I saw AOC’s address – it was righteous and long overdue. The torch has been passed … I hope she, and others like her, can keep hold of it.

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Yoho invoking his love of God and country as an excuse for his bad behavior was disgusting.

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Edward Abbey wrote, "A hollow man is full of himself."

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I guess invoking the Passion Play works for Florida republicans.

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Good one.

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It is probably highly significant for Barr/Pompeo; delirious with their dreams of a "Mayflower" theocracy!

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Except that Barr is a Roman Catholic — not sure about Pompous’ affiliation.

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The one in Oberammergau?! That would be bizarre.

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Oh, and he has daughters...

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Poor kids.

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And poor wife — whether she’s under his spell or not.

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I just watched Donald's alphabet soup of a press briefing...all the hamsters have escaped the cage and are now running around wild inside his head.

Someone must have had a serious come to Jesus meeting with Donald in order for him to cancel Jacksonville.

HCR, I don't know how you do it every single day. You're amazing.

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I don’t know how you can listen. I grab the mute button as soon as he opens his mouth.

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I listen on occasion. Usually I read the transcripts. Though honestly, they are no less frustrating than listening to him.

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I agree with the “come to Jesus” talk with tRump. He is now “playing a part”, all of his current (as in this week) words and ideas are clearly scripted. IMHO, this won’t last long. The narcissist little boy in him that is smarter than anyone else in the room (in the world?) will break ranks with this script.

BTW, did anyone else notice that the group that entered the room for the press conference yesterday was packed tightly together, most of them sans mask? This after his “speech” the day before stating how it is (now) important for him to set a good example about wearing a mask.

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I'd like to throttle him every time he says China Virus.

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I suppose Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chao is too sequestered to be offended or targeted by tRump's mischaracterization of the virus, but other Asians have encountered disdain from his ignorant cult base. "Stochastic Terrorist" is another phrase I have learned since this bigot became POTUS.

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Every time he says it, I tweet #TrumpVirus. Doesn't mean anything, really, but I feel Karma gets balanced a little bit...

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My guess ... his new re-election campaign chief. Watch out. He's going to do more things that appear normalized.

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Thank you, Heather, for a moment of levity in these grim times, and for your daily summary.

"Then Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the trusted face of coronavirus advice and thus has angered the not-so-trusted president, threw out the first pitch. (It was so far off base that one wit noted on Twitter: “He clearly doesn’t want anyone to catch anything.”)"

I watched AOC eloquently relate what happened to her as well as Rep. Yoho's non-apology, and can only hope she will inspire other women to stand up for themselves.

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It might also help to inspire men to not tolerate this kind of behavior.

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The numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths are soaring to unimaginable heights. They are beyond depressing and deplorable! This is not where we should be with this pandemic — except for the fact that our “beloved” leader has been particularly inept.

The one person who lifted my soul yesterday was AOC. She was, indeed, inspirational! I believe that everyone with children should sit and rewatch her speech with their young daughters and sons. Violence against women (verbal or otherwise) — in fact, any form of sexual, racial, cultural violence — must be eradicated from the colonial, patriarchal culture that persists on so many levels in our communities/societies. It is also worthwhile having them watch the other congresspersons stand up to support AOC, including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer who affirmed that: “all the men on this side of the aisle are supportive of AOC.”

Surely, we can all stand up to the likes of Mr. Yoho (who still denies having uttered those words) and reject such platitudes as “men will be men” and “boys will be boys.” Violence is never a matter to be taken lightly.

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Her speech was incredible, uplifting and very necessary. I am very fortunate to have a husband who agrees with everything she said. Mrs. Yoho, not so much.

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AOC is inspiring! I highly recommend watching the documentary "Knock Down the House" about the grassroots movement that helped get her elected. It gives me hope to see people working so diligently to better our country.

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Sally Rego-Wasinack, I agree that was a great documentary.

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In military studies of battles and campaigns, it is often noted that there comes a time when "the gods of war" roll the dice, and from that point on, one side will go from strength to strength to the end, while the other side, no matter how desperate it becomes can never regain its footing and stumbles on to inevitable defeat.

I think tonight's post, on all points, describes that moment. This has been the week the Republicans lost, and the only real question is just how bad they're going to lose. Things will keep going as they are, the Democrats will look good at their convention while the Republicans will look like a collection of dorks on a ten-day bender. And their incompetence will continue to magnify everything. Everything is now on a log-log scale and the parabola of failure being described is approaching vertical. I mean, these idiots, including Old Blubberneck, are now going after Lyn Cheney for "insufficient loyalty"!!! Their feet are going to be so full of large-caliber exit wounds next month they'll only be able to crawl.

I love it, being a long-time believer that President Truman was right back in 1948 when he said "The only 'good Republicans' are pushing up daisies." Let them all "Make America Great Again" with their permanent departures.

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I want to put an addendum to this. At the moment "the page turned" nobody there at the time knew anything more than that they had avoided an immediate catastrophe, gained what appeared to be a momentary advantage, etc. There was much hard work to be done. Thinking of the Battle of Midway in June 1942, the Japanese never "won" even a small thing after the Battle of Santa Cruz four months later (of which the Japanese admiral who "won" reported that "another victory like that and we're finished"), but the following three years saw some of the most horrible warfare imaginable.

This may (I emphasize that word) be what I think it is, but even so, we need to run like my old boss in politics said "run like you're ten points down till they tell you you've won on election night." No complacency!!

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"This has been the week the Republicans lost, and the only real question is just how bad they're going to lose. " May it be so. May they lose so badly that contesting the election is not even a glimmer in their minds. May the only question be which of tRump's dictator buddies takes him in for self-exile to escape the New York courts.

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Love AOC! I know the Dems think they need to control her. But she is what the people want! And Fauci! That’s just funny! It’s true, he really doesn’t want anyone to catch anything! Lol! Thank you! Helps so much to hear your intelligent insight!

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Trump's problem could come now from his puppet masters as they will likely conclude that he is not going to win and they don't want to incite a costly, and economically damaging, civil war by staging an "Emporer Donald" coup d'état. They might now be looking to protect the "message" for the future so that the controlling "Tea Party strain" in the GOP does not go down the plug hole with the dirty bath water. Living to fight another day is infinitely preferable to them to sharing Trump's vainglorious, Nero-like immolation. They are not interested in losing their current priviledges for the sake of and idiot that doesn't understand what success in the "Montreal Dementia/AlzheimerTest" really means. A pivotal moment indeed!

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In response to Steve’s post about the steep mountain we are climbing, and to inject a diversion, I offer this. As a child of the 60s and 70s I’ve been a fan of Pink Floyd since 1970. This morning while walking my dog one of my favorite PF sings popped into my head, called ‘Fearless’. The lyrics are so spot on, especially the second stanza:

You say the hill's too steep to climb


You say you'd like to see me try


You pick the place and I'll choose the time

And I'll climb the hill in my own way

Just wait a while for the right day

And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds

I look down hearing the sound of the things you said today

Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd


Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round


And who's the fool who wears the crown?

Go down in your own way

And everyday is the right day

And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow

You look down

Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd

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Right there with you on 'Fearless'. You and I must be about the same "vintage".

When my son went to school in Chattanooga, the ten-and-a-half hour drive each way at least 6 times a year could get pretty tedious. When he'd see me getting a little edgy, he'd wordlessly cue up 'Fearless' on the c.d. player, and I'd immediately begin to unwind. It's such a miraculous song.

Pink Floyd, The Moody Blues ...

thanks, James. I believe I have my sound track for today.

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Moody Blues - ‘Voices in the Sky’ :-)

I thank Sirius/XM Deep Tracks for turning me on to that :-)

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Pink Floyd used to come often to play our Saturday night "dance" at UCL at end of 60s

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Ah, to have been there then. <sigh>

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You know it is a full news day when "Trump talked to Putin" gets a single sentence mention that, upon my first reading, seemed almost out of place in the Letter. Illustrates the monumental task you face each day when determining the most significant issues in the long arc of the Letters story. I'm sure we'll hear more as this is one of your "watch issues." A little foreshadowing always improves the read.


An overwhelmed news junkie

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I am becoming very critical of the talking heads posing as TV newscasters. Why have none of them made more of an issue of this? Why are they so reluctant to cut tRump off when he is doing nothing but lying or at least fact check on the spot and say that is FAKE, not "misspoke" or "not verified" or other euphemism. We need someone to channel Edwar R. Murrow in broadcast news.

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Chris Wallace bravely did that in his interview

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Pay close attention to any liability immunity clauses that wind up in the stimulus bill... McConnell has been fairly clear that no bill will be passed unless businesses are fully protected from being sued for spreading COVID to their employees or customers.

As for AOC, her discussion of Yoho's wife and daughters was a slick implication that they are suffering under his abuse as well. Well played.

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I feel as if we are on a climb up a steep mountain. On the other side, if we make it over the top, we will achieve less tolerance of misogyny and racism. But if we slide back we will fall neck deep into continued and worsening Trump-promoted hatred. We need to keep climbing with all our might!

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Important to remember that 80% of deaths on Everest occur on the descent from reaching the summit. Not only do we have to attain the mountain top but we must remain vigilant to bring ourselves safely back to Base Camp. Only then may we celebrate our success.

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Yes. ^ That. Lest we become a collective Sisyphus.

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AOC was amazing. Anyone who disagrees with her speech should be treated as suspect.

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“Leadership means being able to adapt to any situation. ” Thank you for the quote Heather. It's a useful reminder of what we all need to consider in getting through the multiple challenges that we face. It should be the first lesson that we offer to the younger generation. We cannot know what they will need beyond skilled leadership that can adapt.

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We could all use a good dose of creative adapting to figure out how to give our children a year of schooling that is both educational and non-fatal. For many public school students, including my teenagers, jumping online has not worked. Spreading a fatal disease by gathering kids and staff in our schools is a rotten alternative, even with maneuvers to reduce risk. Masha Gessen had some excellent ideas of alternatives for colleges: https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-do-college-students-think-of-their-schools-reopening-plans . Has anyone seen any good ideas for alternatives for high schools and younger?

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Your paragraph about Dr. Fauci was the first time in all the time I've been reading your Letters that something you related made me laugh.

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Referring to Fauci's "pitch", a friend of mine said, "Fauci didn't just 'flatten the curve' with that pitch...he obliterated it."

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"'Leadership means being able to adapt to any situation,' said DNC Chair Tom Perez."

America is desperate for strong, agile leadership in general and, in particular, from the DNC. Adapt and simultaneously respond...boldly, clearly, often.

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Unfortunately, on both sides of the Atlantic we are faced with the same problem; the mediocrity of existing and aspiring "leaders" ...who have no notion of the meaning of the word and no capacity to fill a "leader's shoes" should they encounter a meaningfull definition. It is a long time since examples abounded from which they could learn or whom they could copy.

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