In March, 2018, the White House of the former guy made a proposal to reduce gun violence in schools by ARMING TEACHERS! The Wall Street Journal in their daily readers' question printed my response: “Children and guns do not mix! The logical next step from the NRA when—not if—an armed teacher kills the first innocent student will be eliminate any age restrictions on guns so the students can carry guns and protect themselves. The NRA is nothing but lobbyists for the gun manufacturers who have already proved they wouldn’t add a nickel to the price of a gun to save a child’s life. Congress will need to pass universal mental health care because the entire country has gone insane!”

You can bet if the NRA holds its convention in Houston this weekend with Governor Abbot, Senator Cruz, and the Former Guy scheduled to speak, someone will propose arming teachers! The Texas Tribune, the best newspaper in Texas for what journalism should be, has an excellent article on the history of mass shootings in Texas.


I have vowed after reading Justice Alito's draft for overturning Roe and taking away women's rights to never vote for a Republican candidate again at any level of government, local, state or federal. Tonight just cemented that vow and I encourage every citizen of America, now a failing democracy, to take the same vow. My Texas representative is very proud to have authored the euphemistically named "Constitutional carry" law allowing any one to carry a gun without even a permit. The whole Republican Party not just the MAGAettes and extreme right must bear responsibility for the rising autocracy, hate and violence in America. "There comes a time when silence is betrayal" - MLK Jr. Silence by any of us is now a betrayal of democracy. Action is the only response. We, the People, all of us this time!

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As President Truman so eloquently put it 74 years ago: "the only 'good Republicans" are pushing up daisies." There are no *good* Republicans now.

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Don't just label them Republicans; there are libertarians and others who don't carry that label who are to blame as well; I prefer the term: openly fascist conservatives.

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100%. It is the Libertarians that own the NRA. Do not be fooled. It is not just the “Gun Lobby”. Libertarians (Robert and Rebbeca Mercer, Charles Koch) donate enormous sums of cash to the NRA to lobby on their behalf.

The gun lobby is so tied to Libertarian goals, most importantly to eliminate Public Education from all Government. Gun violence at school’s destabilizes them. And so, out of fear, parents of means take their kids out of the ‘dangerous’ Public School and enroll them in ‘safe’ private schools. It’s time we confront this craziness that plagues us and kills “Our Kids”.

Follow the money. Wayne LaPeirre has also courted foreign donors. Do not forget Maria Butina and her Republican operative boyfriend Ericson from South Dakota who went to prison. Maria’s Russian Oligarch former banker Alexander Torshin ( a most wanted man in Spain for money laundering). All three attended NRA events in 2016, together.

Had enough? Yes, we have had enough!

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Don't forget ALEC -- many of the usual suspects:

ALEC Exposed https://www.alecexposed.org

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Yup. I just lump ALEC with Koch Bros.

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ALEC is a powerhouse force.

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Why work on legislation, when Charles Koch and Robert Mercer have it all prepackaged for you ( state legislature). “ just do your job and focus on the demagoguery of Identy politics.

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And has been for years now. They have been on one helluva successful mission

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Let's be clear: Republican lawmakers are violent extremists who will never be able to wash the blood from their hands. Who is this God they believe in? What is this Constitution they have vowed to preserve and protect and defend? And Democratic lawmakers have to be more than outraged. They, too, need to throw out the money changers they have too long embraced. America is broken. The land of the free? The home of the brave? Are we not so very sick of the myths?

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I’m waiting for all those “pro-lifers” to stand up and protest over all this violent taking of life. Oh wait. Alive, breathing children don’t register with these people.

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I prefer openly fascist far right radical regressives.

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How about a "well heeled, well infiltrated "terrorist organization"??

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When quoting the guy from 70+ years ago, we didn't have the radical fascist conservatives.

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Libertarians now, instead of Republicans, or is it the Liberatarian fringe of that party? Understand the distinctions, but wonder if this distinction will become a distraction.

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Openly behaving as Fascists, definitely, but not openly admitting that is who they are. They’re still trying to pretend the fascists are on the other side. Their deception/brainwashing have been shockingly successful

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There are plenty of good Republicans, the problem is that, being dead, they can't vote other than in Chicago and a few other places.

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There are some that can learn. We should try. Even 1-2% could make the difference. We Have to hope so. Have to.

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Every little bit helps, and if we don't try, we certainly won't achieve.

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I try to have open dialogue with my Trumplican neighbors on the Neighborhood Social Media Site. I have had zero success! Maybe it's my method of presenting them with verifiable sources and facts, or just plain statistics, but no luck! They always reply with lies and conspiracy theories that they have gleaned from Fox News Network! Until we force a law through Congress that at least restores the Fairness Doctrine in Broadcasting & Social media, I think we are doomed. The 2022 mid-terms elections are our last hope! Vote Democratic!!!

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The term "Republican" is now a reference to people who like guns more than children. You CAN'T be a Republican and call yourself a moral human being any longer. The term is now covered in the blood of school kids.

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The only other thing they care about is when a child is still a fetus!

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Except they really don't.

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Yeah, it isn't about the child. It is about the incubator.

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It’s about $, power, control.

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And only that.

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How does it feel to be regarded only as an incubator. Any woman who is still a R and supports this...we can ask what is your definition of a woman.

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Plus the republicans don’t want their kids to learn history or for anyone to talk about racism or LBGTQ realities but guns are ok??? My kids have not have kids yet but they are wondering if they can leave our country when they do:-(

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I just heard a Republican legislator from the great state of Georgia argue that baby formula is bad for kids. "What's wrong with breast milk?," he asked.

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"Tell me you don't know anything about female biology without saying you don't know anything about female biology."

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They can’t help opening their big trap and proving their ignorance

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Jeri and Sharon, I think you’re right. The repugs save us having to research or Google their claims, long winded defenses and hate mongering. Just listen for two minutes.

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Heckfire, 169 of them couldn't even vote for baby formula. My words to them are: you are not a patriot, you are not a Christian, you aren't even a decent human being.

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The Repugnant Party - Prove me Wrong.

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I call them the Pro-Rape/Open-Carry party (PROC)!

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I call them fucking assholes.

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Darling, they answer to that, as well.

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Pro slaughter of children. They are all that and worse. We need to make these labels stick because they are 💯💯accurate

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I'm now calling them the No Choice, Pro Death party.

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They are also the party of the fetus and against living children.

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One does not decrease the chance of armed violence by arming more people. There are certain responsibilities and consequences for carrying a firearm, and there is an additional mental/emotional cost to those who use a firearm and kill someone in defense of self or a third person. Many people who choose to be educators and administrators in our schools are not "cut out" to be armed defenders, although every one of them would protect their charges to the highest degree possible.

More guns is not the answer.

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If a gunless intruder breaks down my door I will surely tussle with them to protect my property but the chance of someone being killed is not likely. Put a "righteously" carried pistol in their hand and the chance of fatal injury rises dramatically and increases exponentially when I also am armed. I am all for defending ones property but that's not the point. Don't you get it? More guns equals more death.

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It’s that what “more guns is not the answer” means?

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The likelihood of someone bashing your door in and being weaponless is few and very far between, Bill! Death and maiming someone will occur in your scenario.

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Many teachers threatened to leave that occupation if they had to be armed.

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Many HAVE left. Guns and then Covid with DeSantis as Governor created a severe teacher shortage in Florida.

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See how it works? Libertarian’s goal is to dismantle and close the Department of Education. This is accomplished by creating chaos, fear, distrust, which are the roots of destabilization. Libertarian’s want to privatize Public Education. We need to face this fact.

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Honestly, every single teacher, across the country, should walk off the job and demand that their lives and the children who are placed under their care, not be subjected to this violence EVER AGAIN! Colleges should join in!

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I think ur right. And I think as a parent, every parent needs to consider Emmitt Till’s mother and honor her courage. Some of these little kids have to be identified by dna…because?

It is immoral not to raise the age to purchase a gun. It is immoral not to have universal background checks. It is immoral to allow the purchase of military rifles and armor to the public. It is immoral to not even consider debating gun reform.

“I have had enough”.

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Someone on Twitter advocated naming these "shootings" after the politicians who refuse to enact gun laws. The Ted Cruz Massacre," etc.

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Love it, nobody deserves it more than Ted

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I think you’re right. Also in every profession that asks us to perform our job when we don’t agree. As a walkout. But may not be permanent. I walked a strike line once before I was tenured. A mistake. But, there’s another reason teachers may stay when they want to leave. And that is tenure, though in today’s world they might not have tenure at all. And in some states they weren’t allowed to pay into social security. It’s about money and earning a living for family. When teachers could retire early with some incentive, the admin called that the Golden Handshake. I call it the Golden Handcuffs.

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Inequality. Few careers are as important as Teaching, the work to prepare the young to reach their potential. Teachers should make as much as a physicians assistant, an RN, perhaps more and with competitive benefits. Instead we give billionaires enough tax breaks to toy with their private space program to sell joy rides to multi millionaires.

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Yes, teachers have spent enough money and time in their field of education, graduate degrees and credentials and move up in salary not only with experience but with those advanced degrees. And the pay for teachers can be so different between neighboring school districts. And states. Most teachers I know including myself spent summers and sometimes evenings in workshops and advanced course work. Which often were exciting and interesting, but that was our summer or break. And as I said before, changing course, leaving the profession before retirement means a great financial loss. Some serious changes need to happen to attract and encourage qualified and enthusiastic teachers to spend time and money on their specific graduate work. And for them to stay in the profession without burning out. And get back to meaningful and exciting curriculum for students. Except if the teachers and students are in the Bible Belt and are in trouble if they teach science, history and Truth.

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In my State of Michigan, the Republican candidates for Governor are calling for eliminating all State funding for State Colleges and Universities, because they claim that those institutions indoctrinated kids by mandating masks! The nihilistic fools! Yesterday the Republican controlled legislature voted to table all gun safety legislation bills before it, yesterday! Thank God for Governor Whitmer!

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Crazy town! Go Whitmer!

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Yes! When I read the roundup of the Republican Debate in an article quoted by Bridge Magazine in my local newspaper here in my rural community, I was stunned. Afterwards, in replying to a another comment posted by a Trumplican on the Neighborhood Site on Social Media, I said something so unkind. I said that once upon a time, I was a Republican, too, but not anymore since the Republican Party had gone bat sh** crazy! The last Republican I voted for was George H.W. Bush, and I had such buyer's remorse, I never voted Republican again! I litterly had to take cover in my apartment for a week after my remark!

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Whitmer has been a true leader with all that she has personally been through. Nihilistic fools is a perfect description!

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The issue isn’t private vs public schools. Every school, every child, every American, is vulnerable and at risk. Many schools have turned their schools into fortresses. Metal detectors, more security. Signing in. Bars and fences like prisons. Basically it’s an American problem. Where’s our American solution? How many more? We know but getting there? How many more!!!

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I read this on Twitter, Irenie:

"As a reminder we have zero proof—ZERO—gun laws work. You know, if you don’t include Japan, U.K., Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Romania, Norway, Austria, Argentina, Netherlands, South Korea, Italy, Greece, Chile, France, Spain, Sweden, Singapore, Portugal, Israel, Czechia, Denmark"

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We are a pathetic country.

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Yet there are statistics proving that U.S. states with more strict gun safety laws have far lower numbers on gun violence.

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Lynell, We have to read the tweet carefully to get the sarcasm. In my mood, I thought it was serious. Below is a Guardian article link about other countries' gun laws. Including the ones listed. We are such outliers. And here's a bigger picture. It's personal for me and every citizen.

"Ten Years of School Shootings: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2019/07/us/ten-years-of-school-shootings-trnd/

My rural PK-5 public school had a shooting in 2011, listed in that article and our principal was murdered. In the morning of the school day, after he had greeted every child getting off the bus or cars, by name. Murdered in his office. By the custodian. Who left school after a disagreement with the principal, who he considered a friend and returned to school with the gun. We had lockdown all day and trauma forever. 400 students held in their classrooms in lockdown. I wrote about it on today's letter. I didn't write how the murderer got the weapon; that's another story. Yes, there are countries that have gun laws and have not completely stopped the gun violence. But they acted on their violence, usually immediately and enacted laws that made some difference. They recognize the problem. Our repugs and the gun lobby has refused to protect the people, instead they protect the $$$. The other countries do not have the rate of mass shootings we have. Or even personal numbers of ownership. From The Guardian, 2016: Four countries with gun control – and what America could learn from them:

"The UK, Australia, Japan and Germany have all taken measures to reduce gun homicides. Can the US learn anything from them?"

America’s gun crisis – in one chart


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It’s not that we don’t know how, it’s that the arses with the money cheat, rig the system, and dare anyone to stand up to them. Go Beto

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Irenie, thank you for reaching out. You have reason to take this personally, as you experienced the horror of gun violence. I would never intentionally make light of that horror. You're right that the sarcasm is subtle. I didn't "get it" until I started reading the list of countries. I have found that Twitter does not engage much in long narratives.

Thank you for these links.

And just so you know, I wrote a snarky comment somewhere here without indicating it was supposed to be snarky. My bad. The end sentence said, "See you in November," to indicate they would not be voted for when that time comes.

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Irenie, you were right. there! Good grief! My ❤️ to you.

Yes, if we can rid ourselves of these thieves, these thugs, we will accomplish a lot.

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Yes, and very well said. I'm really sad that WE [that is, people who care about things like voting rights for ALL, clean climate, safety for children, health care for those in need] will become very vocal, adamant and start writing, emailing, calling their legislators with a plea to heal our nation. To HELL with those who don't want to do a damn thing for others. Of course, I'm talking about Republicans. Make that Repugicans.

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Call them out for what they really are, Dave: the Pro-Rape and Open-Carry Party! PROCP!

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HCR's post and the ensuing commentary should be archived. We need to stay the course, meaning that people should connect. Damn difficult, I know, when careless and selfish legislators respond only to PACs and do their bidding. I spent years fighting fracking here in Chatham County, NC. We have a nuclear plant with spent fuel rods sitting openly in a pool. Any disturbance, as in a tremor often caused by fracking, would be a calamity. Sorry, went off topic.

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I'm not making a case for Public vs Private Education. I am only making others aware of the hard truth that a well funded and highly organized effort to undermine Public Education in order to privatize all of it. Libertarians spend huge amounts of money in both campaign donations ( Ted Cruz) and the gun lobby to keep guns easily available, to anyone even the mentally troubled, but especially those that would commit the unthinkable, another school massacre. This fear inspires the poor to homeschool and the wealthy to private Schools, draining the talent level of teachers, diluting resources for all. I see the attack on teachers the same way I see the gun lobby: Attack every front on the war agaist Public Education.

We have to start putting all these pieces together. Some scholars think its Oligarchy, some think its Authoritarianism, some think its business conservatives to keep government from regulating business. But I know its Libertarians who have organized the most through Alec, the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, the NRA Lobby, and more. We are at a time where the structures built by the Libertarians (Mercer, Koch's, Murdoch's, Drumfps, etc) are working stronger and better together, as once compartmented conservatives have all been radicalized and "fearing for their minority", coalesce to pool their collective resources to maintain minority rule over all of us. Its not so much about guns, as the destabilization and growing fear that gun violence brings to all of us.

Check out Ruth Ben-Ghiat's substack today. Put that with "Democracy in Chains" and "Dark Money".


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With Rupert to lie, twist, skew and rake in the dough while destroying us.

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May 26, 2022Edited
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Absolutely!! Thanks for writing, and thanks for the Atlantic link.

Heather's post and this thread are far too important to just pass away. Please urge Heather to archive this entire thread, for it should be something to draw upon to strengthen our resolve to end the carnage that keeps repeating.

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Maggie, this Atlantic article is excellent. Can you repost for the next letter so more readers see it? Theres another Atlantic article on Mass Shootings as Health Issues to possibly be addressed by CDC but I couldn’t access it. So many possible solutions that are ignored or not fulfilled because of the partisan divide.

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May 26, 2022
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There is no reason school shooters can’t shoot up private schools. One where I worked had the kindergarten in rooms with a whole front wall of glass in a repurposed department store. The other classrooms were windowless. Parents distrusted and feared the local public schools that much.

Home schooling would seem to be relatively safe.

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Exactly, ur right. It can happen anywhere anytime. But when’s the last time a wealthy private school got shot up? Walls. Gates. Guards. Checkpoints. Privilege. The very wealthy donor class has extreme safety. They do not care about or use “our kids” in the collective community sense.

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But not safe from inadequate parents, I could tell you some stories…

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I am sure you could. I meant that home schools contain fewer targets. Not recommending home schooling or private schools! Same reasons, too little exposure to the real world. Wrong amount and/or kind of parental involvement.

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Article in my local paper(NC)today about homeschooling and how woefully understaffed and underfunded the oversight department for homeschooling is. Most parents involved in homeschooling their children say “no more regulation, please”. I’ve got 2words for them; “Madison Cawthorn”.

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Well, if you are going to underfund something, might as well be that. Don’t need no stinkin’ oversight! Madison Cawthorn? The loss of his congressional seat couldn’t have happened to a more deserving candidate.

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Senator Scott, FL, is ALL about doing exactly that. Indeed, privatizing social security and Medicare as well.

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Scott’s on the Libertarian donor gravy train.

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His “contract on America” is Newt redux, only worse.

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Hey, Ted. So what would happen to the children whose parents could not afford private education? Thanks.

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Exactly. It’s about the privilege. Those parents will end up sending their kids to the least expensive school. Libertarianism is a smokescreen used to guard the privileged in all things. Their philosophy does not consider the unprivileged nor the diverse community around them, nor any citizen’s responsibilities to other citizens.

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The have nots are not a factor in the equation

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There would be plenty of people for underpaid, dangerous, boring jobs. The privately educated kids would rise to their level of incompetence without facing competition from the extremely intelligent ones who can be found in every population.

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💯💯💯💯 and scare folks away from school boards by frightening and harassing their children

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My son’s girlfriend finished her education to be a teacher and decided not to be one because of this violence.

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Recently in Texas a candidate addressed this issue: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cdn5K2dglEu/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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