Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

Thank you to your friend for her wise words. Do please get more regular rest. Lack of good sleep is one of the first things that causes brain deterioration, and we so dearly need your wisdom and knowledge right now. But not at the expense of your health. While I miss your words when you take the evening off, I am comforted in knowing you are getting some much deserved sleep and will be fresher and wiser for it the next day. Sweet dreams.

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I agree 100% but don't really know what to do when so much news drops so late. Have you noticed that really key stuff comes down just before midnight? that's a deliberate tactic, and I'm determined not to let them get away with it.

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In airplanes they always say to put your oxygen mask on first. You are worthless if you pass out trying to help your seatmate get theirs on first. No matter what is going on in the world, or in your community, if you do not care for yourself first, you will become of little use to the rest of us.

New studies on Alzheimer’s and dementia note that 6-8 hours of sleep EACH night is critical to helping our brains heal and function well. And there is no such thing as making up for lost sleep by sleeping 15 hours a few nights each week.

So you will have to make a decision on what is truly important to you, for the long term, not just the short term.

We will adjust.

We will be happy with whatever you choose, because we will have your wisdom and knowledge for the long term. That is so much more important, at least to me, than having your wisdom six different ways each day for now.

I have learned so much about my country from you these last 5 months. I have gained so much perspective on what is going on in the world right now from your weekly videos. Yes, I love your daily letters to us, and look forward each morning to reading them. But it wouldn’t matter to me if I read day old, or even 2 day old items about their crazy antics. Heck, when you give us a lecture some of the stuff you tell us is several hundred years old!

What I cherish is your astute perspective, your ability to put together disparate items into a coherent package so I can see their crazy antics from a different and better point of view.

What would pain me most is to lose access to your long view, your amazing understanding of our history, and your total joy in sharing it with us.

Right now you write us a daily letter. You prep for and give us 2 hour-long video lectures each week. You ask us a thought-provoking question each weekend and read and respond to our replies. You are starting to write another book. You are creating a new course for the fall semester. And soon you will be getting ready, and then teaching, several classes at BC each week, giving tests, reading papers, etc.

That schedule would overwhelm most people. We do not need you to save the world, even though I know it really needs saving right now. What we need is wisdom, calmness, clear thought, and the perspective to know we will also come out of this one, even as horrible a mess as it is right now, just as you have shown us, this country has done several times before.

So take the time, each and every night, to get at least 6 hours of sleep. The news will wait a few hours, or days. It is not going anywhere. And neither are we.

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Good for you. Another deliberate tactic is Trump's recurring streams of Friday Night Massacres. The man has no historical knowledge so he doesn't have a clue about what Nixon did; probably thinks a Watergate is a golf hazard on the ninth fairway. But he knows Friday's a good time to roll out a live grenades hoping the press won't be watching. He'll be AWOL at one of his clubs over the weekend, of course, so he won't have to face the music until Monday morning. So, if he's going to do something really hideous, like sacking Anthony Fauci for insubordination or promoting Jared to Prince Consort for extraordinary service to country, expect a Friday midnight sneak attack. Just sayin.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

Good, Dr Heather, we’ve worried about your late nights. Take more days off, we do so rely on your knowledge and insights. May you have a sound full night’s sleep!

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I really can't take days off. It's like an athlete, you know? Easier to run than not.

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I do know, yes. Last 25 years in the Post Office walked 8 miles a day. Rarely took more than a week off at a time. Too hard to get back into shape otherwise. So, yes, I know. You know what you can endure, I’m sure. You’re an essential assist to maintaining our clarity and focus.

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Sounds a bit like internally driven, constructively channeled “OCD?“ As we all treasure your work (which you are volunteering as a good citizen and do not owe us!), we are also looking out for your sustainability and balance. To give yourself more periodic breaks, would it help on an evening to replace your Letter with a prompt question for us to research, answer, and respond back and forth?

This is a great group of thoughtful, respectful, articulate readers and writers. Your “Hamilton” post seemed like a spontaneous example in this direction. Readers’ answers that the ICE citizens training called to mind how Hitler engaged the support of Germans was another. The prompt topic might be more connected to current events than your occasional “Question #...” We don’t have your mastery of U.S. history, but collectively, we can shoulder a little of the work!

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

It has come to the point where, whenever someone starts a sentence with "Heather," we all know who they mean. Paraphrasing author Edwin Friedman: Show up, speak the truth and maintain a non-anxious presence. Thanks for sharing that gift, Heather. (And the people said, "Amen!")

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Thank you for telling me this. I love that being polite, honest, and calm is a way to "subvert the dominant paradigm."

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

Some of us actually stay up waiting for your late night missives... helps to put what are often disconcerting developments into perspective. I've recommended you to at least half a dozen others who from time to time are ready to say "it's no use." And I say "you should read Heather Cox Richardson's thoughts each day." You really are providing a much needed public service... we need and appreciate your contributions.

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Thank you, Phil.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

Savor all you can.... Surely your self care and balance are critical to sustaining your commitment to the newsletter. Your capacity to contextualize the current US political moment for the rest of us is a phenomenal contribution.

Heartfelt gratitude!

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This is a marathon, so pace and rest count. Your wisdom and amazing ability to devour the news and make logical sense of it, are a Gift. You are an anchor in such turbulent times. Rest and enjoy the goodness around you.

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We never mind if you take a day off. Your work is such a gift, and we appreciate you more than you know.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

Glad you are taking care of you! Beautiful picture! Enjoy your rest and thank you again for all you do. You are truly a national treasure and patriot. 😊

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

I agree with your friend. You deserve a rest from making sense of it all for us. Unfortunately, it must be brief respite. Speaking for myself, I’m now searching my inbox immediately upon awakening for your letter. This addict will need a fix soon! ❤️🤍💙

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

I don't know how you do it, but I'm very grateful for all your words of wisdom and references to history. I'm glad when you take R&R, most important not to exhaust yourself. The storm is coming!

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

Enjoy it wholly, while you can. Take your time. It's going to get pretty sporty now that the countdown has begun... The last 100 days will be interesting. Like rats scuttling off a sinking ship, let the stories and games begin.

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You are so not kidding. This is going to be crazy from here on out.

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The thought that things could get even crazier than they are, surprisingly, hadn’t occurred to me. Surprising because I am usually looking and planning far into the future, which has served me well in each of the levels of healthcare in which I have worked over the years. Surprising because I didn’t even realize I had stopped analyzing forward. Must be a symptom of overload. Glad you have taken some time to rest and recharge, I would hate for this to happen to you, we all depend on you so for sanity and making some sense of things as they develop. Thanks for all you do.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

We want you to take care of yourself. We need you. ❤️

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

kayaking is one of the greatest equalizers--paddle on!

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

Can't go on overload indefinitely. It takes a clear mind to do what you do so well. Making every day count is only possible if it includes refreshing your mind, your body and your psyche. Enjoy. Be well.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

As many days off as you need. So appreciate your work.

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Jul 12, 2020Liked by Heather Cox Richardson

Great photo! Here in Colorado, wishing to be in Boston or the Cape! Enjoy some rest and thanks so much for your dedication!

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Well, Colorado ain't bad... :)

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