump, who are seriously morally flawed and I suspect are not religious at all. At the very least does he not think his god is watching? The hypocrisy here is mind blowing.

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Mind blowing indeed! It seems so obvious that Johnson and other republicans like him do not have their priorities in order including serving God and protecting our nation! No moral authority belongs to those loyal to the Anti-Christ and his lies.

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he's not really 'christian' first of all. No real Christian acts like he does. But he Is aligned with most of the "evangelical far right 'christians'" and I don't even know how to categorize them. Ignorant. Advocates of the Old Patriarchy, which has been breaking down in various ways for eons. Johnson has his little feet on his little foothold, and Trump is finding him to be 'friendly'. He's a tiny pawn in the Giant Mobsters group that Pootin runs. Pootin, who has harbored evil in his tiny heart since birth.

Johnson famously keeps his own daughter in check by getting her to sign an agreement to not have pre-marital sex. She is TWELVE. Get them young. Brainwashing. I hope she rebels, as soon as she is strong enough.

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Professor Richardson, I continue to feel so grateful that you share your wealth of knowledge and historical reference to keep us well informed. I also very much appreciate that you take the time to record these posts as a Podcast! Thank you!!

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The radical wing of the Republican Party, led by a would-be authoritarian, is doing its best to drag us back to a time before World War II, a time when isolationism was the will of the people and the goal of our leaders. That wasn't the first time isolationism was advocated. It dates back to the birth of the nation, when George Washington himself advocated avoidance of involvement in European wars, seemingly forgetting that our freedom from England would likely not have been won without the involvement of France. Like it or not, the day will come when we are one world, united for the benefit of global humanity. The Republicans can hide from it all they want, but it is coming.

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Just unbelievable. More like fiction, but it’s reality and way more scary than Bay of Pigs.

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Hard to like this letter so painful to hear. A nightmare we must wake up from. Somehow.

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“The democratic nations, must have all hands on deck”….Quite. Meanwhile Russia grinds on, whilst House Speaker Mike Johnson flies in the face of general opinion in Congress. It’s not been the right time to bring it to the floor of the House..One man in the way of common sense.

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