This morning, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol began its hearings with testimony from two Capitol Police officers and two Metropolitan Police officers.
I struggle with chronic depression. Yesterday's testimony made me understand that I have been selfishly consumed by my own sadness. I cried through parts of the testimony realizing that we are all living under a shadow. We are all struggling. We are all both affected and infected.
The disease is the stupidity of the truth skeptics led by masterminds who feed them lucrative juicy stories. Masterminds who, as one news commentator remarked, "sit smugly, vaccinated in their air-conditioned studios, spitting" on the the January 6th truth-seekers, calling them "actors." The disease is power money. The majority of our nation's problems arise from the business of lying to a single tribe, hiding behind the false mask of freedom of speech. For after all, aren’t the antifaxers, the COVID nonbelievers, the climate deniers, the white supremacists, the religious extremists, and the trumpers all one and the same tribe? The same disease?
For some inexplicable reason, I have found myself opening The Brothers Karamazov as a distraction to my depression and politics, bracing for a long slog. Instead of a distraction, I'm finding answers. At least answers on how to live my life. I’m calling it the Biden Solution. Forge through with eternal optimism. Use the superpower of democracy: the vote. Never deny truth. Because like the poem says, truth IS beauty - and the only way out of the mess this world and our country is in. Don't give in to the denier tribe. We are our only hope.
Biden’s optimism was forged in a crucible of poverty, loss and trauma. Part of his strength comes from his deep attachment to faith and family and democratic principles, imho. He is an example I look to often to replenish my own struggle through this morass. We the people; all of us this time. Glad you are here. Keep slogging.
Wow! Everyone! I did not anticipate this kind of response to my comment. When I sound off at home, even the dogs leave the room. I am overwhelmed and thank you all. My sincere and heartfelt best wishes.
You are in no way "too much," Cheryl. Thank you for your eloquent insights. And chronic depression is a completely understandable reaction to the five-year toxic trauma we have all endured. The Biden plan for healing the country is a good one -- keep being sane, compassionate, responsible, truthful grownups. Keep advocating and implementing solutions to the real and urgent problems, and ensure voters know who's really making their lives better. Millions of us include activism and get-out-the-vote organizing as part of our personal recovery plan. Your comment is right on. More please!
Don't be intimidated or silenced. Anyone who isn't horrified by the endless travesties, particularly over the last five years, hasn't been paying attention.
Please, come here to comment. You are not "too much" for us here, as many of us are either in a similar boat, or close to someone who is. I'm glad you're finding answers in a diversion; that is the best of both worlds indeed.
Cheryl -- I love what you say. Forge through with optimism! Never deny truth! I try to do this re dealing with Covid-19, since as you say, we really are our only hope!!!! Somewhere, someone said "we are the ones we have been waiting for," (or something like that!). Be well and know that you're not struggling alone...
Thank you for sharing. Please know others are struggling with what Trump and friends are doing. There is yet more truth to be revealed in these hearings.
I understand exactly how you feel and the desire to "organize" this crazy world we find ourselves living. However, no, they are not all from the same tribe.
I know people that aren't Republican, or white supremists, or Covid deniers that are anti-vaxers. They have been practicing alternative medicine and have been sceptical of western medicine for decades. They believe they can ride this out and will not consider that it isn't just about them, it is not an individual decision, it is not about their rights. They see no conflict with their compassion for others. Alrhogh I am frustrated I do not hate anti-vaxers. They should not be lumped in with Trump supporters who are racists and anti-govt and who were just lying in wait for a president that agrees with them so they could overthrow democracy.
There were thousands of them there on 1/6. The KKK on steroids. They lost against an army maybe 1/5 their size. 550+ dumbasses so far arrested and hate groups we never heard involved. Upholding democracy is harder than we thought and in order to uphold it, we have to practice it, and therefore we are in for a long ride.
I also think the discussion on fact vs fiction and lies vs truth is much deeper than most people want to admit. Where do you draw the line? People will always believe in what they want to, despite the evidence, lack of evidence, facts, data, or education. Good and bad people fill in the blanks as they see fit. So no, not all the same tribe. But you are right, there is a Trump tribe, and they got to the top for a brief period. "God" willing, it stays that way because we live in a democracy.
Hi Martha, I anticipated that there would be an argument about "tribes" and I honestly appreciate your comment so that I can clarify. By "tribe" I do not mean that this is a group who ALL share the same opinions, political affiliation, religion, ethnicity, regions, or who are all led by Trump. I am talking about those folks who have been persuaded by "false prophets" if you will. Persuaded by media personalities who make a business and profit by twisting the truth to suit their monetary ends. And yes, many antivaxers are knowingly or unknowingly followers of Joseph Mercola, an osteopath, who for years has spun misinformation concerning vaccines. The decisions these followers make based on Mercola's falsehoods have put themselves, their children, and their contacts at risk for life-threatening or debilitating disease. Mercola's lies and his followers have adversely affected us all.
As a "Certified Holistic Health Coach" I was a part of this movement. I wasn't exactly an antivaxxer - but I was damn close. My mom has had *many* more years living with stage 4 cancer due to holistic physicians (MDs!) ~ but oh, my horror watching my friends and colleagues grasp onto this Mercola/Northrup quackery with both hands!! A few of us gathered together and tried to infuse some logic into our "love & light" friends, but to no avail. My answer was unfriend those who fell into the abyss. I'm still sad... but they are right there preaching the same nonsense they believed when I left them last year.
You cannot fight emotions with logic or common sense.
Hi Nancy - Full disclosure. I am onboard with Holistic Health and am thrilled to see medicine become more and more "integrated." My chronic depression was diagnosed 40 years ago while in my twenties. I was prescribed Prozac which made me suicidal. Since then, I take no medication for what at times is a soul-sucking low. Adjusting my diet, long walks, and nature are my remedies. That said, I am happy for those who benefit from antidepressants. We each have to find our own way, but we need to beware of the devil which you have named well - Quackery.
An additional note if you do decide to add a dog or two - please be respectful of nature, wild animals, and other walkers by paying attention to "No pets", "Leashed pets only", and "Pick up the Poop" notices. For those of us - who may love dogs but don't live with one - who enjoy walking in natural areas, it is very distressing to encounter dog lovers walking with their dogs (leashed or unleashed) in nature preserves where they are prohibited, or with unleashed dogs in areas where they are allowed if on a leash. I've had to school myself to keep my anger under control and just call the park rangers, rather than confront the dog lovers in my county who think the signs and restrictions don't apply to them. If the walk is ruined, it's ruined - so rather than making it even worse, I get out. I don't blame the dogs. I blame the inconsiderate dog lovers who love only themselves and their dogs.
Nancy, I too have been a facilitator of somewhat woo-woo practices,but I'm shocked to see how my "higher consciousness and awareness" colleagues are dealing with Covid. In these cases, they are not politically right-wing -- far from it. Incalcuable harm is done by leaders of holistic practices who promote ignoring/refusing all allopathic treatment and vaccines. The day I heard the founder of an important 'consciousness' movement say that "it's just like a slight flu" I stopped listening to anything else he had to say.
I do not. There is absolutely nothing we can say to those who are unable/unwilling to change their mind or see logic/facts. They have dug their heels in the sand and refuse to budge. It's the same mentality as cults. (They may actually die, all the while believing they just didn't believe hard enough, eat enough of the right foods or that it really wasn't Covid).
If you love them, then love them as best you can without letting their nonsense break you. ❤️
Nancy, Thank-you for the Northrup reminder. She was my mother's doctor for a short while - until my sister and I read her book. Your are right. The horror!
Well said Cheryl. My disappointment in family and friends who continue to willfully deny the truth forced me to view them as I would those whose behaviors are triggered by mental illness albeit without the compassion reserved for those who are truly mentally ill. It is the only way I can coexist with the otherwise decent human beings in my life who choose to be in the “denier tribe.” I will not give in to them nor will I give up hoping for a cure.
Thank you for writing Cheryl. Your thoughts are so moving but I hope you will not call yourself selfish in any way. I recognize that self criticism but it's just not accurate or helpful. Your thoughtful writing shows that you are a thoughtful person, a gift. I have never read TKB and will check it out as I too could use a good read like that. Thanks for mentioning your experience with it. And thank your sharing your thoughts. Everyone's voice here is important and crucial!
Big virtual hugs to the people who scared off the deranged idiots wanting to complain about arrested insurrectionist being "political prisoners," by calling Gaetz a pedophile & blowing a whistle to drown out their disgusting lies!
This caught my attention. I think strong non-violent counter protesting is a viable tool for change. My hometown has been holding peaceful counter protests since before the elections when out of town trumpsters organized weekly stand outs downtown. We played music, held flags - realized we also needed some stars and stripes since the alternative group felt they only owned it. A few times things got rowdy. But with good organization and *training*, counter protests can drown out the lies, since we can't prevent them. And both sides are protected by the first amendment. When they are allowed to lie unchallenged - the lies get legitimized. The must be challenged every way possible.
We are better, Christopher. We aren't lying. Do you see no differences? A small crowd challenged several dishonest, fascistic, conspiracy spreading elected representatives.
Those demonstrators demonstrated the work of the people. They are us and we will follow their example by making our voices heard throughout the country.
The protesters were brilliant! The fact that they were able to shutdown the RepubThugs so completely made my day. Gotta love those peacefully disruptive tactics!
No matter how heinous their intent, they had a right to be there to spew their false talking points. Should we be proud about denying 1st Amendment rights with those whom we disaheagree?
Does that not give their supporters license to do the same to us?
Never been a fan of cancelling the other side. It's better to let them speak and then pummel them with the fallacy of their own words.
It's OK to jeer, but shutting down a legal event does not make us look better, it makes us look afraid of hearing what they had to say. Avoidance is not a good strategy in cases like these.
They ran away from the crowd that shouted some tough questions at them, and they were being heckled. No cancelling went on. This group that ran away never stops spewing their lies and conspiracies. They couldn't stand up to a crowd that stood up to them.
It wasn't the heckling, but the whistle that made it useless to try and continue. It's better to let them speak. Mo Brooks can now be sued for his remarks on Jan 6. Had he been silenced, he'd have gotten away with it.
Do blatant lies, meant to foment mistrust and violence really deserve a public podium? They had nothing new to say, it was just a photo op. So glad they folded so quickly.
These people have scripts, which are repeated endlessly. How often do regular folks have the opportunities to be heard as compared to the folks you are defending? They hardly suffer from a loss of 1st amendment rights. Their spiels play endlessly on loops, at rallies, on social media, Fox, and any old street corner of their choice.
The protest definitely did not shut down the event Christopher. To tell the truth, Green looked nonplussed and was hurried away by her handler when confronted by a single protester blowing a whistle. What was evident and telling is that they had no supporters there to cheer them on. Gaetz had reporters and a person following him to his car yelling “are you a pedophile, Mr. Gaetz?”
I think the Proud Boys and their ilk already shut down liberal protest. However, I do expect our paid elected officials to do more than spread lies and disinformation.
There are plenty of ways to protest at events like that one. Acting like a magahat yahoo is not one of them imho. What I saw was a race to the bottom that only served to play into miscreant GOP script. It will only serve to escalate more bad behavior from the right.
The hecklers were lucky it was a small event with low attendance. Definitely they deserve points for showing up but the execution was rank amateurish.
There are much better ways to get into "good trouble". That's not what I saw today, what I saw was one step removed from a drum circle.
I was listening and thinking hard about your comments as I always do. You back up your comments with your philosophies. But. What do you mean about “one step removed from a drum circle”?
There is a cherished tradition during season on a well known beach o on the west coast of Florida. Usually on weekend. Drummers (amateur and professional) of all faiths hold a drum circle in the tradition of cultural celebrations of nature and community. Every circle is so well attended and emanates good will and peace.
When you talked about singers in song such as Battle Hymn of the Republic, I thought good idea. With a few drummers to set the beat.
Most protests I've participated in have had them but they tended to be ornamental, like Deadheads looking for a venue. They add color to the event for the participants but don't add much else. I'm a musical creature and appreciate their performance but they aren't the reason or the goal of the protest, but they do no harm and like you say provide a beat. What you described is something different more along the lines of the Native American tradition or even African or South Asian where drums are part of the religious tradition.
The folks who disrupted the faux event by MTG and company succeeded in shutting it down but the optics were bad imho. Drum circles at protests can have less than ideal optics to outsiders, I think that's what I was trying to convey. Probably a bad example since I've never seen a drum circle try to drum out a GOP event.
Firstly, this was not a 'legal' event, it was a press conference.
Secondly, we already know what they have to say, they've said it ad nauseum and it stinks to high heaven. They were looking to create sound bites for their entertainment channel AKA Fox "News".
Thirdly, when a child throws a tantrum (of which this was tantamount to), one does not gain anything by pretending that they have anything valid to add to the conversation by this particular tactic. Yes, if they have something valid to say, let them say it and back it up with facts and truth. If they are going to throw a tantrum, holding up signs behind them is not 'rank amateurish', it's a good strategy in the moment and I'm thrilled that they got it together as quickly as they did. Of course, the GQP will learn from this mistake and not repeat it, as the optics are much much worse for them. We need to stay fleet and nimble and come up with creative ways to counter their tantrums. Facts and Truth are great ways to do that.
I've got to say that I agree with you. The Dems have to be careful not to go low or we're no better. These things do come back to bite. We don't want to stoop to their level. We have to have faith that truth and justice will prevail. There could be a time when stooping low is the only choice, but we are hopefully nowhere near that now. I am thinking of the riots in MO when businesses were burned and looted in 2014. My 20-something son said to me, "Mom, they feel like they have no other choice. They have not been heard or listened to for so long."
Well said. Like JFK said "..we do these things because they are hard". It's ironic that stemming the tide of rightwing lies is astronomically harder than sending someone to the moon, but there we are.
Where is the American spirit that got us through the Great Depression and WWII? I contend it's been co-opted by the American plutocracy but it's really a question for Heather.
It was a bitter pill for me to swallow when I realized the hole we Democrats find ourselves in today is a result of decades of the party turning its back on the least among us that metastasized into including most working and middle class folks.
These protesters were prepared. They had more than a whistle with them.
'Rep Louie Gohmert, one of the members of Congress to speak at the news conference, briefly returned to speak to reporters after the news conference dissolved into chaos but was drowned out by a large brass band, DC Critical Condition, which was apparently contracted by demonstrators to show up and drown out the news conference with music'. See link below:
Much better I hadn't seen that, brass is class. Still that can't be rehashed every time they want to speak.
When you let them speak, as I just pointed out elsewhere, you let them put themselves in jeopardy of causing a "yelling FIRE in a theater" moment, and then you've got 'em. If demonstrators had shut up Mo Brooks treasonous Jan 6 tirade he might have been able to be defended by DoJ, but now he can't because he was able to speak.
The speakers at this event are what I consider the Knuckle-Draggers Caucus. They are always in trouble. We need to worry about the Ivy Leaguers like Hawley and Cruz who are far more dangerous in the long run.
Yes, it's a cost of being an American. We used to talk about the pendulum swinging back and forth between left and right, but nowadays it has started to move in 3 dimensions, left and right and forward and back. We've been going backwards and right since Reagan.
It's time to move left and forward again thanks to things Biden has done I honestly didn't suspect but am so glad to see. Thanks to him many things are showing those signs of moving in positive directions but a lack of courage and an abundance of turf protecting in Congress is impeding progress.
Christopher, Our somewhat different perspectives require more expansive discussion and time, which this form does not encourage. I was very happy to hear from you. We both have had rich experiences and reflected on socio-political issues for some time. I do not have time now and do not know how we may proceed. It is too bad that we do not live near one another. That would enable us to enjoy face to face elaborations on our positions. I think, perhaps, we will have to depend of a number of fairly short exchanges over time. Until the next time, Salud!
I am listening carefully to you, Christopher. And I understand what you are saying. What do you think would have worked for the Germans/Jews/gays/ etc. in retaliation against Hitler's brainwashing of his people that they are the chosen ones and developed his Nazi regime using fear and lies.
His People were spoken to in rallies and programmed to march and carry out the most heinous crimes against their own people. I am not seeing much difference in the past five years. I see a well-armed, seditious/terrorist militia that includes trained police, veterans. And you pointed out that had there been more Gaetz/Green supporters, there could have been a very different outcome in violence perpetrated against the counter-protesters. What happens is we are a nation full of fear perpetrated against us by an authoritarian regime. They do not give an iota about real rights--over our bodies, our votes, our colors, our religions, our ultimately our Constitution and laws. We are in a dangerous time that is leading nowhere but to war. We are also full of PTSD, sick, tired, and struggling with a pandemic which prevents many of us from marching in huge groups.
We have plenty to charge all of these idiots with crimes against our country.
Allowing liars to spew their mindbending crap on vulnerable or white supremacists has not been working well for us or those who protect us. These authoritarians have infiltrated our government systems of justice and thwarted democracy. This Jan. 67th commission is the first inkling of bi-partison, truth-seeking people. To hear them and the four officers yesterday was mindbending in itself because it was so honest and real. To have shit thrown at them that they are actors is raising an anger that needs some kind of release after all the patience we have had to uphold for 5 years. Tell me, Christopher, do we wait and not try new ways of shutting up liars and brainwashers until there are concentrations camps like the ones they built for refugee children at our border? Justice is right around the corner we hear. Right around the corner. Tell that to all the officers who tried to protect our democracy from these insurrectionists. Good people were harmed, brain-injured, eye-gouged, stabbed with flag-poles. A hangman's noose was constructed to hang the Vice frigging President of the United States of America. These idiots were searching for him and others to kill. And I do not like Mike Pence one iota, but where does this stop? I ask you--where and how does insanity and lying this stop?
One last thing and we stick a fork in this one. History doesn't so much repeat as it does rhyme. While conditions seem like what happened in Germany, it's still a minority behind it. America writ large has not forgotten the Nazi regime and the killing of 6 million Jews and 400, 000 American troops, but many have yet to wake up and accept things today are not right. More do so everyday and our main job should be enlightening all those Americans too busy just meeting their basic needs, and don't have the luxury we enjoy swimming in the toxic political pool.
The insanity and lying might stop when their lying becomes so toxic it poisons itself but we had better be working towards decency and sanity delivered in a humane and common sensical fashion. More wisdom, less whistles, not saying no whistles but don't make that the strategy if you want to ultimately win.
We have to realize the differences between Germany then and America now. Then the government took control of the papers and airwaves, now our mainstream media is a near monopoly owned by plutocrats or their corporations BUT here we are reading LFAA and all the other Substack newsletter. We have access to many like minded content providers on YouTube and other non-mainstream outlets we can stream online.
The more we repeat their madness, the more we suck out the oxygen of the counter position, namely our position.
It scares me more when I read liberals cowering in fear of the antics of idiots than the actual acts of those morons. When you let them know they scare you they win, but by the same token, the more you act like them the more they win also.
Michele Obama got it half right. What is better is to add a little something like: When they go low, we go high and then we kick them in the nut sack with relentless truth delivered calmly with a smile or with humor.
The hecklers had a quick and lucky result but had there been a rabid maga-maniac in the crowd there could have been some serious injuries.
Where does it stop? It stops when the Democrats in Congress do the right thing. We have the too many of the wrong ones in there right now because of their recalcitrance over the past 4 decades to stand up for the majority of their lower income voters. The failure of the party to have a 50 state strategy has given them a majority of the states with a minority of the voters and the Supreme Court to boot.
This is what we need to be pissed about and should be working to fix.
Thank you for your well-thought out responses. My rational mind agrees with you. My experience and patience of the past five years and my obsession with WWII make me very wary of how patience might not work out based on the destruction of our systems of checks and balances and lack of an entire party not agreeing to operate within our rules of law. That has crippled our democracy. My heart says to believe we will bounce back much stronger, but what I have witnessed is the trampling of our justice systems, our rights to vote with all these suppressions, gerrymandering, the EC, bullying and crudeness and threats to our elected officials and their families, destruction of post offices, etc.. On and on adnauseam.
I do not belong to either major party due to them being owned by corporations and the wealthy. But this has it has always been, has it not? But the dems are more rational than the cult of repubs now.
I am not so confident that the small, highly arrogant, riled up, armed, white supremacist movement of the dying patriarchy (hopefully!) have almost committed a successful coup against our country and government. I will not be confident until I see a lot more elected officials in prison for seditious acts against our country.
The dilemma of our silence and keeping pandemically safe —— crickets or whistles? There are many kinds of whistles-- like writing, calling, speaking truth to lies. I am with the Whistlers rather than the deniers, liars and those willing to destroy our democracy.
This makes me wonder if there is also a color/gender issue with trusting a system that has been run like a caste, dominated by white men since it's inception, and is currently being trashed by mostly white men because it was almost beginning to work (election of Obama). They fear losing their power over the rest of us-- women, people of color, LGBTQ, different spiritual belief systems (Those who have been waiting, mostly respectfully, for the laws to protect us as People equally, our right to vote, to choose for ourselves what happens to our spirits and bodies? What happens to us simply because of the pigment in our skin?
White privileged males may be more patient about our 1st Amendment speech than those of us on the end of hate speech or actions. It is a very serious predicament. But right now, I am not as afraid of trampling our 1st Amendment as I am of saving our democracy. Because all of our rights will not matter much if this republican inspired, Putin/Mercer/Murdock/Koch backed coup succeeds in destroying what so many of died for, including all the Native Americans who were genocided to take their lands and resources, and the atrocities of slavery that made supremely white men rich. My only hope is that we have the Power because there are more of us than them as you say, and that, some how, the wheels of our laws and justice system will miraculously begin to work to protect All The People— this time.
NO matter what happens, we are a much more engaged and educated population than we were when the 2016 election shattered our country.
I struggle with chronic depression. Yesterday's testimony made me understand that I have been selfishly consumed by my own sadness. I cried through parts of the testimony realizing that we are all living under a shadow. We are all struggling. We are all both affected and infected.
The disease is the stupidity of the truth skeptics led by masterminds who feed them lucrative juicy stories. Masterminds who, as one news commentator remarked, "sit smugly, vaccinated in their air-conditioned studios, spitting" on the the January 6th truth-seekers, calling them "actors." The disease is power money. The majority of our nation's problems arise from the business of lying to a single tribe, hiding behind the false mask of freedom of speech. For after all, aren’t the antifaxers, the COVID nonbelievers, the climate deniers, the white supremacists, the religious extremists, and the trumpers all one and the same tribe? The same disease?
For some inexplicable reason, I have found myself opening The Brothers Karamazov as a distraction to my depression and politics, bracing for a long slog. Instead of a distraction, I'm finding answers. At least answers on how to live my life. I’m calling it the Biden Solution. Forge through with eternal optimism. Use the superpower of democracy: the vote. Never deny truth. Because like the poem says, truth IS beauty - and the only way out of the mess this world and our country is in. Don't give in to the denier tribe. We are our only hope.
Biden’s optimism was forged in a crucible of poverty, loss and trauma. Part of his strength comes from his deep attachment to faith and family and democratic principles, imho. He is an example I look to often to replenish my own struggle through this morass. We the people; all of us this time. Glad you are here. Keep slogging.
He’s the REAL Deal…a much-needed salve, especially after the past 5+ years of so much fake and hate.
Me too, Sheila. The "Biden Solution" as Cheryl said.
Wow! Everyone! I did not anticipate this kind of response to my comment. When I sound off at home, even the dogs leave the room. I am overwhelmed and thank you all. My sincere and heartfelt best wishes.
Thanks for sharing Cheryl. I hear you, and I wager you're heard by thousands fellow Americans.
Thank-you for your kind words. I don't often comment, because at least to friends and family I seem to be "too much." Your words mean a lot to me.
You are in no way "too much," Cheryl. Thank you for your eloquent insights. And chronic depression is a completely understandable reaction to the five-year toxic trauma we have all endured. The Biden plan for healing the country is a good one -- keep being sane, compassionate, responsible, truthful grownups. Keep advocating and implementing solutions to the real and urgent problems, and ensure voters know who's really making their lives better. Millions of us include activism and get-out-the-vote organizing as part of our personal recovery plan. Your comment is right on. More please!
Don't be intimidated or silenced. Anyone who isn't horrified by the endless travesties, particularly over the last five years, hasn't been paying attention.
Cheryl, You are Not Alone, believe me!!😊
With truth and sincerity!
Thanks, Cheryl. Here is a quote by Aldous Huxley: "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
Thx for that!!!
Please, come here to comment. You are not "too much" for us here, as many of us are either in a similar boat, or close to someone who is. I'm glad you're finding answers in a diversion; that is the best of both worlds indeed.
Cheryl -- I love what you say. Forge through with optimism! Never deny truth! I try to do this re dealing with Covid-19, since as you say, we really are our only hope!!!! Somewhere, someone said "we are the ones we have been waiting for," (or something like that!). Be well and know that you're not struggling alone...
I believe the sane in the nation are suffering from PTSD - Post Trump Stress Disorder.
Thank you for sharing. Please know others are struggling with what Trump and friends are doing. There is yet more truth to be revealed in these hearings.
I understand exactly how you feel and the desire to "organize" this crazy world we find ourselves living. However, no, they are not all from the same tribe.
I know people that aren't Republican, or white supremists, or Covid deniers that are anti-vaxers. They have been practicing alternative medicine and have been sceptical of western medicine for decades. They believe they can ride this out and will not consider that it isn't just about them, it is not an individual decision, it is not about their rights. They see no conflict with their compassion for others. Alrhogh I am frustrated I do not hate anti-vaxers. They should not be lumped in with Trump supporters who are racists and anti-govt and who were just lying in wait for a president that agrees with them so they could overthrow democracy.
There were thousands of them there on 1/6. The KKK on steroids. They lost against an army maybe 1/5 their size. 550+ dumbasses so far arrested and hate groups we never heard involved. Upholding democracy is harder than we thought and in order to uphold it, we have to practice it, and therefore we are in for a long ride.
I also think the discussion on fact vs fiction and lies vs truth is much deeper than most people want to admit. Where do you draw the line? People will always believe in what they want to, despite the evidence, lack of evidence, facts, data, or education. Good and bad people fill in the blanks as they see fit. So no, not all the same tribe. But you are right, there is a Trump tribe, and they got to the top for a brief period. "God" willing, it stays that way because we live in a democracy.
Hi Martha, I anticipated that there would be an argument about "tribes" and I honestly appreciate your comment so that I can clarify. By "tribe" I do not mean that this is a group who ALL share the same opinions, political affiliation, religion, ethnicity, regions, or who are all led by Trump. I am talking about those folks who have been persuaded by "false prophets" if you will. Persuaded by media personalities who make a business and profit by twisting the truth to suit their monetary ends. And yes, many antivaxers are knowingly or unknowingly followers of Joseph Mercola, an osteopath, who for years has spun misinformation concerning vaccines. The decisions these followers make based on Mercola's falsehoods have put themselves, their children, and their contacts at risk for life-threatening or debilitating disease. Mercola's lies and his followers have adversely affected us all.
As a "Certified Holistic Health Coach" I was a part of this movement. I wasn't exactly an antivaxxer - but I was damn close. My mom has had *many* more years living with stage 4 cancer due to holistic physicians (MDs!) ~ but oh, my horror watching my friends and colleagues grasp onto this Mercola/Northrup quackery with both hands!! A few of us gathered together and tried to infuse some logic into our "love & light" friends, but to no avail. My answer was unfriend those who fell into the abyss. I'm still sad... but they are right there preaching the same nonsense they believed when I left them last year.
You cannot fight emotions with logic or common sense.
Hi Nancy - Full disclosure. I am onboard with Holistic Health and am thrilled to see medicine become more and more "integrated." My chronic depression was diagnosed 40 years ago while in my twenties. I was prescribed Prozac which made me suicidal. Since then, I take no medication for what at times is a soul-sucking low. Adjusting my diet, long walks, and nature are my remedies. That said, I am happy for those who benefit from antidepressants. We each have to find our own way, but we need to beware of the devil which you have named well - Quackery.
Adding dogs to your walks & nature likely helps a lot too!
An additional note if you do decide to add a dog or two - please be respectful of nature, wild animals, and other walkers by paying attention to "No pets", "Leashed pets only", and "Pick up the Poop" notices. For those of us - who may love dogs but don't live with one - who enjoy walking in natural areas, it is very distressing to encounter dog lovers walking with their dogs (leashed or unleashed) in nature preserves where they are prohibited, or with unleashed dogs in areas where they are allowed if on a leash. I've had to school myself to keep my anger under control and just call the park rangers, rather than confront the dog lovers in my county who think the signs and restrictions don't apply to them. If the walk is ruined, it's ruined - so rather than making it even worse, I get out. I don't blame the dogs. I blame the inconsiderate dog lovers who love only themselves and their dogs.
Exactly. 🤗
Nancy, I too have been a facilitator of somewhat woo-woo practices,but I'm shocked to see how my "higher consciousness and awareness" colleagues are dealing with Covid. In these cases, they are not politically right-wing -- far from it. Incalcuable harm is done by leaders of holistic practices who promote ignoring/refusing all allopathic treatment and vaccines. The day I heard the founder of an important 'consciousness' movement say that "it's just like a slight flu" I stopped listening to anything else he had to say.
Do you have any replies to these folks?
I do not. There is absolutely nothing we can say to those who are unable/unwilling to change their mind or see logic/facts. They have dug their heels in the sand and refuse to budge. It's the same mentality as cults. (They may actually die, all the while believing they just didn't believe hard enough, eat enough of the right foods or that it really wasn't Covid).
If you love them, then love them as best you can without letting their nonsense break you. ❤️
Thanks for your insights Nancy.
Wow. I’ve never known an alternative health practitioner say those thing! Run fast and far.
Nancy, Thank-you for the Northrup reminder. She was my mother's doctor for a short while - until my sister and I read her book. Your are right. The horror!
Got it. Thank you for clarifying!
Cheryl, you’ve got the herd here with you! Thank you for being so raw with your truth and inspiring us.
Well said Cheryl. My disappointment in family and friends who continue to willfully deny the truth forced me to view them as I would those whose behaviors are triggered by mental illness albeit without the compassion reserved for those who are truly mentally ill. It is the only way I can coexist with the otherwise decent human beings in my life who choose to be in the “denier tribe.” I will not give in to them nor will I give up hoping for a cure.
Thank you for writing Cheryl. Your thoughts are so moving but I hope you will not call yourself selfish in any way. I recognize that self criticism but it's just not accurate or helpful. Your thoughtful writing shows that you are a thoughtful person, a gift. I have never read TKB and will check it out as I too could use a good read like that. Thanks for mentioning your experience with it. And thank your sharing your thoughts. Everyone's voice here is important and crucial!
And your composition has lifted me up. Thanks.
Beautifully said. Thank you.
Sending a virtual hug to you for this thoughtful post. 😘🤗
Beryl, you are 100% correct and I am elated after reading your post. Hope. Thank you!
Big virtual hugs to the people who scared off the deranged idiots wanting to complain about arrested insurrectionist being "political prisoners," by calling Gaetz a pedophile & blowing a whistle to drown out their disgusting lies!
This caught my attention. I think strong non-violent counter protesting is a viable tool for change. My hometown has been holding peaceful counter protests since before the elections when out of town trumpsters organized weekly stand outs downtown. We played music, held flags - realized we also needed some stars and stripes since the alternative group felt they only owned it. A few times things got rowdy. But with good organization and *training*, counter protests can drown out the lies, since we can't prevent them. And both sides are protected by the first amendment. When they are allowed to lie unchallenged - the lies get legitimized. The must be challenged every way possible.
Yes, absolutely. The training and organizing are the bedrock of grassroots organizations.
Thing is they are allowed to lie. We need to be better than that.
We are better, Christopher. We aren't lying. Do you see no differences? A small crowd challenged several dishonest, fascistic, conspiracy spreading elected representatives.
A commentary I saw called it a "rape whistle," a defensive tool used in case of attack.
Thank you, Syd. You've explained the rhyme and reason behind the 'rape whistle' given the presence of Gaetz.
That is seriously witty. 😂
Meidas Touch is selling Q whistles "You too can interrupt a traitor's press conference with our new GQP Repellent whistles."
I checked this out. So great! Thanks.
The whistles are brilliant. They resonate as a general "call to stop bad behavior" device.
I loved that that was used to drown out any words from these crazies!!
Those demonstrators demonstrated the work of the people. They are us and we will follow their example by making our voices heard throughout the country.
Yes indeed, what great examples they are.
Totally agree Eve! Gaetz and Green scurried away like the little rats they are!
Methinks that little incident portends of greater things to come. Next, I expect protesters to follow them around blowing whistles. Nice touch.
Meidas Touch is selling Q whistles "You too can interrupt a traitor's press conference with our new GQP Repellent whistles."
Gotta love the American entrepreneurial spirit.
Brilliant! I posted the link on my FB page! Doing my part, one whistle at a time!
I think she's more of a medium sized rodent, and he's a long, thin snake. Please pardon my intrusion, Christine.
Not at all, Fern. Good morning and nice embellishment on your part!
I’m hearing the people’s drumbeat finally!
An insult to all snakes and rats!
...and what about the poor turtles stuck around Mitch's neck?
How many at last count? 😂
Too many to count!
laughing. out. loud.
Me, too. I love turtles and hate to see them in that environment.
The protesters were brilliant! The fact that they were able to shutdown the RepubThugs so completely made my day. Gotta love those peacefully disruptive tactics!
No matter how heinous their intent, they had a right to be there to spew their false talking points. Should we be proud about denying 1st Amendment rights with those whom we disaheagree?
Does that not give their supporters license to do the same to us?
Never been a fan of cancelling the other side. It's better to let them speak and then pummel them with the fallacy of their own words.
It's OK to jeer, but shutting down a legal event does not make us look better, it makes us look afraid of hearing what they had to say. Avoidance is not a good strategy in cases like these.
They ran away from the crowd that shouted some tough questions at them, and they were being heckled. No cancelling went on. This group that ran away never stops spewing their lies and conspiracies. They couldn't stand up to a crowd that stood up to them.
Thou shalt be subpoenaed...
I am really hoping Gaetz and MTG will be subpoenaed, aling with a host of others. Let’s hope the Truth will out!
It will. Count on it.
You can be so devout and racy at the same time. Brava!
It wasn't the heckling, but the whistle that made it useless to try and continue. It's better to let them speak. Mo Brooks can now be sued for his remarks on Jan 6. Had he been silenced, he'd have gotten away with it.
Let them speak under oath. Big difference.
Your reply is key. Thank you, Kay.
Do blatant lies, meant to foment mistrust and violence really deserve a public podium? They had nothing new to say, it was just a photo op. So glad they folded so quickly.
These people have scripts, which are repeated endlessly. How often do regular folks have the opportunities to be heard as compared to the folks you are defending? They hardly suffer from a loss of 1st amendment rights. Their spiels play endlessly on loops, at rallies, on social media, Fox, and any old street corner of their choice.
What do you disagree with? Was there any untruth in my post?
The protest definitely did not shut down the event Christopher. To tell the truth, Green looked nonplussed and was hurried away by her handler when confronted by a single protester blowing a whistle. What was evident and telling is that they had no supporters there to cheer them on. Gaetz had reporters and a person following him to his car yelling “are you a pedophile, Mr. Gaetz?”
I think the Proud Boys and their ilk already shut down liberal protest. However, I do expect our paid elected officials to do more than spread lies and disinformation.
Christopher Johnson
Tolerance can be taken too far. If we are tolerant of the intolerant, it will eventually destroy us.
That being said, the signs that people were holding did more to shut them down than the whistle did. 'Traitors and rapists, sit down' indeed!
There are plenty of ways to protest at events like that one. Acting like a magahat yahoo is not one of them imho. What I saw was a race to the bottom that only served to play into miscreant GOP script. It will only serve to escalate more bad behavior from the right.
The hecklers were lucky it was a small event with low attendance. Definitely they deserve points for showing up but the execution was rank amateurish.
There are much better ways to get into "good trouble". That's not what I saw today, what I saw was one step removed from a drum circle.
I was listening and thinking hard about your comments as I always do. You back up your comments with your philosophies. But. What do you mean about “one step removed from a drum circle”?
There is a cherished tradition during season on a well known beach o on the west coast of Florida. Usually on weekend. Drummers (amateur and professional) of all faiths hold a drum circle in the tradition of cultural celebrations of nature and community. Every circle is so well attended and emanates good will and peace.
When you talked about singers in song such as Battle Hymn of the Republic, I thought good idea. With a few drummers to set the beat.
Most protests I've participated in have had them but they tended to be ornamental, like Deadheads looking for a venue. They add color to the event for the participants but don't add much else. I'm a musical creature and appreciate their performance but they aren't the reason or the goal of the protest, but they do no harm and like you say provide a beat. What you described is something different more along the lines of the Native American tradition or even African or South Asian where drums are part of the religious tradition.
The folks who disrupted the faux event by MTG and company succeeded in shutting it down but the optics were bad imho. Drum circles at protests can have less than ideal optics to outsiders, I think that's what I was trying to convey. Probably a bad example since I've never seen a drum circle try to drum out a GOP event.
Firstly, this was not a 'legal' event, it was a press conference.
Secondly, we already know what they have to say, they've said it ad nauseum and it stinks to high heaven. They were looking to create sound bites for their entertainment channel AKA Fox "News".
Thirdly, when a child throws a tantrum (of which this was tantamount to), one does not gain anything by pretending that they have anything valid to add to the conversation by this particular tactic. Yes, if they have something valid to say, let them say it and back it up with facts and truth. If they are going to throw a tantrum, holding up signs behind them is not 'rank amateurish', it's a good strategy in the moment and I'm thrilled that they got it together as quickly as they did. Of course, the GQP will learn from this mistake and not repeat it, as the optics are much much worse for them. We need to stay fleet and nimble and come up with creative ways to counter their tantrums. Facts and Truth are great ways to do that.
Their press conference was NOT a legal event.
I've got to say that I agree with you. The Dems have to be careful not to go low or we're no better. These things do come back to bite. We don't want to stoop to their level. We have to have faith that truth and justice will prevail. There could be a time when stooping low is the only choice, but we are hopefully nowhere near that now. I am thinking of the riots in MO when businesses were burned and looted in 2014. My 20-something son said to me, "Mom, they feel like they have no other choice. They have not been heard or listened to for so long."
Well said. Like JFK said "..we do these things because they are hard". It's ironic that stemming the tide of rightwing lies is astronomically harder than sending someone to the moon, but there we are.
Where is the American spirit that got us through the Great Depression and WWII? I contend it's been co-opted by the American plutocracy but it's really a question for Heather.
It was a bitter pill for me to swallow when I realized the hole we Democrats find ourselves in today is a result of decades of the party turning its back on the least among us that metastasized into including most working and middle class folks.
The siren call of "power money" can be very alluring. One must be even more dedicated to the greater good than to power to resist it.
I don't know who the guy with the whistle was, but I can give $25 to help keep him supplied with Acme Thunderers.
These protesters were prepared. They had more than a whistle with them.
'Rep Louie Gohmert, one of the members of Congress to speak at the news conference, briefly returned to speak to reporters after the news conference dissolved into chaos but was drowned out by a large brass band, DC Critical Condition, which was apparently contracted by demonstrators to show up and drown out the news conference with music'. See link below:
I can think of nothing finer and more patriotic than a large brass band to fend off paedophiles and fascists.
These protesters are the best. Between them and you, I've had my first laugh of the day.
Oh no, Fern! It's past 7 your time! You need to catch up on laughter before bedtime!!
Much better I hadn't seen that, brass is class. Still that can't be rehashed every time they want to speak.
When you let them speak, as I just pointed out elsewhere, you let them put themselves in jeopardy of causing a "yelling FIRE in a theater" moment, and then you've got 'em. If demonstrators had shut up Mo Brooks treasonous Jan 6 tirade he might have been able to be defended by DoJ, but now he can't because he was able to speak.
The speakers at this event are what I consider the Knuckle-Draggers Caucus. They are always in trouble. We need to worry about the Ivy Leaguers like Hawley and Cruz who are far more dangerous in the long run.
Christopher they all breed trouble at the very least.
Yes, it's a cost of being an American. We used to talk about the pendulum swinging back and forth between left and right, but nowadays it has started to move in 3 dimensions, left and right and forward and back. We've been going backwards and right since Reagan.
It's time to move left and forward again thanks to things Biden has done I honestly didn't suspect but am so glad to see. Thanks to him many things are showing those signs of moving in positive directions but a lack of courage and an abundance of turf protecting in Congress is impeding progress.
Christopher, Our somewhat different perspectives require more expansive discussion and time, which this form does not encourage. I was very happy to hear from you. We both have had rich experiences and reflected on socio-political issues for some time. I do not have time now and do not know how we may proceed. It is too bad that we do not live near one another. That would enable us to enjoy face to face elaborations on our positions. I think, perhaps, we will have to depend of a number of fairly short exchanges over time. Until the next time, Salud!
Je dit salut!
We could always do a podcast. That's one of my side gigs.
Meidas Touch is selling Q whistles "You too can interrupt a traitor's press conference with our new GQP Repellent whistles."
Qapitalism is alive and well! $10 for a piece of plastic!!!
I am listening carefully to you, Christopher. And I understand what you are saying. What do you think would have worked for the Germans/Jews/gays/ etc. in retaliation against Hitler's brainwashing of his people that they are the chosen ones and developed his Nazi regime using fear and lies.
His People were spoken to in rallies and programmed to march and carry out the most heinous crimes against their own people. I am not seeing much difference in the past five years. I see a well-armed, seditious/terrorist militia that includes trained police, veterans. And you pointed out that had there been more Gaetz/Green supporters, there could have been a very different outcome in violence perpetrated against the counter-protesters. What happens is we are a nation full of fear perpetrated against us by an authoritarian regime. They do not give an iota about real rights--over our bodies, our votes, our colors, our religions, our ultimately our Constitution and laws. We are in a dangerous time that is leading nowhere but to war. We are also full of PTSD, sick, tired, and struggling with a pandemic which prevents many of us from marching in huge groups.
We have plenty to charge all of these idiots with crimes against our country.
Allowing liars to spew their mindbending crap on vulnerable or white supremacists has not been working well for us or those who protect us. These authoritarians have infiltrated our government systems of justice and thwarted democracy. This Jan. 67th commission is the first inkling of bi-partison, truth-seeking people. To hear them and the four officers yesterday was mindbending in itself because it was so honest and real. To have shit thrown at them that they are actors is raising an anger that needs some kind of release after all the patience we have had to uphold for 5 years. Tell me, Christopher, do we wait and not try new ways of shutting up liars and brainwashers until there are concentrations camps like the ones they built for refugee children at our border? Justice is right around the corner we hear. Right around the corner. Tell that to all the officers who tried to protect our democracy from these insurrectionists. Good people were harmed, brain-injured, eye-gouged, stabbed with flag-poles. A hangman's noose was constructed to hang the Vice frigging President of the United States of America. These idiots were searching for him and others to kill. And I do not like Mike Pence one iota, but where does this stop? I ask you--where and how does insanity and lying this stop?
One last thing and we stick a fork in this one. History doesn't so much repeat as it does rhyme. While conditions seem like what happened in Germany, it's still a minority behind it. America writ large has not forgotten the Nazi regime and the killing of 6 million Jews and 400, 000 American troops, but many have yet to wake up and accept things today are not right. More do so everyday and our main job should be enlightening all those Americans too busy just meeting their basic needs, and don't have the luxury we enjoy swimming in the toxic political pool.
The insanity and lying might stop when their lying becomes so toxic it poisons itself but we had better be working towards decency and sanity delivered in a humane and common sensical fashion. More wisdom, less whistles, not saying no whistles but don't make that the strategy if you want to ultimately win.
We have to realize the differences between Germany then and America now. Then the government took control of the papers and airwaves, now our mainstream media is a near monopoly owned by plutocrats or their corporations BUT here we are reading LFAA and all the other Substack newsletter. We have access to many like minded content providers on YouTube and other non-mainstream outlets we can stream online.
The more we repeat their madness, the more we suck out the oxygen of the counter position, namely our position.
It scares me more when I read liberals cowering in fear of the antics of idiots than the actual acts of those morons. When you let them know they scare you they win, but by the same token, the more you act like them the more they win also.
Michele Obama got it half right. What is better is to add a little something like: When they go low, we go high and then we kick them in the nut sack with relentless truth delivered calmly with a smile or with humor.
The hecklers had a quick and lucky result but had there been a rabid maga-maniac in the crowd there could have been some serious injuries.
Where does it stop? It stops when the Democrats in Congress do the right thing. We have the too many of the wrong ones in there right now because of their recalcitrance over the past 4 decades to stand up for the majority of their lower income voters. The failure of the party to have a 50 state strategy has given them a majority of the states with a minority of the voters and the Supreme Court to boot.
This is what we need to be pissed about and should be working to fix.
Thank you for your well-thought out responses. My rational mind agrees with you. My experience and patience of the past five years and my obsession with WWII make me very wary of how patience might not work out based on the destruction of our systems of checks and balances and lack of an entire party not agreeing to operate within our rules of law. That has crippled our democracy. My heart says to believe we will bounce back much stronger, but what I have witnessed is the trampling of our justice systems, our rights to vote with all these suppressions, gerrymandering, the EC, bullying and crudeness and threats to our elected officials and their families, destruction of post offices, etc.. On and on adnauseam.
I do not belong to either major party due to them being owned by corporations and the wealthy. But this has it has always been, has it not? But the dems are more rational than the cult of repubs now.
I am not so confident that the small, highly arrogant, riled up, armed, white supremacist movement of the dying patriarchy (hopefully!) have almost committed a successful coup against our country and government. I will not be confident until I see a lot more elected officials in prison for seditious acts against our country.
The dilemma of our silence and keeping pandemically safe —— crickets or whistles? There are many kinds of whistles-- like writing, calling, speaking truth to lies. I am with the Whistlers rather than the deniers, liars and those willing to destroy our democracy.
This makes me wonder if there is also a color/gender issue with trusting a system that has been run like a caste, dominated by white men since it's inception, and is currently being trashed by mostly white men because it was almost beginning to work (election of Obama). They fear losing their power over the rest of us-- women, people of color, LGBTQ, different spiritual belief systems (Those who have been waiting, mostly respectfully, for the laws to protect us as People equally, our right to vote, to choose for ourselves what happens to our spirits and bodies? What happens to us simply because of the pigment in our skin?
White privileged males may be more patient about our 1st Amendment speech than those of us on the end of hate speech or actions. It is a very serious predicament. But right now, I am not as afraid of trampling our 1st Amendment as I am of saving our democracy. Because all of our rights will not matter much if this republican inspired, Putin/Mercer/Murdock/Koch backed coup succeeds in destroying what so many of died for, including all the Native Americans who were genocided to take their lands and resources, and the atrocities of slavery that made supremely white men rich. My only hope is that we have the Power because there are more of us than them as you say, and that, some how, the wheels of our laws and justice system will miraculously begin to work to protect All The People— this time.
NO matter what happens, we are a much more engaged and educated population than we were when the 2016 election shattered our country.