A little good news today: Robert E. Lee High School in Midland, TX, of Friday Night Lights fame, is changing its name! https://www.mrt.com/news/article/MISD-board-to-change-name-of-Lee-HS-15438457.php

I attended but moved before graduation. A Black gay alum, who also is a teacher, started the petition in June. The debate raged on Facebook every day, but was mainly civil. A small but important victory.

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I was pleasantly surprised to find this video of Laura Bush talking about the name. She was one of the first to attend the school in the 1960s. I have a different impression of her after watching this https://www.facebook.com/groups/2216732327/permalink/10158653081792328/

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Love good news! If every size! Good for them! 💙

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My black stepdaughter attended Robert E. Lee middle school in Miami in the early '80s. It was mostly Hispanic and black students. It was an old school that got demolished and the replacement has some Hispanic name that no one actually knows - unless they go there and learn who it was.

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It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that a botched break-in and subsequent coverup was enough to remove Pres. Nixon from office, a lie under oath about an illicit affair was enough to get Pres. Clinton impeached, but the thousands of lies and the constant subversion of the rule of law and the Constitution by the Trump administration aren’t enough to get previously respected Republicans to act in defense of America or honor the oath they took to protect and defend the country and Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. And they’re not done - in fact it seems like they’re just getting started. And civil protest seems to be what they want so they can move in even more troops. I think the protests should be massive sit-ins to reduce their ability to call them anarchist riots.

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The Wall of Moms, Dads, and Veterans are good examples of the best technique to protest. Admittedly, tempers are running high from the strain not only from the wrongdoing of this administration and its sycophantic Republican Party but also from the emotional effects of the pandemic from lost jobs, fear of homelessness and infection, and domestic strains. Add to that the passions of a longstanding sense of injustice, felt now not just by black, brown, and Asian people, but also even by white people. For me, this starkly brings back memories of the Kent State massacre on May 4, 1970, 50 years ago. Only now writ so much larger.


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After Kent State, I booked one-way passage on a freighter to Japan. Have been living here ever since.

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Recent protests have been additionally complicated by white supremacist provocateur imposters.

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It's because the GOP has decided it's better to walk lock-step than with honor.

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At least there is some push back against Barr and DHS:

A D.C. National Guard Major was the senior NG officer on scene at Lafayette Square on June 1. Barr had said the protesters were violent and deserved gassing and physical assault. The NG officer is scheduled to testify before the House Committee on Natural Resources that “my observation, those demonstrators—our fellow American citizens—were engaged in the peaceful expression of their First Amendment rights. Yet they were subjected to an unprovoked escalation and excessive use of force.”


After the Oregon DOJ lawsuit against DHS was dismissed for lack of standing, Protect Democracy filed a lawsuit against DHS on behalf of the Portland Wall of Moms and Don’t Shoot Portland for authoritarian abuse of power against peaceful protesters. As plaintiffs who directly suffered the gassing and assaults by DHS officers, they would have standing.


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Tie 'em up in courts in any way conceivable using the letter and spirit of the law .....unlike the lies and iobfuscations coming from Barr/Trump so that the DOJ etc cannot move an inch against the American people without breaching visibly the constitution.

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Your phrase "Once again, the Republican narrative is running into reality" is a perfect description of the moment. Make reality real again!

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Make reality matter again.

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You capture Barr's vile machinations perfectly. And Trump's description of Portland protesters is breathtakingly demented, not to mention grotesquely false.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, interviewed tonight by Ali Velshi (subbing for Rachel Maddow), spoke about how what's happening here in Portland is triggering protests across the country, including in her city. Her point: Trump is inciting unrest by deploying a secret police force that is escalating violence, and he will do so around the country.

Most revealing is Durkin's account of a conversation with Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf. She said Wolf assured her she would be notified if feds would be sent to Seattle. Not long after they spoke, she learned the feds were on the way. Wolf lied.

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She also said this is their trial run for declaring martial law.

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I saw that interview. She was brilliantly direct and articulate, no pussyfooting around the issue. One of the more impressive leaders I've seen so far.

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Mayor Durkin does not have a very good rep here in Seattle.

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Why is that?

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Or look her up on Wikipedia

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You may read about her handling of the CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) in a variety of news outlets.

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Thanks for adding this. It was chilling to hear a leader of a major American city say this publicly.

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Watching Gym Jordan and Louie the Gomer leap to the defense of Barr tomorrow is going to require that I leave my shoes and coffee cup in the writing office before going into the living room to watch those two miserable pieces of something I scrape off my shoe, the damned traitors.

Barr needs to be arrested at 12:01pm on January 20 and charged with treason.

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The closer we get to November 3rd the more frantic and panicked this administration and the Republican enablers in Congress will get. So expect drastic attempts at voter suppression, threats of martial law, massive levels of lying (although Trump is up to more than a hundred lies a day), and racist dog whistling and encouragement of rightwing acts of violence. There are a few--very few--Republican senators and congressmen who are starting (!) to become alarmed by what is going on, but not enough to stem the flow. They've all drunk the Kool-aid and my hope is that they all go down with Trump.

However, I am also very very concerned about the period between November 4th and Inauguration Day: Even if Biden wins in a landslide, this administration and its goons in the Senate can do a huge amount of damage in that time, and it will be very difficult to control Moscow Mitch, especially if he loses his seat.

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November to January if Biden wins: pray the WH still stands. November to January if 45 become 46: lockdown in our homes (those who still have one) might not be enough.

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At the same time, McConnell announced his opening gambit in the trillion dollar economic support program. Having said it might take weeks for this to appear, it now comes out at the beginning of the week at a convenient "ant-trump news" moment. Mitch seems to have got the hang of the situation he and his fellow senatorial gang members find themselves in if they rally still too closely around Trump's "flag". They have pitched a 66% cut in the unemployment payment and matched it with a non-liability" clause. Its a poor start but one which the Democrats will now be able to let some light into and leverage much closer to their own position. Clearly, McConnell has abondoned the "pork-barrel" Trumpism of a cut in payroll taxes as an electoral non-starter.

Barr at the Senate will be a non-event at which bravado will replace integrity and conspiracy theorist will be fed a gourmet dinner. The GOP will use the event to publish their own talking points and circumscribe much of the Democratic minority's rights and legitimate concerns and to attempt to portay their strategy as purely electoralist and fed by "Ant-Fa" radical interests. It shames the American Constitutions, the nation's institutions, its history and its people;

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McConnell hitched his wagon to the Trump star for far too long, and is now scrambling to make himself look approachable. All the Republicans who have similar leanings as Mitt Romney need to make themselves heard, and quickly. And all politicians, Republican and Democrat alike, who are now in office need to heed the anger of the "common man" in this country. There is a storm brewing, and we are just seeing the beginnings of it.

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Stuart, I'm a little confused by your use of the word electorialist in the last paragraph. Since the Democrats are not the party in power and not the party with authoritarian tendencies how would they (the Dems) be using electorialism as a strategy? Or am I misreading the sentence?

(No need to explain the word electorialist, I understand what a electorialism is.)

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When you look at the extent to which they project, in psychological terms, their own "sins" and criminal failures on those that oppose them, then the expectation that they would thus accuse the Democrats becomes perfectly clear

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Thanks, Stuart. Republicans do indeed project and if the gods aren't crazy it will backfire explosively on them.

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My plea to the Portland protestors would be to negotiate with the Portland Mayor and Police Chief another Portland venue/location for peaceful protests where federal authorities have no authority to police. Portland police/law enforcement can even offer protection and safety for protestors expressing their first amendment rights peacefully. There is a need to demonstrate the peaceful statement of legitimate grievances without providing Trump and Barr the picture they wish to portray to core Trump supporters of lawless civil unrest. It would provide an effective contrast to the message Trump is trying to deliver. I believe this strategy is first in the hands of the Portland Mayor and Police Chief to initiate with an outreach to the protestors and their leaders and spokes people.

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I have shared these thoughts with both Mayor Wheeler and Governor Brown as well.

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The protestors message can remain unchanged including the demand for removal of federal forces. By removing the federal courthouse protection as an excuse for the deployment and use of federal forces it takes away Trump’s and Barr’s excuse for their use.

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That is such a good idea. I started to listen to the Barr testimony but had to turn it off. He and the Republicans on the committee are making it seem that the protesters are anarchists, attempted murderers, arsonists and worse. The government is “protecting” the federal courthouse , bla, bla, bla.

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I had exactly the same experience with the Barr testimony and questioning. I found it unhelpful and also not particularly revealing of any new information.

The current administration cannot end soon enough. However, my fear is that Trumpism within the Republican party and electorate will survive a defeat this fall. There will be much to address in a new administration to undo so much damage that has already been done by this administration. While I hope for a more reflective and thoughtful Republican party following a resounding defeat, I am unsure that is a likely scenario.

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The Lincoln Project is not only committed to getting rid of trump and his enablers, but also trumpism.

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No need to acquiesce. Rise up and push the Feds out.

Please listen to Grandmaster Jay's views:


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Thank you HCR for this letter and all of your letters and lectures. I'd especially like to thank you for your writing style; it is clean, uncomplicated and unpretentious. It is accessible to anyone who has a mind to read your work. In a time of political smoke and mirrors your ability to communicate clearly is an invaluable asset. Again, many thanks.

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Regarding the sending of federal law enforcement into cities where they were not requested and are not wanted, my fear is that if that isn't stopped soon--like, immediately--it will become accepted practice. Governors and mayors have the means to stop it, don't they? They could activate their National Guard and put them on ready status, call AJ Barr and tell him he has until (give him a deadline) to remove his Stormtroopers or the National Guard will be sent in to do it. Why is nobody taking decisive action against this clearly unconstitutional action on the part of the AJ and DHS?

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Preach the truth! Brava HCR! I can feel the justice in your words.

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One big question is: “Why would Barr sign up for this?” He had a solid, albeit highly partisan, reputation before Trump. He knew what he was getting into. He saw respected men like Tillerson, Kelly, Mattis, McMaster, Coates, (okay, semi-respected) Sessions et al. resign or be forced out. He knew Trump was unfit for office. He knew that to serve as Trump’s AG meant disregarding the rule of law and corrupting the DOJ. Yet, Barr signed on anyways. I can only think of two possible reasons. One, Barr has long dreamed of having the power to dismantle the Constitution and install an autocracy. Certainly, the conditions are in place for him to do so (hence HCR’s essay today), and the predilections are there, as Barr has given speeches about the theocracy he wishes America would become. Or two, Trump has promised Barr the next seat on the Supreme Court, in return for serving as Trump’s consiglieri. For Barr, becoming a Supreme might be worth destroying his reputation and trashing the DOJ. It’s a puzzle, to be sure.

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Great question. It's hard to believe Barr merely evolved from unethical fixer in his first stint as AG into a brazenly corrupt enforcer for the president because he believes so strongly in a unitary government. Is the answer the allure of a Supreme Court appointment? I doubt he has the scholarly legal background and would be over his head. My guess: money, big money from somewhere. Greed has a way of compromising principles and overcoming concerns about one's reputation. Maybe Barr doesn't realize that he has already stained his family name for generations to come, even with more dark deeds to come.

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Barr appears to be moving towards martial law. Now, THAT will be a frightening development. Perhaps it's time to consider organizing an underground movement. We may be needing it to assure a free election in November. Who would have ever thought that Democracy in America would be this vulnerable?

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Yesterday we talked about ways to get involved. Here’s one: 2020.Indivisible.org. It gives several options for ways to participate.

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Outrage and Anger! Hope Biden gets Democrats on all fronts and gets safety measures in place to protect our democracy from ever going through this again! 💙

Thank you!

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