What damage does disinformation cause our body politic? On this episode of Now & Then, “Disinformation and Democracy,” Heather Cox Richardson and Joanne Freeman trace the history of disinformation in America, with an emphasis on how technology has fueled the rise of misleading and outright false political news. They discuss the role of the partisan press in shaping early American disinformation, the development of the telegraph in 19th century information warfare, and the rise of GOP-led dirty tricks campaigns over the last fifty years, and the glut of disinformation shaping our current landscape. How have malign actors used our information technology to wreak confusion and discord? And how can we protect our democracy against disinformation as we move forth?
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Remember when Trump started talking about ‘fake news’. I discounted it as a temporary Spiro Agnew type of media criticism. Mix in Trump movement supporters, becoming the pot that calls the kettle black, by using Fake News to support their efforts. No wonder people become confused and their minds muddled. And which side gains by this confusion? Same side that utilizes fake news. please check out Bleeding Heartland’s latest post.
Laura Belin and latest fake news in Iowa politics, https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid035PijhMW7jgXGvNzdVCKXHSn82t3AuiMah5Yry1poJbrxzTycEU6hYfeLELnpn8ngl&id=100063107654748