The news this week is overwhelming and it is refreshing to read this, distilled to the heart of the matter. A side note: I’ve known several people with fairly high government security clearances over the years. If anyone of them had taken nationally classified documents home, they’d already be in custody.
This case appears open and shut. What's not known is the degree and extent of national security being compromised. As swamped as the Justice Department is, Merrick Garland has no justification for not opening an investigation, ordering the FBI to learn what happened to the documents for months at Mar-a-Lago, and turning over the evidence to a grand jury.
Michael, I not only agree, but also would add that for some time there has been sufficient factual predication to open up criminal investigations involving not only the Jan. 6th foot soldiers. I understand from Laurence Tribe that some months ago several scholars and former prosecutors had laid out a blueprint for a myriad of criminal offenses that might have been committed by Trump and by others at the top. The key point was not to obsess over the political downsides of an indictment. That was for a later day. That understood, surely now, presuming Garland has not already ginned up a full-blown criminal investigation, he should do so at once.
Frankly, my concern, after four years of Trump, is that Garland is so intent on re-establishing the independence of the Justice Department that he is overly cautious about appearing partisan. I would note, to the contrary, that if Main Justice doesn’t start holding everybody at the top accountable, at least to the point of being subject to full-blown criminal investigation, then we’re really giving up on democracy, which is premised both on our having institutions we can trust and, of course, also on the idea that no one is above the law. As a final point, I would note that it’s not nearly as easy to stonewall a grand jury as it is to stonewall a congressional committee.
There are a number of honorable and normal steps AG Garland could take to send a clear message on the opening of an investgation without breaching DOJ norms, policies, or compromising its independence. Among the most effective would be the appointment of a special counsel. We have seen with the appointment and investigation by John Durham of the opening of the Mueller probe how this protects an investigation even across the change of administrations. This should have been done months ago. Tomorrow would be acceptable to correct this oversight. A second step would be convening a special grand jury to hear evidence of a conspiracy and render indictments or not. If DOJ intends to examine these matters internally rather than use a special counsel, then let’s get the special grand jury impaneled.
David, Because I didn’t see Tribe’s tweet, I’m uncertain of how it squares with his earlier comments. Additionally, if the tweet reads as you say, I’m also uncertain about actions by the DOJ that would justify the tweet. As a final point, I would note that BruceC’s comment above is a useful reference for all of us.
Good points, Barbara and BruceC, especially about a grand jury. And suspects also can't endlessly appeal Justice Department subpoenas. On the one-year anniversary of the insurrection, Garland said those involved at every level would be held accountable. So I believe the department will do its job, though perhaps there was a better way. To BruceC's Just knowing that a special counsel had appoint to take on this job would have given us more hope.
Michael, Like you, I was particularly intrigued by BruceC’s mention of a designated special counsel, thus moving the investigation out of DOJ and also removing any conflict of interest.
Sophia, Though I don’t attribute the recent developments you mentioned to DOJ, I do appreciate your confidence and also would note that I view BruceC’s comment above as a useful reference for all of us.
All these attacks on AG Merrick Garland are extremely puzzling. How do YOU know he has not ordered an investigation, or that it is even necessary for the DOJ to tell the FBI how to do their job?
I so agree, MaryPat. And certainly not the moment in time to be didactic about the Justice Dept. I trust that this Atty General knows better than any of us about “justification”.
Sadly, at this point it is difficult to believe that no whisper of a criminal investigation of T___p and his cronies has escaped from the DOJ. If something is going on, then there is an unprecedented level of security in the department.
As divided as this country is, and as frustrating as it is to not yet have charges from DOJ, perhaps part of the calculus is that State cases, both civil and criminal, would be preferable if they accomplish the same goals. The main aim should be to prevent TFG from ever holding office again, and despite his grandiose claims of multi-billionaire status, he'll likely be bankrupted. At that point, the oligarchs will desert him like rats from a sinking ship. While effective, this will frustrate many of us who long to see him and his family in orange jumpsuits. The bad news is that the Republican party will have many volunteers to replace him as leader of an authoritarian government here in the "land of the free."
Beyond true. In Tx, Gov Abbott is a horror. However, I believe that Lt Gov Dan Patrick is more dangerous. He actually believes the bull Schitt that they foist on all Texans. He is a religious zealot who has no respect for any opinion but his own. He was a poor excuse for a sports reporter when I lived in Houston years ago. Now he has illusions of grandeur that match chumps. Now he is going after tenure after they have shut down any teaching of the ugly parts of our history. He has big money behind his evil. God forbid he go nationwide.
Yes. And there will be plenty coming up at federal level that will belong to the DOJ. Unlike the Special Committee on Jan 6th, Atty Gen Garland’s dept intact until Jan 2025.
Christine, I agree. If anything at all comes of the multiple crimes Trump has committed, the State will have the most teeth to atleast do something. I don't expect it to be the level at which most people want, but it may be more than he has had in the past.
Preferably a red state like Georgia? But wait, a Black prosecutor would be “racist.” And those in New York are “far left radical communists.” However, financial crimes are supposedly easier to prove. Motive for cheating isn’t relevant, perhaps. He didn’t cheat to make America great again, unless you believe America is better off when the right kind of people can cheat.
I do not have any info regarding what the AG is doing right now about all this, but recently I went to a page on the Federalist Society <spit> site, whereon I found the following lists of speakers who shared a FS dais with Garland over the years:
I share your frustration. My initial reaction to this discovery of classified documents being removed to Florida was - handcuffs now please!
But in reference to Garland, I believe he is as meticulous and ethical as any American could be. If I were him, I would be assembling my facts and evaluating the law so carefully that when ultimately charging someone, the results would be almost pre-determined. Garland will always look at these matters from a judge's perspective which is "don't bring anything before me unless you have an iron clad case."
And if I were Garland I would do it in a manner that does not reveal it's destination until absolutely necessary. I would hold my cards close until I hauled in the pot.
Yes, and it is the Jan. 6 investigative committee that has uncovered the stolen documents, among other incriminating evidence. Perhaps Garland is on their coattails, gathering the evidence after they do?
What is your rationale supporting your contention?
Attorney General Merrick Garland is truly a patriot, as you are also.
The General is NOT required to openly divulge his efforts just because we lack the patience, (sufficient knowledge of the process required to succeed in court), to support and trust in the Generals competence.
We should, instead of casting any doubt whatsoever, profusely thank our FATHER in Heaven for HIS blessing upon us for General Garland's self-less sacrificing for accepting what he surely knew would be a thankless job.
The man is a National treasure who will sure be instrumental in saving our American Democracy!
Yes, "General Garland!" We are in the midst of a War on Justice in this country, seeded by the same dictator who this day intends to invade and steal Ukraine. As Lucian Truscott IV wrote today on his Substack site: "I think Garland and the DOJ are way ahead of where we think they are. I think their effectiveness can be measured at least in part by the fact they do not leak. Everyone should put their slippers on and sit back and wait for the show to start."
George, it does seem that locking up Trump is something that America is not really organized to do in a timely manner that prevents him from continuing his campaign to dismember American Democracy.
However, we do have Angola prison, that former slave plantation, down in Alabama, where, I think it is still legal to use prisoners to pick cotton.
Angola to make sure that if a black man steals a loaf of bread from the 7-11 to feed his starving family, because there are no jobs for black folks, he gets properly and promptly locked up to pick cotton in the summer.
So, its all good. Let Garland tiptoe around Trump. No worries. If, by time Garland gets ready to charge Trump, Trump is already dictator for life..... worries.
If you have helped Trump like Putin, you will be just fine.
Who are you referring to in your last sentence, Mike S? Are you projecting the attorney general being “fine” or the commentator you are addressing? Either way, you are suggesting aiding and abetting an enemy. Totally inappropriate.
Hi Christine. I am suggesting, in what must not be a clear way, that those who are helping Trump dismantle our Democracy will be just fine if Trump becomes dictator. Until they are not of course. Trump is as erratic as a fruit fly.
My comment was directed at George, but, perhaps that is too pointed.
I think criticism of Merrick Garland around timing is appropriate given the damage that Trump continues to do every day.
Leaving Trump loose is not a free pass for America while Merrick gathers and gathers and gathers and gathers evidence.
Mike, Mike, Mike. What would your mother say? Don’t get me wrong. I find him repulsive too. Remember his social development stopped when he was 8 years old or so. We will be rid of him. Meanwhile we are dealing with a childlike mental focus. Putin recognized this. The GOP recognized this. Both worked to throw the nation off balance and thwart Freedom and democracy. We all know the stakes now. Perhaps the Ukraine can somehow escape the clutches of the Putin Trump Conspiracy that is playing out now. Perhaps not.
I support Garland. No attorney general has faced a bigger challenge. Any doubts I had were allayed by his comments on the one-year anniversary of the insurrection. The process is frustratingly slow, even in normal times. But that's because it's meticulous and seeks to be fair.
George, Though your query is not addressed to me, since my endorsement of Michael’s stance is included in this thread, I’d be interested in knowing whether, in your view, I have provided ample justification. Thanks.
Speculation about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s competence is commensurate with American’s very short memory about even the most spectacular news.
Surely being acquainted with some knowledge of General Garland would obviate any doubt about him.
Merrick Garland wrote his 235-page honors thesis on industrial mergers in Britain in the 1960s.
Merrick Garland graduated from Harvard in 1974 as class valedictorian with an A.B. summa cum laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Merrick Garland then attended Harvard Law School, where he was a member of the Harvard Law Review.
General Garland has not forgotten the disaster caused by the inconclusiveness of the Robert Mueller report. Trump and all his minions used such manipulated ineffectualness to falsely declare his exoneration of the stipulated guilt which was clearly spelled out in the RM report.
Any investigation/indictment/prosecution of the first president in the history of the United States of America that fails to convincingly convict trump will likely become the disaster sought by all those who strive to destroy American democracy.
George, Thank you for your detailed response. As for your caveat regarding the Mueller investigation. I would note that Barr’s bastardized 21/2 page summary, the only text we saw for a month once the investigation was completed, coupled with Muller’s abysmal testimonial performance lead me not to trust this example as a reliable precedent. Additionally, I would note that my comment mainly focused on the consequences of not holding those at the top accountable, at least to the point of being subject to full-blown investigation. As noted, said persons, who continue to stonewall the Congressional Select Committee, would have a far more difficult time stonewalling a grand jury. Also, as noted, the decision to indict would be deferred to a later date, pending what the investigation produced. Last, I would note that criminal investigation tends to focus the mind. And the mind of the country needs to be focused on this, because however important other things are, we nearly are running out the clock on democracy.
...and let's not forget Garland successfully prosecuted Timothy Mc Veigh and his partner. Terry Nichols for bombing the Murragh Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
It would seem that locking up Trump is something that America is not really organized to do in a timely manner that prevents him from continuing his campaign to dismember American Democracy.
However, we do have Angola prison, that former slave plantation, down in Alabama, where, I think it is still legal to use prisoners to pick cotton.
Angola to make sure that if a black man steals a loaf of bread from the 7-11 to feed his starving family, because there are no jobs for black folks, he gets properly and promptly locked up to pick cotton in the summer.
Exactly. Us Democrats have repeatedly suffered ourselves with apparent stupidity. Face it, we were daily the subject of ridicule during the impeachment debates. Gym Jordan, Slut-Gaetz, Schuck Grassley, and a few others repeatedly made us seem inept at what we were trying to proceed with. I will take exception to Ms Val Demmings, whose salty tongue and dignified appearance hit Gym square in the nutz.., on several occasions. She's presidential material! We let Comey and the FBI drive us apeshit. And, we are letting Man-chin and Sin-enama ramble around on the news-screens..., for what? We are weak. And we look weak. This doesn't mean we need to engage in any shouting matches... uh uhh! The moRons would love that. It remains one of their favorite tools, yet we have stayed clear of it. We do need to recognize what we are doing as a tactic. I'm going to hope.., and watch.., and listen intently. One can only hope that we have people in charge who have clearly learned from past mealy-mouthed exhibitions. President Biden, has sat thru dozens of security briefings. We need to exhibit support.. not doubt. But it is entirely good to air our concerns here. Who knows who is listening on our side. Finally, I once saw this painting of the wall of the 4485th Test Squadron briefing room. It was a menacing gorilla holding a hand of cards. The caption below read: "This ain't no puss game".....
Barbara, all of this hullabaloo was started by one person who was AG Merrick Garland's law professor 45 years ago. Currently Garland is overseeing top secret investigations, and knows how incredibly important it is to not show his hand. I taught hundreds of students at the University of Michigan for 20 years and would never presume to know the inner workings of their jobs today. And I remain close (and loyal) to many of them. Lucian Truscott IV wrote on his Substack site today: "I think Garland and the DOJ are way ahead of where we think they are. I think their effectiveness can be measured at least in part by the fact they do not leak. Everyone should put their slippers on and sit back and wait for the show to start."
We have a nation of worn out, frustrated people on our hands. It goes against our grain as good hearted, law abiding people to see someone seemingly getting away with such obvious crimes. I am right there with you Michael. But where we differ is I am holding my tongue. My feeling is we must present a united front at this critical time. I asked a lawyer why the delay with DOJ. They guessed that maybe the DOJ is making sure they have a perfectly tight case because this Country will explode if people start getting locked up.
I think this DOJ has been extremely close attention to leaks of the past and is playing it very close to the chest. They’ve organized a trustworthy group who is more interested in their roles as attorneys than getting a leak in the press or a sound bite on Fox. It happened with Mueller and 2 times with Durham. We see how those two false statements caused Republicans and MAGAts to claim it’s all Hillary’s fault. Heather is correct when she exclaimed “But her emails”. Those screaming it have done much worse and gotten away with it so far.
I sincerely hope it is. We are drawing nearer and nearer to the midterms. The Republicans are planning on winning and they are planning on everything from executions (from trump's mouth) to jailing the January 6 Committee (Jordon) to impeaching Biden and Harris (MTG).
In other words we standing on the tracks and a train is barreling down on us. No wonder we are a mess as a Country.
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Our concerns are justified. Their outburst should come as no surprise. And we need to have a response tailored for that moment. The world will be listening, so it darn well better not be some limpy sounding line expressing happiness.
If we’re worn out, how do Indigenous and wage slaves feel? So many rotten things have been going on since before our so-called independence in this country that it beggars the mind. Let’s hold on a little bit longer and pray that the arc of justice moves on.
You might wish to review the consequence of the Mueller report's lack of political "punch" lacking a conviction which embolden tRump to even greater blatant crimes.
General Garland has NOT forgotten that disaster.
You can rest assured that when tRump is indicted he will be adjudicated guilty and incarcerated in prison long enough to become a death sentence!!
Pray that General Garland continues to be blessed by GOD's freely given grace's wisdom and fortitude against all of the impatient naysayers!
This case is far from “open and shut”. I doubt Trump can be prosecuted for having classified material at Mar A Lago. Here’s the explanation from WaPo, “Even with documents marked classified found where they don’t belong, prosecutors have a high legal bar to get to criminal charges. Prosecutors would have to prove someone intentionally mishandled the material or was grossly negligent in doing so — which can be a steep hurdle in its own right. And Trump, as president, would have had unfettered latitude to declassify material, potentially raising even bigger challenges to bringing a case against him.”
Trump is incredibly slippery. It will be exceedingly difficult for Garland to successfully prosecute him.
He took boxes with him. He was supposed to leave it for Archives. No tearing up documents, either, nor flushing. The taped together ones are evidence, aren’t they? Let’s see if he tries to blame the Deep State or Antifa.
But does Trump have power to declassify them after his presidency has concluded? It is not likely the case that he had the foresight to do that at the time. He was clearly in a rush to leave the White House when he did, because, until the last, he thought he would still remain President. I don’t think the gross negligence will be such a difficult thing to prove. He had been warned about record keeping by NARA in the past. What am I missing?
Welp, looks to me like we are running pretty hard on "conjecture", much as we all would like to personally "slam dunk" this despicable POS. Cold, hard facts or a lynch mob from Natchez(?), are needed.
Does anyone remember multiple news reports of 45 having meetings in the dining areas of Mar-a-Lago with other diners and servers around. People from all kinds of countries, discussing national security in a restaurant. That didn't seem to cause any big waves. Of course, with him in charge if anyone filed a complaint or said their was a problem, they were immediately fired. Thus the problem vanishes.
Agree. Trouble is, as I see it.., all numbnutz needs to say is that he would never do such a thing and whatever he was seen waving was not what you might have thought it was...,xxxxx..Not guilty. Next.
Trumpism has become bigger than Trump. He has certainly worked hard to gin it up. I fear that even though he may ultimately be held accountable for his many crimes, that just removes Trump from the political scene. It does not address someone who might be waiting in the wings to take his place.
The news this week is overwhelming and it is refreshing to read this, distilled to the heart of the matter. A side note: I’ve known several people with fairly high government security clearances over the years. If anyone of them had taken nationally classified documents home, they’d already be in custody.
Thank you for your insights.
This case appears open and shut. What's not known is the degree and extent of national security being compromised. As swamped as the Justice Department is, Merrick Garland has no justification for not opening an investigation, ordering the FBI to learn what happened to the documents for months at Mar-a-Lago, and turning over the evidence to a grand jury.
Michael, I not only agree, but also would add that for some time there has been sufficient factual predication to open up criminal investigations involving not only the Jan. 6th foot soldiers. I understand from Laurence Tribe that some months ago several scholars and former prosecutors had laid out a blueprint for a myriad of criminal offenses that might have been committed by Trump and by others at the top. The key point was not to obsess over the political downsides of an indictment. That was for a later day. That understood, surely now, presuming Garland has not already ginned up a full-blown criminal investigation, he should do so at once.
Frankly, my concern, after four years of Trump, is that Garland is so intent on re-establishing the independence of the Justice Department that he is overly cautious about appearing partisan. I would note, to the contrary, that if Main Justice doesn’t start holding everybody at the top accountable, at least to the point of being subject to full-blown criminal investigation, then we’re really giving up on democracy, which is premised both on our having institutions we can trust and, of course, also on the idea that no one is above the law. As a final point, I would note that it’s not nearly as easy to stonewall a grand jury as it is to stonewall a congressional committee.
There are a number of honorable and normal steps AG Garland could take to send a clear message on the opening of an investgation without breaching DOJ norms, policies, or compromising its independence. Among the most effective would be the appointment of a special counsel. We have seen with the appointment and investigation by John Durham of the opening of the Mueller probe how this protects an investigation even across the change of administrations. This should have been done months ago. Tomorrow would be acceptable to correct this oversight. A second step would be convening a special grand jury to hear evidence of a conspiracy and render indictments or not. If DOJ intends to examine these matters internally rather than use a special counsel, then let’s get the special grand jury impaneled.
Bruce, You’ve methodically established the various possibilities portraying how one would hope the DOJ would proceed. Thank you.
Laurence Tribe actually commented on twitter, probably 2-3 weeks ago now, something to the effect that Garland was doing what he needed to do.
David, Because I didn’t see Tribe’s tweet, I’m uncertain of how it squares with his earlier comments. Additionally, if the tweet reads as you say, I’m also uncertain about actions by the DOJ that would justify the tweet. As a final point, I would note that BruceC’s comment above is a useful reference for all of us.
I do not remember his words. But the purpose was to let people know that Garland was doing what he needed to do.
Good points, Barbara and BruceC, especially about a grand jury. And suspects also can't endlessly appeal Justice Department subpoenas. On the one-year anniversary of the insurrection, Garland said those involved at every level would be held accountable. So I believe the department will do its job, though perhaps there was a better way. To BruceC's Just knowing that a special counsel had appoint to take on this job would have given us more hope.
Michael, Like you, I was particularly intrigued by BruceC’s mention of a designated special counsel, thus moving the investigation out of DOJ and also removing any conflict of interest.
Sophia, Though I don’t attribute the recent developments you mentioned to DOJ, I do appreciate your confidence and also would note that I view BruceC’s comment above as a useful reference for all of us.
All these attacks on AG Merrick Garland are extremely puzzling. How do YOU know he has not ordered an investigation, or that it is even necessary for the DOJ to tell the FBI how to do their job?
I so agree, MaryPat. And certainly not the moment in time to be didactic about the Justice Dept. I trust that this Atty General knows better than any of us about “justification”.
Sadly, at this point it is difficult to believe that no whisper of a criminal investigation of T___p and his cronies has escaped from the DOJ. If something is going on, then there is an unprecedented level of security in the department.
I believe, as has been discussed on this forum, that charges at the state level are what is going to stick. And what is going to get him on the stand.
As divided as this country is, and as frustrating as it is to not yet have charges from DOJ, perhaps part of the calculus is that State cases, both civil and criminal, would be preferable if they accomplish the same goals. The main aim should be to prevent TFG from ever holding office again, and despite his grandiose claims of multi-billionaire status, he'll likely be bankrupted. At that point, the oligarchs will desert him like rats from a sinking ship. While effective, this will frustrate many of us who long to see him and his family in orange jumpsuits. The bad news is that the Republican party will have many volunteers to replace him as leader of an authoritarian government here in the "land of the free."
Beyond true. In Tx, Gov Abbott is a horror. However, I believe that Lt Gov Dan Patrick is more dangerous. He actually believes the bull Schitt that they foist on all Texans. He is a religious zealot who has no respect for any opinion but his own. He was a poor excuse for a sports reporter when I lived in Houston years ago. Now he has illusions of grandeur that match chumps. Now he is going after tenure after they have shut down any teaching of the ugly parts of our history. He has big money behind his evil. God forbid he go nationwide.
Yes. And there will be plenty coming up at federal level that will belong to the DOJ. Unlike the Special Committee on Jan 6th, Atty Gen Garland’s dept intact until Jan 2025.
I think it's pretty clear he's soon going to be bankrupted. Eric Trump was practically in tears on Fox the other day.
I've had the same thought--perhaps a local DA will prove more bold than DOJ. And if T___p is once indicted, perhaps the chips will start to fall
Christine, I agree. If anything at all comes of the multiple crimes Trump has committed, the State will have the most teeth to atleast do something. I don't expect it to be the level at which most people want, but it may be more than he has had in the past.
😬 Teeth gripping and not letting go!
Among other things, he's going to be bankrupted. That's tantamount to castrating him.
Given the “States Rights” perspective of these extremists, perhaps it is better that the States lead in this matter?
Not in Texas
Preferably a red state like Georgia? But wait, a Black prosecutor would be “racist.” And those in New York are “far left radical communists.” However, financial crimes are supposedly easier to prove. Motive for cheating isn’t relevant, perhaps. He didn’t cheat to make America great again, unless you believe America is better off when the right kind of people can cheat.
May i point out that in our current circumstances, timing is everything?
Yes. Everything.
It is indeed
I do not have any info regarding what the AG is doing right now about all this, but recently I went to a page on the Federalist Society <spit> site, whereon I found the following lists of speakers who shared a FS dais with Garland over the years:
That page lists all the FedSoc-sponsored talks Garland spoke at. The most recent was this in 2012:
"Professional Responsibility: Prosecutorial Misconduct
2012 National Lawyers Convention
The Mayflower Hotel
1127 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
James C. Dunlop • Merrick B. Garland • Sidney K. Powell • Ronald D. Rotunda • Kenneth L. Wainstein"
And from 2007:
"The Independence of Federal Prosecutors
2007 National Lawyers Convention
The Mayflower Hotel
1127 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Bob Barr • Merrick B. Garland • Jamie Gorelick • Andrew McCarthy • John C. Yoo"
So not guilt by association, but also not promising.
Well said, MaryPat. You speak my mind.
I share your frustration. My initial reaction to this discovery of classified documents being removed to Florida was - handcuffs now please!
But in reference to Garland, I believe he is as meticulous and ethical as any American could be. If I were him, I would be assembling my facts and evaluating the law so carefully that when ultimately charging someone, the results would be almost pre-determined. Garland will always look at these matters from a judge's perspective which is "don't bring anything before me unless you have an iron clad case."
And if I were Garland I would do it in a manner that does not reveal it's destination until absolutely necessary. I would hold my cards close until I hauled in the pot.
General Garland's perspicaciousness wins the day for America's continued democracy! Yay!
Yes, and it is the Jan. 6 investigative committee that has uncovered the stolen documents, among other incriminating evidence. Perhaps Garland is on their coattails, gathering the evidence after they do?
They are all gathering the evidence required to prove their many and main case.
Hello Michael:
What is your rationale supporting your contention?
Attorney General Merrick Garland is truly a patriot, as you are also.
The General is NOT required to openly divulge his efforts just because we lack the patience, (sufficient knowledge of the process required to succeed in court), to support and trust in the Generals competence.
We should, instead of casting any doubt whatsoever, profusely thank our FATHER in Heaven for HIS blessing upon us for General Garland's self-less sacrificing for accepting what he surely knew would be a thankless job.
The man is a National treasure who will sure be instrumental in saving our American Democracy!
Yes, "General Garland!" We are in the midst of a War on Justice in this country, seeded by the same dictator who this day intends to invade and steal Ukraine. As Lucian Truscott IV wrote today on his Substack site: "I think Garland and the DOJ are way ahead of where we think they are. I think their effectiveness can be measured at least in part by the fact they do not leak. Everyone should put their slippers on and sit back and wait for the show to start."
Will this be the "Show" where trump is fired!?
😅 Stocking up on popcorn!
One can pray…
He can join Guiliani on The Masked Singer.
George, it does seem that locking up Trump is something that America is not really organized to do in a timely manner that prevents him from continuing his campaign to dismember American Democracy.
However, we do have Angola prison, that former slave plantation, down in Alabama, where, I think it is still legal to use prisoners to pick cotton.
Angola to make sure that if a black man steals a loaf of bread from the 7-11 to feed his starving family, because there are no jobs for black folks, he gets properly and promptly locked up to pick cotton in the summer.
So, its all good. Let Garland tiptoe around Trump. No worries. If, by time Garland gets ready to charge Trump, Trump is already dictator for life..... worries.
If you have helped Trump like Putin, you will be just fine.
Yes George.
Really. And. Truly.
Timing is NOT irrelevant.
I thought Angola was in Louisiana.
Who are you referring to in your last sentence, Mike S? Are you projecting the attorney general being “fine” or the commentator you are addressing? Either way, you are suggesting aiding and abetting an enemy. Totally inappropriate.
Hi Christine. I am suggesting, in what must not be a clear way, that those who are helping Trump dismantle our Democracy will be just fine if Trump becomes dictator. Until they are not of course. Trump is as erratic as a fruit fly.
My comment was directed at George, but, perhaps that is too pointed.
I think criticism of Merrick Garland around timing is appropriate given the damage that Trump continues to do every day.
Leaving Trump loose is not a free pass for America while Merrick gathers and gathers and gathers and gathers evidence.
Mike, Mike, Mike. What would your mother say? Don’t get me wrong. I find him repulsive too. Remember his social development stopped when he was 8 years old or so. We will be rid of him. Meanwhile we are dealing with a childlike mental focus. Putin recognized this. The GOP recognized this. Both worked to throw the nation off balance and thwart Freedom and democracy. We all know the stakes now. Perhaps the Ukraine can somehow escape the clutches of the Putin Trump Conspiracy that is playing out now. Perhaps not.
Pat. Aye. My mother would roll over in her grave at much of the stuff she is unaware of about her beloved son. You are right. :-)
But, in this case Pat, it is time to take action. Timing is critical and Trump is cementing control over his future dictatorship as we speak.
IF the Justice Department is going to do something, the window is closing FAST.
(Just for clarity, Angola Prison is in Louisiana.-I thought it was in LA so I checked- LOL!)
Louisiana, Alabama, Mississipi, it's all the same.
Add Texas
My nightmare every night, Rupert keeps the troops in line no matter what else happens. God forbid that the cult hears bad news
I support Garland. No attorney general has faced a bigger challenge. Any doubts I had were allayed by his comments on the one-year anniversary of the insurrection. The process is frustratingly slow, even in normal times. But that's because it's meticulous and seeks to be fair.
Vote intelligently!
I do so hope you are correct. It is hard to wait for Garland to respond, not knowing if he has.
George, Though your query is not addressed to me, since my endorsement of Michael’s stance is included in this thread, I’d be interested in knowing whether, in your view, I have provided ample justification. Thanks.
Speculation about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s competence is commensurate with American’s very short memory about even the most spectacular news.
Surely being acquainted with some knowledge of General Garland would obviate any doubt about him.
Merrick Garland wrote his 235-page honors thesis on industrial mergers in Britain in the 1960s.
Merrick Garland graduated from Harvard in 1974 as class valedictorian with an A.B. summa cum laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Merrick Garland then attended Harvard Law School, where he was a member of the Harvard Law Review.
And so on and so forth…
General Garland has not forgotten the disaster caused by the inconclusiveness of the Robert Mueller report. Trump and all his minions used such manipulated ineffectualness to falsely declare his exoneration of the stipulated guilt which was clearly spelled out in the RM report.
Any investigation/indictment/prosecution of the first president in the history of the United States of America that fails to convincingly convict trump will likely become the disaster sought by all those who strive to destroy American democracy.
Well, that should about do it, Eh!?
Your welcome.
George, Thank you for your detailed response. As for your caveat regarding the Mueller investigation. I would note that Barr’s bastardized 21/2 page summary, the only text we saw for a month once the investigation was completed, coupled with Muller’s abysmal testimonial performance lead me not to trust this example as a reliable precedent. Additionally, I would note that my comment mainly focused on the consequences of not holding those at the top accountable, at least to the point of being subject to full-blown investigation. As noted, said persons, who continue to stonewall the Congressional Select Committee, would have a far more difficult time stonewalling a grand jury. Also, as noted, the decision to indict would be deferred to a later date, pending what the investigation produced. Last, I would note that criminal investigation tends to focus the mind. And the mind of the country needs to be focused on this, because however important other things are, we nearly are running out the clock on democracy.
...and let's not forget Garland successfully prosecuted Timothy Mc Veigh and his partner. Terry Nichols for bombing the Murragh Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
The best legal minds I have found dispatched the snake once it had finished its writhings.
Yes! Love This!
It would seem that locking up Trump is something that America is not really organized to do in a timely manner that prevents him from continuing his campaign to dismember American Democracy.
However, we do have Angola prison, that former slave plantation, down in Alabama, where, I think it is still legal to use prisoners to pick cotton.
Angola to make sure that if a black man steals a loaf of bread from the 7-11 to feed his starving family, because there are no jobs for black folks, he gets properly and promptly locked up to pick cotton in the summer.
Thank You George!!
Exactly. Us Democrats have repeatedly suffered ourselves with apparent stupidity. Face it, we were daily the subject of ridicule during the impeachment debates. Gym Jordan, Slut-Gaetz, Schuck Grassley, and a few others repeatedly made us seem inept at what we were trying to proceed with. I will take exception to Ms Val Demmings, whose salty tongue and dignified appearance hit Gym square in the nutz.., on several occasions. She's presidential material! We let Comey and the FBI drive us apeshit. And, we are letting Man-chin and Sin-enama ramble around on the news-screens..., for what? We are weak. And we look weak. This doesn't mean we need to engage in any shouting matches... uh uhh! The moRons would love that. It remains one of their favorite tools, yet we have stayed clear of it. We do need to recognize what we are doing as a tactic. I'm going to hope.., and watch.., and listen intently. One can only hope that we have people in charge who have clearly learned from past mealy-mouthed exhibitions. President Biden, has sat thru dozens of security briefings. We need to exhibit support.. not doubt. But it is entirely good to air our concerns here. Who knows who is listening on our side. Finally, I once saw this painting of the wall of the 4485th Test Squadron briefing room. It was a menacing gorilla holding a hand of cards. The caption below read: "This ain't no puss game".....
Got that?
Hello Mad!
You clearly spelled it ALL out.
Thank you.
May I have your permission to send this repeatedly to my Congressmen, I reside in Oregon a very blue-green piece of the United States of America.
May I suggest that this brilliant composition of enlightenment be repeatedly submitted in this newsletters comment section until November.
May I also plead that you consider submitting your soul stirring motivational masterpiece to:
Vote Forward
Vote Forward volunteers send heartfelt handwritten letters to unregistered and low-propensity voters encouraging them to participate in our democracy.
Thank you!
MaryPat, Because in the past 2 hours 16 subscribers seem to indicate otherwise, if time permits, I would welcome your reasoning.
Barbara, all of this hullabaloo was started by one person who was AG Merrick Garland's law professor 45 years ago. Currently Garland is overseeing top secret investigations, and knows how incredibly important it is to not show his hand. I taught hundreds of students at the University of Michigan for 20 years and would never presume to know the inner workings of their jobs today. And I remain close (and loyal) to many of them. Lucian Truscott IV wrote on his Substack site today: "I think Garland and the DOJ are way ahead of where we think they are. I think their effectiveness can be measured at least in part by the fact they do not leak. Everyone should put their slippers on and sit back and wait for the show to start."
We have a nation of worn out, frustrated people on our hands. It goes against our grain as good hearted, law abiding people to see someone seemingly getting away with such obvious crimes. I am right there with you Michael. But where we differ is I am holding my tongue. My feeling is we must present a united front at this critical time. I asked a lawyer why the delay with DOJ. They guessed that maybe the DOJ is making sure they have a perfectly tight case because this Country will explode if people start getting locked up.
I think this DOJ has been extremely close attention to leaks of the past and is playing it very close to the chest. They’ve organized a trustworthy group who is more interested in their roles as attorneys than getting a leak in the press or a sound bite on Fox. It happened with Mueller and 2 times with Durham. We see how those two false statements caused Republicans and MAGAts to claim it’s all Hillary’s fault. Heather is correct when she exclaimed “But her emails”. Those screaming it have done much worse and gotten away with it so far.
"They" have not.
"They" are now living in a fantasy.
The cage is now so very immense "They" can not perceive being captive.
Judication processes will shrink the cage and their confinement will soon become terrifyingly encapsulated with many strangely crude life forms.
Woo hoo, waiting
Part of "The Plan" is to give him/them enough rope and they/he will hang themselves/himself.
The end of the rope is now in sight!
I sincerely hope it is. We are drawing nearer and nearer to the midterms. The Republicans are planning on winning and they are planning on everything from executions (from trump's mouth) to jailing the January 6 Committee (Jordon) to impeaching Biden and Harris (MTG).
In other words we standing on the tracks and a train is barreling down on us. No wonder we are a mess as a Country.
Have faith in all those who voted for Biden.
Most of those will devote all they possibly can to defeating ALL republicans in the same way you will support the, "Get-Out-To-Vote" effort TODAY!
Vote intelligently.
I received this yesterday. Passing it along.
Vote Forward
Dear friend,
We’ve enjoyed hearing from so many of you who said you’re ready to write letters for the 2022 midterm elections. Today, we’re thrilled to announce: It’s time to get started. Vote Forward’s first 2022 letter writing campaigns are here.
Why now? Starting early gives us time to write more letters and reach more voters. And with so much at stake, there’s no time to spare. Here’s what you can expect in 2022:
We’ll be writing “please vote” letters to voters all year, keeping them stockpiled somewhere safe, and then mailing them on the same day in late October—just before the midterm elections, when research shows your letters have the greatest impact.
New: For volunteers focusing their efforts on U.S. House races, we have campaigns targeting Democratic-leaning voters at the congressional district level, with new campaigns added as redistricting maps are finalized and after primaries are held.
New: We’ll be adding high-priority voters to campaigns throughout the year, so don’t be surprised if the voter counts displayed on the website go up and down as voters are added to and “adopted” from campaigns over time.
New: With more campaigns available than ever before, we’ve updated our website to make our letter writing campaigns easier to identify and navigate, with clearer labeling and a new way to filter campaigns by target state.
Plus: New programs and experiments; we’ll email you when these are ready.
Start writing letters today by visiting your Vote Forward dashboard. Remember: Hold your letters until our mail date in late October. Letters mailed now will not work to boost voter turnout this fall.
To see all available letter writing campaigns, click the “View all active campaigns” link on your dashboard or see our Active Campaigns page.
Writing letters this year, you’ll be strengthening our democracy by encouraging millions of voters to make their voices heard on Election Day. Thank you for being part of this important work.
–The Vote Forward Team
P.S. As you get started, remember (and tell your friends!): These letters work—and in a big way! Vote Forward's letter writing program in 2020 was among the highest-impact, most effective voter turnout programs ever measured in a presidential election.
P.P.S. If you're new to Vote Forward letter writing—or it's been a while—please review our How-To page before you log in to get started.
Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.
The like heart is not working so here it is.
Our concerns are justified. Their outburst should come as no surprise. And we need to have a response tailored for that moment. The world will be listening, so it darn well better not be some limpy sounding line expressing happiness.
If we’re worn out, how do Indigenous and wage slaves feel? So many rotten things have been going on since before our so-called independence in this country that it beggars the mind. Let’s hold on a little bit longer and pray that the arc of justice moves on.
You might wish to review the consequence of the Mueller report's lack of political "punch" lacking a conviction which embolden tRump to even greater blatant crimes.
General Garland has NOT forgotten that disaster.
You can rest assured that when tRump is indicted he will be adjudicated guilty and incarcerated in prison long enough to become a death sentence!!
Pray that General Garland continues to be blessed by GOD's freely given grace's wisdom and fortitude against all of the impatient naysayers!
Vote intelligently
True, expect it
This case is far from “open and shut”. I doubt Trump can be prosecuted for having classified material at Mar A Lago. Here’s the explanation from WaPo, “Even with documents marked classified found where they don’t belong, prosecutors have a high legal bar to get to criminal charges. Prosecutors would have to prove someone intentionally mishandled the material or was grossly negligent in doing so — which can be a steep hurdle in its own right. And Trump, as president, would have had unfettered latitude to declassify material, potentially raising even bigger challenges to bringing a case against him.”
Trump is incredibly slippery. It will be exceedingly difficult for Garland to successfully prosecute him.
Exactly. Which is why he ultimately will be Al Caponed.
That's a good running joke among us, yes?
Your observation that trump is "...incredibly slippery..." may make him even more popular in prison, Eh!?
Thank-you George, for that chuckle.
He took boxes with him. He was supposed to leave it for Archives. No tearing up documents, either, nor flushing. The taped together ones are evidence, aren’t they? Let’s see if he tries to blame the Deep State or Antifa.
But does Trump have power to declassify them after his presidency has concluded? It is not likely the case that he had the foresight to do that at the time. He was clearly in a rush to leave the White House when he did, because, until the last, he thought he would still remain President. I don’t think the gross negligence will be such a difficult thing to prove. He had been warned about record keeping by NARA in the past. What am I missing?
Nothing I can see. We need the timeline.
Welp, looks to me like we are running pretty hard on "conjecture", much as we all would like to personally "slam dunk" this despicable POS. Cold, hard facts or a lynch mob from Natchez(?), are needed.
If it should be proven that Trump DID "wave classified documents" around to guests at Maralago? That might help.
Does anyone remember multiple news reports of 45 having meetings in the dining areas of Mar-a-Lago with other diners and servers around. People from all kinds of countries, discussing national security in a restaurant. That didn't seem to cause any big waves. Of course, with him in charge if anyone filed a complaint or said their was a problem, they were immediately fired. Thus the problem vanishes.
Agree. Trouble is, as I see it.., all numbnutz needs to say is that he would never do such a thing and whatever he was seen waving was not what you might have thought it was...,xxxxx..Not guilty. Next.
Trumpism has become bigger than Trump. He has certainly worked hard to gin it up. I fear that even though he may ultimately be held accountable for his many crimes, that just removes Trump from the political scene. It does not address someone who might be waiting in the wings to take his place.