“Well, I tell you what, I would do things, but the last thing I want to do is say it right now.”
Yeah, because telling the American people how he would join Putin in attacking Ukraine (he actually thought it was the US that was planning an amphibious landing at Odessa) and admitting he's a traitor won't work for him past the 30% of drooling deplorable morons who are too stupid to realize he's even dumber than they are.
Right now, Trump is literally the only American politician still supporting Putin, as he did in his speech at the Conservative Pricks & Asswipes Convention tonight. If he keeps it up (please do, you motherfucking piece of shit), he'll sink the GOP this fall.
Putin needs to read Roman history: Caligula wasn't murdered by his many enemies; he was assassinated by his Praetorian Guard.
And then we can flush Trump down the same toilet we flush Putin.
Now that we KNOW DumpsterFire was ripping official documents and flushing them, it gives more meaning to all his talk about toilets earlier in his presidency. And @TCinLA - your words - thank you. I’m done with all the being nice bullshit too. I’m not sure Trump is alone in his support for Putin - MTG, Madison Cawthorn (l am still baffled at how such a dumb jackass with hardly a high school diploma and ZERO law or political experience got elected; lets support his democratic challenger), Jim Jordan, Dumbass Broebert in CO, Gaetz - they support Dumpster Fire so they support Putin.
I am in Texas and I didn’t vote for anyone in our legislature or Senators. It’s called gerrymandering and now voter suppression. Mail on ballots APPLICATIONS are getting thrown out. The print is small, the envelope is small, the directions are confusing. The people who need this are elderly and disabled and filling it out wrong. The website that was “promised” to be set up so you can track your application never got off the ground. Early voting ended Friday 2/25. We have some evil bastards running this state. Abbot, Patrick, Paxton, Schaefer, Krause, Hughes, Briscoe Cain and more. But wait! There is more… 😡 FAILED STATE. And we have to worry about the grid failing every time we get bad weather or the wind blows just a little to hard.
Exactly, they have taken over like Putin wishes he could. No election will be fair unless voting rights passed. I can only donate and write so many letters.
This is where I wish Biden would use the Executive pen. States who support partisan electors are NOT democratic… they are leading us down the authoritarian path.
Your description of the overly complicated mail-in voting system here in Texas is spot on. I've been mailing in ballots for almost 9 years and this is the first time I struggled with it. It was deliberately designed to PREVENT people like me from voting.
My husband became a poll watcher for a local candidate. He is watching the disaster unfold in real time. He has a great idea! A YouTube video on how to fill out the mail in application. He said there is a flap people don’t lift and it covers they TDL# and they put their VUID #. Boom! Gets thrown to the “deficit” pile and a voter may or may not find out why. It depends on the people in the ballot board room. Also, ONE person in that room gets to decide if signatures match. This is hurting the republican voters as well but not as much as Dem voters. Dem voters are more likely to ask for mail in and they know that.
Are you unacquainted with federal class action law suits... tie the voting results up in court so NONE of the votes can be verified until reviewed by a NON-PARTISEN NON-POLITICAL AGENDA federally appointed jury...now try imagining the republican whining about an unfair process...
And I live in the district in NC where Madison Cawthorn was elected. Nobody I know (that I know of) voted for him. Between all the gerrymandering that's been going on and his appeal to the people who cling to some notion of a white confederacy, we watched helplessly aghast as he beat a highly qualified candidate.
But every 2 years you have the opportunity to make that change, unlike having to tolerate the wrong person in office for 6 years. It will take more than words to regain the moral code NC should have in its representation. The people of Ukraine are willing to fight and die for their. Get organized. Get others to stand up and speak out. It's all we have left.
Everything you have written proves how essential it is that YOU and others like you VOTE. Nothing will change or get better if those who see the reality of your government stand back and don't fight like hell to change it. Look at the Ukrainians who are fighting to the death to protect and retain their freedom and democracy. The very least you can do is vote to change/protect yours.
Trying to Heart this, Rusty. Suspect the Heart will eventually turn red, but want to make sure you know about it. Well spoken. Thank you. I'm tired of people who either have their heads in the sand or seem to be trying to get other people to give up.
Agreed. The GOP doesn't even have an agenda for 2022 or 2023. They only care about opposition and "owning the libs". They don't care how they get there as long as they win.
What is happening is now forcing them to take a closer look at the Reputincans their party has installed in their states and who have been working at dividing their citizens in the same way that Trump was dividing the NATO nations before we kicked him out of power.
It was not the "American Voter" who elected candidates in Florida and Texas. That would be voters in those states, many of whom are regretting their choices. I'm surprised you don't seem aware of how the American system works.
I was merely parapharasing a quote attributed to H.L. Mencken .... 'No one ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people.' Here in Florida, few on the right regret their sticking with the defeated former president and their present governor. They have no idea what is in their interest and what is not. The 'American system' doesn't work in States where gerrymandering has created unrepresentative State legislatures as in Florida and Texas, and elsewhere, too.
The two ex-classmates I know in Florida know exactly why they support regressive polices...one is filthy rich and the other lives in Naples and plays bridge all the time, so also has money. The latter bragged about how she had figured out how to download books for free and I felt compelled to remind her how she was hurting authors. When, despite my pleas, she insisted on talking politics, often in all caps, our conversation ceased. Our last conversation was about something Obama had done and I supplied her with the factual background. She didn't care and this despite being an intelligent educated person.
My last sentence was inappropriate, so my apologies, Jack. May I plead morning as an excuse? I've never liked that Mencken quote, btw. I got his point, but I hate generalities that demean an entire group of people based on some supposed characteristic of a few. It wouldn't be so offensive had he used the word "ignorance" rather than "intelligence". Even humorists don't get a pass on some things.
Unfortunately, Florida voted for Republicans (DeSantis, Rubio, Gaetz) because they continously like to hurt themselves. People who voted against their own best interest amaze me. New Yorkers ,our winter tourist, just make Florida man jokes (we do too! Our family has been in Florida since 1920. Sad to watch.
You know, there are a lot of New Yorkers in Florida and I think they are being persecuted politically; can’t New York just liberate them by annexing Florida?
Laughing so hard I can barely type. KEEPER! Actually, all the New Yorkers in Florida might be part of the problem... but I love your take on the situation. We could start our own sitcom using material provided by commenters here. Imagine the episode where they put a big fence around the T compound....
In Texas, if you want to take more than 7 people to the polls, you have to submit a letter to the polling location and they send it to the Secretary of State for review. So, check on that in your state. Those are great things you are doing! I think going to Community College and 4 year college campuses and registering the young people. They could make a difference and need to be informed of what’s at stake.
Is that "more than 7 people" in total? or "more than 7 people" in a single vehicle trip? How on earth can they track that? Are there Republican operatives stationed in the vicinity of polling places who count & take down license plates? How about if voters are dropped off a block or so away (yes, I understand that walking a block is difficult for some individuals).
Just curious 😈 Do they require approval for “People to the Polls” equally to Republicans as well as Democrats? Or is it just Democrats who have to get “approval”?
Love this thread! Sophia, the things you are doing and sharing are great, and I love that other people are jumping in with things they are doing to help get the vote out. Grabbing some of those.
I'm wondering if you meant "secession" rather than "succession"? I have problems sometimes with words that kind of look and sound alike (I had to turn off autocorrect on my computer- it didn't help at all.) But the thought of Texas seceding triggers lots of amusing thoughts. It had trouble with being admitted in the first place because of the fact that settlers from US were there illegally and took over by means of an illegal war. It has been suggested by some legal minds that if it were to successfully secede, Mexico would get it back. Isn't that interesting to contemplate? Some really fun scenarios. And after the mess when Texas regulation led to nightmare scenarios when their power supply shut down, I suspect that Texans are appreciating the benefits of being part of a more extended connection- pun intended.
Cawthorn is handsome, and probably gets some sympathy votes for his disability from the shallow end of the gene pool; MTG and the others reflect their ignorant constituencies. We can celebrate when Gaetz is finally jailed - just don't understand why that hasn't happened.
It will happen. The wheels of justice turn s-l-o-w-l-y . Look how long it took for the StonyBrook School shooting families to see a bit of justice. Ten years.
Have you noticed how small and close-set MTG and Gaetz's eyes are? I know that phrenology is considered a pseudo-science, but could there actually be some relevance here? Just sayin"
Pompous is horrible! Another one who is supportive of Putin. He thinks because he lost so much weight, he’s fit to run for office. Hope he’s fit enough to be run into the ground!
Pompeo is a legend in his own mind. No appeal whatsoever even as a presidential candidate in his own party. He as much charisma as his now very empty suits.
Marlene Lerner-Bigley (CA) it upsets me that my friend's granddaughter is engaged to marry his son. I have seen how happy the relatives of my friend are about this upcoming marriage! I haven't seen anything recently from them, so I am not sure they are still my Facebook friends. I have had many friends and family remove me from their Facebook friends. They have bought into the "Big Lie"!
I am so very sorry, Sharon. There is simply nothing that you can do to change their minds. Look at it this way, you expressed your feelings. They rejected them because you aren’t part of the cult who drank the Koolaid. Be proud about what you did. Get with groups of people who think like you and me and let go of those who don’t. I know, it’s hard, but do it to take care of yoirself.
Tfg was always sadly the most inarticulate president ever, as shown by “I would do things …” A fourth grader learning to write reports would get that sentence circled in red.
When students have no idea, they are vague and since death star has to open his mouth and opine on everything, he proves almost daily how brainless he is.
There are still Republicans supporting Putin. Not only present, but past ones, too: Marjorie Taylor-Greene (speaking at a white nationalist conference), former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (who said on-camera that Putin is "very savvy," and has "lots of gifts"), and Josh Hawley). The others may not directly support Russia's invasion and Putin, but they're twisting themselves into knots trying to lay blame for the incursion on President Biden's "weakness."
My fervent wish is that president Biden calls them out during his state of the union speech. This kind of treasonous behavior shouldn’t be ignored or condoned.
Lots and lots of traitor footage to show during campaigning. Sometimes I wonder if Democrat's silence on these people has been to give them enough rope so they could trip on it.
Stunning that Trump would say something like “For $2 worth of sanctions he gets a country.” Meaning shrewd transaction. Nothing to do with people living in either country. Other people do not exist, except for him to manipulate.
I just read a thread on LinkedIn started by a post from a far right news group. Kyle Rittenhouse was spewing that he has tried to get an appointment with President Biden who called him something. The bile and hatred from all on the thread for our President and Democrats was shocking.
Couldn’t agree more, but one of the reasons that trump won the nomination and the election in 2016 was the fascination and huge amount of coverage trump got from the media free of charge.
Good thing everything TFG and his buddies say and write is preserved for posterity. He can lie through his teeth but cannot deny the Truth when that too is part of public record and memory.
The Republican Party of racists and sexists doesn’t care about the truth, Irenie. Nor democracy. Nor laws. All they care about is keeping whites, men, straights et al in charge of society. Trump was a lifetime New York Democrat, because that was the thing to be in New York City, and then he joined the party of racism and sexism because he felt a lot more at home with those people.
I’m not worried anymore. The Trump family and Matt Gaetz are definitely going to be indicted. Madison Cawthorne and Josh Hawley and other politicians are at risk of being eliminated from politics because of their participation in the insurrection. A lot of the worst culprits, like Giuliani and Eastman and the other pseudo-lawyers, are in deep shit too. We will see plenty of developments in 2022.
A couple of thoughts: First up which certainly must be in everyone's mind is that tRump can't read. I seriously believe he has a reading disorder. And even if he was capable, his name is not in it so he'd immediately lose interest. (But I get your point, TC!)
Second: this pop into anyone else's mind? When reading that Zelensky instead of being evacuated asked for ammunition, think about 1/6 and how (after spurning his supporters on and saying he'd march with them) tRump ran his fat ass back to his office with the Diet Coke call button and hid in the WH?
And last, I found this latest episode of Politics Girl to be very informative. I am not nearly as bright as most of you readers, her explanations were helpful to me and if anyone watches and finds misinformation, I'd appreciate knowing what it is. I found the second half particularly enlightening
I'm still pushing for Critical Fascist Theory (CFT) to be taught in the schools, but I need your help to build the theory and spread the word. Also, with the Republican Party and Fox News in mind, I'm pushing for "Critical Jackass Theory" (CJT) to be a weekly TV show.
Greg, just wrote a comment about John Oliver's CRT episode on 10-20. Check the show out. My favorite response to the whole nonsense - a sixth grader wrote in that geometry makes him feel uncomfortable and he would like it to be removed from the curriculum.
“Well, I tell you what, I would do things, but the last thing I want to do is say it right now.”
Yeah, because telling the American people how he would join Putin in attacking Ukraine (he actually thought it was the US that was planning an amphibious landing at Odessa) and admitting he's a traitor won't work for him past the 30% of drooling deplorable morons who are too stupid to realize he's even dumber than they are.
Right now, Trump is literally the only American politician still supporting Putin, as he did in his speech at the Conservative Pricks & Asswipes Convention tonight. If he keeps it up (please do, you motherfucking piece of shit), he'll sink the GOP this fall.
Putin needs to read Roman history: Caligula wasn't murdered by his many enemies; he was assassinated by his Praetorian Guard.
And then we can flush Trump down the same toilet we flush Putin.
I have long paraphrased Michelle Obama’s noble line: “When they go low…….flush.”
Now that we KNOW DumpsterFire was ripping official documents and flushing them, it gives more meaning to all his talk about toilets earlier in his presidency. And @TCinLA - your words - thank you. I’m done with all the being nice bullshit too. I’m not sure Trump is alone in his support for Putin - MTG, Madison Cawthorn (l am still baffled at how such a dumb jackass with hardly a high school diploma and ZERO law or political experience got elected; lets support his democratic challenger), Jim Jordan, Dumbass Broebert in CO, Gaetz - they support Dumpster Fire so they support Putin.
Please do not overestimate the intelligence of the American voter. Look whom they elected, and will re-elect, in Florida and Texas.
I am in Texas and I didn’t vote for anyone in our legislature or Senators. It’s called gerrymandering and now voter suppression. Mail on ballots APPLICATIONS are getting thrown out. The print is small, the envelope is small, the directions are confusing. The people who need this are elderly and disabled and filling it out wrong. The website that was “promised” to be set up so you can track your application never got off the ground. Early voting ended Friday 2/25. We have some evil bastards running this state. Abbot, Patrick, Paxton, Schaefer, Krause, Hughes, Briscoe Cain and more. But wait! There is more… 😡 FAILED STATE. And we have to worry about the grid failing every time we get bad weather or the wind blows just a little to hard.
If it were possible to exchange Florida and Texas for Ukraine, we would come out ahead.
Exactly, they have taken over like Putin wishes he could. No election will be fair unless voting rights passed. I can only donate and write so many letters.
This is where I wish Biden would use the Executive pen. States who support partisan electors are NOT democratic… they are leading us down the authoritarian path.
Your description of the overly complicated mail-in voting system here in Texas is spot on. I've been mailing in ballots for almost 9 years and this is the first time I struggled with it. It was deliberately designed to PREVENT people like me from voting.
My husband became a poll watcher for a local candidate. He is watching the disaster unfold in real time. He has a great idea! A YouTube video on how to fill out the mail in application. He said there is a flap people don’t lift and it covers they TDL# and they put their VUID #. Boom! Gets thrown to the “deficit” pile and a voter may or may not find out why. It depends on the people in the ballot board room. Also, ONE person in that room gets to decide if signatures match. This is hurting the republican voters as well but not as much as Dem voters. Dem voters are more likely to ask for mail in and they know that.
That really should be illegal! Deliberate bastards!
Are you unacquainted with federal class action law suits... tie the voting results up in court so NONE of the votes can be verified until reviewed by a NON-PARTISEN NON-POLITICAL AGENDA federally appointed jury...now try imagining the republican whining about an unfair process...
And I live in the district in NC where Madison Cawthorn was elected. Nobody I know (that I know of) voted for him. Between all the gerrymandering that's been going on and his appeal to the people who cling to some notion of a white confederacy, we watched helplessly aghast as he beat a highly qualified candidate.
But every 2 years you have the opportunity to make that change, unlike having to tolerate the wrong person in office for 6 years. It will take more than words to regain the moral code NC should have in its representation. The people of Ukraine are willing to fight and die for their. Get organized. Get others to stand up and speak out. It's all we have left.
I was raised there, NC was great until Rush the turd set up camp. I remember it happening, same as in Texas.
Everything you have written proves how essential it is that YOU and others like you VOTE. Nothing will change or get better if those who see the reality of your government stand back and don't fight like hell to change it. Look at the Ukrainians who are fighting to the death to protect and retain their freedom and democracy. The very least you can do is vote to change/protect yours.
We are voting and organizing.
We are purple, why they are desperate to shut us up
Trying to Heart this, Rusty. Suspect the Heart will eventually turn red, but want to make sure you know about it. Well spoken. Thank you. I'm tired of people who either have their heads in the sand or seem to be trying to get other people to give up.
Agreed. The GOP doesn't even have an agenda for 2022 or 2023. They only care about opposition and "owning the libs". They don't care how they get there as long as they win.
True in my area
What is happening is now forcing them to take a closer look at the Reputincans their party has installed in their states and who have been working at dividing their citizens in the same way that Trump was dividing the NATO nations before we kicked him out of power.
It was not the "American Voter" who elected candidates in Florida and Texas. That would be voters in those states, many of whom are regretting their choices. I'm surprised you don't seem aware of how the American system works.
I was merely parapharasing a quote attributed to H.L. Mencken .... 'No one ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people.' Here in Florida, few on the right regret their sticking with the defeated former president and their present governor. They have no idea what is in their interest and what is not. The 'American system' doesn't work in States where gerrymandering has created unrepresentative State legislatures as in Florida and Texas, and elsewhere, too.
The two ex-classmates I know in Florida know exactly why they support regressive polices...one is filthy rich and the other lives in Naples and plays bridge all the time, so also has money. The latter bragged about how she had figured out how to download books for free and I felt compelled to remind her how she was hurting authors. When, despite my pleas, she insisted on talking politics, often in all caps, our conversation ceased. Our last conversation was about something Obama had done and I supplied her with the factual background. She didn't care and this despite being an intelligent educated person.
My last sentence was inappropriate, so my apologies, Jack. May I plead morning as an excuse? I've never liked that Mencken quote, btw. I got his point, but I hate generalities that demean an entire group of people based on some supposed characteristic of a few. It wouldn't be so offensive had he used the word "ignorance" rather than "intelligence". Even humorists don't get a pass on some things.
Unfortunately, Florida voted for Republicans (DeSantis, Rubio, Gaetz) because they continously like to hurt themselves. People who voted against their own best interest amaze me. New Yorkers ,our winter tourist, just make Florida man jokes (we do too! Our family has been in Florida since 1920. Sad to watch.
You know, there are a lot of New Yorkers in Florida and I think they are being persecuted politically; can’t New York just liberate them by annexing Florida?
Laughing so hard I can barely type. KEEPER! Actually, all the New Yorkers in Florida might be part of the problem... but I love your take on the situation. We could start our own sitcom using material provided by commenters here. Imagine the episode where they put a big fence around the T compound....
In Texas, if you want to take more than 7 people to the polls, you have to submit a letter to the polling location and they send it to the Secretary of State for review. So, check on that in your state. Those are great things you are doing! I think going to Community College and 4 year college campuses and registering the young people. They could make a difference and need to be informed of what’s at stake.
I keep hitting the heart for this, but it's not live at the moment. I think this is a Great Idea.
Is that "more than 7 people" in total? or "more than 7 people" in a single vehicle trip? How on earth can they track that? Are there Republican operatives stationed in the vicinity of polling places who count & take down license plates? How about if voters are dropped off a block or so away (yes, I understand that walking a block is difficult for some individuals).
Just curious 😈 Do they require approval for “People to the Polls” equally to Republicans as well as Democrats? Or is it just Democrats who have to get “approval”?
Maybe you could start some local Democracy Summers. Details here: https://jamieraskin.com/DemocracySummer
Love this thread! Sophia, the things you are doing and sharing are great, and I love that other people are jumping in with things they are doing to help get the vote out. Grabbing some of those.
retain the ALCU for class action law suit in federal court
I am waiting for Texas to vote for succession
I'm wondering if you meant "secession" rather than "succession"? I have problems sometimes with words that kind of look and sound alike (I had to turn off autocorrect on my computer- it didn't help at all.) But the thought of Texas seceding triggers lots of amusing thoughts. It had trouble with being admitted in the first place because of the fact that settlers from US were there illegally and took over by means of an illegal war. It has been suggested by some legal minds that if it were to successfully secede, Mexico would get it back. Isn't that interesting to contemplate? Some really fun scenarios. And after the mess when Texas regulation led to nightmare scenarios when their power supply shut down, I suspect that Texans are appreciating the benefits of being part of a more extended connection- pun intended.
Cawthorn is handsome, and probably gets some sympathy votes for his disability from the shallow end of the gene pool; MTG and the others reflect their ignorant constituencies. We can celebrate when Gaetz is finally jailed - just don't understand why that hasn't happened.
It will happen. The wheels of justice turn s-l-o-w-l-y . Look how long it took for the StonyBrook School shooting families to see a bit of justice. Ten years.
You're right, Jack. I just hope I live to see the viper slithering in a cage.
“shallow end of the gene pool“ 😆😆
Have you noticed how small and close-set MTG and Gaetz's eyes are? I know that phrenology is considered a pseudo-science, but could there actually be some relevance here? Just sayin"
... don't open the closet door, Laurie - you might not be able to close-it again ....
I heard remarks from Pompeo! He has presidential desires!
Pompous is horrible! Another one who is supportive of Putin. He thinks because he lost so much weight, he’s fit to run for office. Hope he’s fit enough to be run into the ground!
Pompeo is a legend in his own mind. No appeal whatsoever even as a presidential candidate in his own party. He as much charisma as his now very empty suits.
Marlene Lerner-Bigley (CA) it upsets me that my friend's granddaughter is engaged to marry his son. I have seen how happy the relatives of my friend are about this upcoming marriage! I haven't seen anything recently from them, so I am not sure they are still my Facebook friends. I have had many friends and family remove me from their Facebook friends. They have bought into the "Big Lie"!
I am so very sorry, Sharon. There is simply nothing that you can do to change their minds. Look at it this way, you expressed your feelings. They rejected them because you aren’t part of the cult who drank the Koolaid. Be proud about what you did. Get with groups of people who think like you and me and let go of those who don’t. I know, it’s hard, but do it to take care of yoirself.
With plenty of water, no clogging
Perfect, Peter! Thank you.
The best!🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Thank you Peter! Best laugh I've had in days!
This is great! I must share it on Facebook.
Tfg was always sadly the most inarticulate president ever, as shown by “I would do things …” A fourth grader learning to write reports would get that sentence circled in red.
When students have no idea, they are vague and since death star has to open his mouth and opine on everything, he proves almost daily how brainless he is.
He would....kiss Putin a_s
That would happen after he was done sucking his, ….
Can’t ❤️ this but… yeah!
There are still Republicans supporting Putin. Not only present, but past ones, too: Marjorie Taylor-Greene (speaking at a white nationalist conference), former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (who said on-camera that Putin is "very savvy," and has "lots of gifts"), and Josh Hawley). The others may not directly support Russia's invasion and Putin, but they're twisting themselves into knots trying to lay blame for the incursion on President Biden's "weakness."
My fervent wish is that president Biden calls them out during his state of the union speech. This kind of treasonous behavior shouldn’t be ignored or condoned.
Biden uniting the world is OUTSTANDING. Yeah NATO
Lots and lots of traitor footage to show during campaigning. Sometimes I wonder if Democrat's silence on these people has been to give them enough rope so they could trip on it.
Stunning that Trump would say something like “For $2 worth of sanctions he gets a country.” Meaning shrewd transaction. Nothing to do with people living in either country. Other people do not exist, except for him to manipulate.
Too true.
Dems biggest mistake ...playing to nice
Aw come on B. You know you pay out rope for the jerk at the end of it. I know you know that.
I don't know what this means.
Hang, not trip.
he's echoing Orban who "said" he did not support the invasion
Pompeo is a pompass.
Why does the media even ask Trump what he thinks? The media should be ignoring and neutralizing his ilk.
Fox Views is NOT the media….
I just read a thread on LinkedIn started by a post from a far right news group. Kyle Rittenhouse was spewing that he has tried to get an appointment with President Biden who called him something. The bile and hatred from all on the thread for our President and Democrats was shocking.
Including the liberal media. They are also guilty of providing Trump free PR- he sells.
Couldn’t agree more, but one of the reasons that trump won the nomination and the election in 2016 was the fascination and huge amount of coverage trump got from the media free of charge.
Good thing everything TFG and his buddies say and write is preserved for posterity. He can lie through his teeth but cannot deny the Truth when that too is part of public record and memory.
The Republican Party of racists and sexists doesn’t care about the truth, Irenie. Nor democracy. Nor laws. All they care about is keeping whites, men, straights et al in charge of society. Trump was a lifetime New York Democrat, because that was the thing to be in New York City, and then he joined the party of racism and sexism because he felt a lot more at home with those people.
Yes, that’s all true. Just hoping TFG and his buddies are found guilty for some of their crimes. Long shot but I can hope.
I’m not worried anymore. The Trump family and Matt Gaetz are definitely going to be indicted. Madison Cawthorne and Josh Hawley and other politicians are at risk of being eliminated from politics because of their participation in the insurrection. A lot of the worst culprits, like Giuliani and Eastman and the other pseudo-lawyers, are in deep shit too. We will see plenty of developments in 2022.
I hope so. That would be Democracy at work.
His stoplight is always red.
Thanks for clarifying what CPAC stands for
A couple of thoughts: First up which certainly must be in everyone's mind is that tRump can't read. I seriously believe he has a reading disorder. And even if he was capable, his name is not in it so he'd immediately lose interest. (But I get your point, TC!)
Second: this pop into anyone else's mind? When reading that Zelensky instead of being evacuated asked for ammunition, think about 1/6 and how (after spurning his supporters on and saying he'd march with them) tRump ran his fat ass back to his office with the Diet Coke call button and hid in the WH?
And last, I found this latest episode of Politics Girl to be very informative. I am not nearly as bright as most of you readers, her explanations were helpful to me and if anyone watches and finds misinformation, I'd appreciate knowing what it is. I found the second half particularly enlightening
Thank you for your daily posts, TC, they are always worth seeking out and reading. I savor every word and usually reread it a few times!
Also worth mentioning that in contrast to tRump, Pence stayed in the Capitol on 1/6 to finish the work of certifying the election.
Miselle, you can find a lot more from TC at his daily Substack blog:
THAT'S ANOTHER FINE MESS ... Here are the last 3:
Yes! I have always suspected he has a reading issue. Among other issues.
You mean like drugs, incontinence, trouble walking??
Thanks for posting tgevlink to Politics Girl. She is always right on target.
I'm still pushing for Critical Fascist Theory (CFT) to be taught in the schools, but I need your help to build the theory and spread the word. Also, with the Republican Party and Fox News in mind, I'm pushing for "Critical Jackass Theory" (CJT) to be a weekly TV show.
Greg, just wrote a comment about John Oliver's CRT episode on 10-20. Check the show out. My favorite response to the whole nonsense - a sixth grader wrote in that geometry makes him feel uncomfortable and he would like it to be removed from the curriculum.
I mean, isn't the point of geometry divisiveness?
I think you might be referring to fractions . . .