I guess I just don't understand how people can openly call for violence against others and get away with it. Or how an elected official can suggest revolution is being planned without being brought down/arrested for inciting riot. I sure wish the Jan 6 committee would get on with the investigation and bring some of these people into the light. Show us how they helped plan and finance the insurrection. Please, just give us something other than "demanding that info be preserved" I fear this investigation will last well into 2022, and by that time the rethuglicans will have succeeded in complete voter suppression. (Sorry for this rant...just feeling there is little good in our fellow human being right now.)
The failure to prosecute right wing agitators, even ones elected to office, who say treasonous things weakens democracy. But taking action against them does too. The January 6 hearings are a waste of time unless their findings result in indictments and trials. Either way, democracy loses. We are witnessing the bitter fruit which can grow from the seeds of democracy.
Where was Pelosi when the Capitol police asked for immediate help? Where was she when the intelligence community told her months in advance of a probable riot at the Capitol? Democracy is not bitter fruit. Power-mad politicians block democracy. Also, our system of government is a Republic, not a democracy.
Pelosi has nothing to do with security at the Capitol. The Capitol police ask for help directly from the pentagon. We are a Republic, but that is not a system of gov’t. We are a democracy, but not a direct democracy. we are a representative democracy.
Whatever in the world would prompt a House Speaker to intercede in an Executive Branch Security matter? The intelligence reports were part of the White House knowledge and the President and his staff encouraged the coup attempt by refusing to take action.
Nancy Pelosi’s role on January 6 was to coordinate with the Senate on the electoral college vote.
Since when is the speaker of the House responsible for outside security? "Pelosi" was plenty busy avoiding confrontation from "Power mad" rioters likely to do her serious, if not fatal harm.
Capitol Police were fully and dutifully engaged in protecting the speaker and her constituents from the cat-calling ("Nancy where are you?"), desk-sitting, breaking and entering insurgents, one of whom paid the ultimate price, goaded to her death by churlish, depraved mongrels conducting a "peaceful" rally.
That is, you feckless, visionless oaf, where "Pelosi" was when her protectors fruitlessly called the Pentagon for assistance.
Take your right wing traitor bullshit somewhere else, asswipe. Like over to FleeceBlock, where the fact you're a senile old white male fuckwit won't be so blindingly obvioyus.
TCinLA, I agree with you on that, but bear in mind that if "Dale Ilene Berman" gets enough people angry here to derail some useful discussion, he will have achieved one of his goals even if he never writes another word.
I surmise that Dale Ilene is female, not that Dale being female in any way negates your withering commentary, nor does it change my mind about avoiding her.
Republic vs democracy. It is both. We aren’t a “pure” or “direct” democracy. We are absolutely a representational democracy. Surprised so many are confused about this
It takes someone who actually studied "civics" as I am sure you did, to know that stuff. Most native Americans, who don't receive the benefit of having to study and be tested on their knowledge to become citizens, are political illiterates.
You fascists have been pushing that "our system of government is a Republic, not a democracy" BS since the 1964 and 1965 Voting Rights Acts, as a pathetic excuse for preventing the Wrong Kind of People from Voting. Now it's also an excuse for killing anyone who isn't part of your cult. But then, you've done that before as well, haven't you? Maybe you should just get your white sheet and armband and come out of the closet.
Your questions don't deserve answers because they are, sorry, just stupid. It's like you just watched something on Fox News. As many have pointed out it was not her job to manage security. Try to draw inside the lines.
BTW, we live in a democratic republic, it's technically a hybrid.
Where was Pelosi? Really? The more important question is ‘where was Trump?’ Oh yeah, after goading his followers to march on the Capitol, he was watching those tourists break into the Capitol, assaulting Capitol and Metro police and parading through the Capitol with confederate battle flags on TV. It took him hours to give the most ineffectual request for his followers to come; his remark that the insurrectionists should “Go home. We love you” was especially touching.
A republic (Latin: res publica, meaning "public affair") is a form of government in which "power is held by the people and their elected representatives". In republics, the country is considered a "public matter", not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are attained through democracy or a mix of democracy with oligarchy or autocracy rather than being unalterably occupied by any given family lineage or group. With modern republicanism, it has become the opposing form of government to a monarchy and therefore a modern republic has no monarch as head of state.
Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία, dēmokratiā, from dēmos 'people' and kratos 'rule'[1]) is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy"). Who is considered part of "the people" and how authority is shared among or delegated by the people has changed over time and at different rates in different countries, but over time more and more of a democratic country's inhabitants have generally been included. Cornerstones of democracy include freedom of assembly and speech, inclusiveness and equality, membership, consent, voting, right to life and minority rights.
A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. Rather than being a cross between two entirely separate systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.
In the US, the notion that a republic was a form of democracy was common from the time of its founding, and the concepts associated with representative democracy (and hence with a democratic republic) are suggested by John Adams (writing in 1784):
"No determinations are carried, it is true, in a simple representative democracy, but by consent of the majority or their representatives."
The U.S. is also a constitutional democracy. When Benjamin Franklin was leaving the Continental Congress when the Constitution was written, he was asked what form of government do we have. He replied: "A Republic, if we can keep it."
Hope we can keep it! It's not clear at the moment.
I have to agree we are now an oligarchic kleptocracy. Robbing from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich. We still have a chance to swing back to being a democratic republic. And, yes, Citizens United has to be overturned. Money is not free speech; corporations do not have more rights than the People.
One PERSON, one Vote; not One million dollars and I own your vote in Congress.
the irony of the citizens united decision is that corporations were created as a buffer between the individual owners of a business and the general public, as a way of protecting the assets of the owners from a lawsuit. you can sue the corporation, but not the individual owners. (of course, they can be arrested if they have committed a crime.) as i understand it, corporations are precisely not people.
I completely agree with you. I was going to write the exact same thing and don’t need to thanks to you. These giant ponderous investigations are all good, but we have a situation on the ground that needs immediate attention. They are planning to come for us. This wonderful government of Biden et al needs to take steps to cut them off at the pass before they get rolling.
The visual of the gallows and hangman's noose and the cries for Pence and Pelosi during the terrorist riot in our Capital really should make our American DOJ stand up to full attention and intervene immediately. Where are you and fascism continues to rise? I think we all need to flood our government with sanity letters.
Our rights across the country should not be able to be suppressed. I is a federal crime against our people— what these terrorists are committing on democracy.
Three hundred of the hard-core rioters were arrested and charged. Thinking of our people as children who need party guidance is terrorism. Forcing people to act when they know better is terrorism. Causing inflation that swamps wages is terrorism. Take a good look and cut the panting language.
Sorry, Dale, This is the wrong audience for your fear baiting hyperbole and misinformation. Income disparity and politicians being bought by big donor money is what is keeping wages down. Everything possible is going to the Elite 1%. That is the real cause of your anger I would guess - income disparity. You pay more taxes than 60 huge corporations making billions put together if you pay just $1 of taxes. Very few of them have raised wages in years. They don't care about you and me. They only care about power and money and you are delighting them by playing the role of useful idiot for them. They will never care about raising wages because they think you, the 99%, are just lazy when you can't make a decent living off poverty level wages.
I realize that some people have been arrested for these crimes, but not the seditionist party who are the instigators, fomenters and continue to be allowed to be lawmakers in our government. I am talking about the rising of these fanatic fascists and no large scale interventions or appear to be happening. I am talking about bills being passed everyday that attack our rights to vote and should be illegal. This is hardly panting and I find your comment slightly offensive. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you perhaps just do not understand what I wrote.
!!! Since you hearted me, TC, I was just going to respond to you and say the you would probably have had a very different response to my ovary, overly-measured, diplomatic, fact-based, gentle sword of clarity to Dale. Then I arrive and see that you are in full throttle with your blasts words. This, is a great example of an ovarian response vs a cajones' response, even if to a troll. We need both, but used at the right times. You will never die from hypertension, my friend. You withhold nothing.
This is not a rant, this is a call for justice. Something we have not seen enough of due to the Party of Sedition's infiltration and destruction across our land.
I have to admit, when such ploppers show up and try to dominate, I scroll through even faster! I guess for $5 they have a right to play games, but for MY $5, I prefer to follow those whom I respect and who offer substance rather than tidbits of tomfoolery! Thanks, TC!
And this selfish (or unaware) notion that ALL speech is protected speech. It is not. ‘Fighting words’, ‘incitement to imminent lawless action’, and ‘true threats’ are a few distinctive ones that are not.
They (Dale) are trolling for readers to their substack page. This is hardly the place to provide them. Oops, gotta fly, I have an 11:30 dentist appointment I forgot all about!!!!!
Pam, I completely agree. The investigation will ultimately land in the GOP's hands after the mid terms to be tossed in the trash, just like the initial Committee, Mueller Report, both Impeachments of Trump.....
We have spiraled to the place in this Country where truth simply doesn't matter.
Listen to Heather and Joanne's August 31 Now and Then podcast which addresses how represented America really has been since its inception. I think this is free:
Right with you, Pam!! I couldn't agree more and I too (like Ned) was going to say what you said! While "craziness" has always been with us, we are experiencing a disintegration on a national level with frightening speed and visibility and with the potential for some really bad outcomes.
Elected officials need to be able to get restraint orders against these hoodlums threatening their lives in the very least! Unfortunately it is another way to put puppets into key positions for elections and school boards when the professionals leave because they feel they can't endanger their families. Autocracy at it's ugliest.
I agree with Shaf below - this didn't read as a rant to me. I don't know how these people can threaten elected officials and not be arrested. I don't know how Cawthorn can continue in office when he is literally inciting the violent overthrow of government.
No legal expert here but calling for violence is protect free speech if the danger is not imminent. If the preppy punk from NC had said "Let's go bust them out of jail", and then the crowd went to do it, then he could have been charged.
Any and all lawyers out there please correct me if I'm wrong.
Free speech is as troubling as it is joyful. It can and will be used against those cowards calling for violence in hope someone in the crowed will be incited to do it.
We know those MoC doing the investigation appreciate the gravity of the situation.
Ranting is good, let it out but then channel that energy into anger to fight back.
I would hope that election officials and school officials being threatened by angry hoodlums should have some recourse like a restraining order to keep these nuts away from their homes and family.
My granddaughter's school district refused to have a mask mandate. The district leans heavily Republican with plenty of sign waving loudmouths at the meetings. My daughter, the lawyer, was pissed. She is recovering from surgery and couldn't go to the meetings so she sent an email.
Today the district sent out texts and emails proclaiming masks are now mandatory starting tomorrow. My daughter got mad, fought back and now the kids will be masked. One of the members wrote her to say her letter was instrumental in changing minds. Not saying it was all her, just saying we don't have to take it without a fight.
I hope some legal experts can weigh in on this. I hope there is more teeth in the law to deal with threats and bullying. We can't lose good people from political life who are justifiably worried for themselves and their families and therefore retreat leaving the field open for thugs.
If that sort of comment doesn't constitute a terroristic threat, I don't know what does. It all goes to the years that we were stunned by TFG, but thought there were checks and balances in place, only to find that there weren't.
I fear this will investigation will go well beyond 2022, with the quest for records tied up in the courts for years (much like T’s tax records). By the time the committee gets the records it needs it will be too late to stop the takeover of our government by the fascist rethuglicans.
Unless we sacrifice democracy to fend off fascism. The ancient Greeks turned to "tyrants" is such situations. But once there, it's difficult to go back.
Shakespeare said the truth will always come out when it is needed. His times were politically and religiously dangerous. Coups were a constant threat. Yet, here we are.
Those times were sufficienly dangerous so that duing the ensuing century, many of those out of power saw fit to emigrate to a new English colony starting up across the Atlantic.
This didn't sound like a rant at all. Democrats as always lack the killer instinct. I have no faith in all the demanding that the select committee is doing. Republicans get away with everything because of their unified and homogenous voters. I kept hoping that January 6 would change how Democrats approach things but I was sadly wrong.
I guess I just don't understand how people can openly call for violence against others and get away with it. Or how an elected official can suggest revolution is being planned without being brought down/arrested for inciting riot. I sure wish the Jan 6 committee would get on with the investigation and bring some of these people into the light. Show us how they helped plan and finance the insurrection. Please, just give us something other than "demanding that info be preserved" I fear this investigation will last well into 2022, and by that time the rethuglicans will have succeeded in complete voter suppression. (Sorry for this rant...just feeling there is little good in our fellow human being right now.)
The failure to prosecute right wing agitators, even ones elected to office, who say treasonous things weakens democracy. But taking action against them does too. The January 6 hearings are a waste of time unless their findings result in indictments and trials. Either way, democracy loses. We are witnessing the bitter fruit which can grow from the seeds of democracy.
Where was Pelosi when the Capitol police asked for immediate help? Where was she when the intelligence community told her months in advance of a probable riot at the Capitol? Democracy is not bitter fruit. Power-mad politicians block democracy. Also, our system of government is a Republic, not a democracy.
Pelosi has nothing to do with security at the Capitol. The Capitol police ask for help directly from the pentagon. We are a Republic, but that is not a system of gov’t. We are a democracy, but not a direct democracy. we are a representative democracy.
... in name only ...
Pelosi? That name should be the very least of your inquiries seeking blame.
Whatever in the world would prompt a House Speaker to intercede in an Executive Branch Security matter? The intelligence reports were part of the White House knowledge and the President and his staff encouraged the coup attempt by refusing to take action.
Nancy Pelosi’s role on January 6 was to coordinate with the Senate on the electoral college vote.
Pelosi? PELOSI?
Since when is the speaker of the House responsible for outside security? "Pelosi" was plenty busy avoiding confrontation from "Power mad" rioters likely to do her serious, if not fatal harm.
Capitol Police were fully and dutifully engaged in protecting the speaker and her constituents from the cat-calling ("Nancy where are you?"), desk-sitting, breaking and entering insurgents, one of whom paid the ultimate price, goaded to her death by churlish, depraved mongrels conducting a "peaceful" rally.
That is, you feckless, visionless oaf, where "Pelosi" was when her protectors fruitlessly called the Pentagon for assistance.
I'd guess we have an insurgent - just as ignorant as the people he/she is associated with.
Take your right wing traitor bullshit somewhere else, asswipe. Like over to FleeceBlock, where the fact you're a senile old white male fuckwit won't be so blindingly obvioyus.
TCinLA, I agree with you on that, but bear in mind that if "Dale Ilene Berman" gets enough people angry here to derail some useful discussion, he will have achieved one of his goals even if he never writes another word.
TC, we know we can count on you in cases like this, but now it's time to cut off his/her/it's oxygen.
I surmise that Dale Ilene is female, not that Dale being female in any way negates your withering commentary, nor does it change my mind about avoiding her.
Right you are. I was too busy being annoyed to take "Ilene" into consideration. However, she could still be "it", right? Aren't bots androgynous?
Done a couple hours ago.
We are a democratic Republic. It isn't an "or", it is an "and".
Where was DT to OK use of the National Guard? Watching TV and gleefully watching the wildness of the riot.
He was calling the Pentagon, telling Mike Flynn's brother's help in keeping our troops from quelling the insurrection.
Republic vs democracy. It is both. We aren’t a “pure” or “direct” democracy. We are absolutely a representational democracy. Surprised so many are confused about this
It takes someone who actually studied "civics" as I am sure you did, to know that stuff. Most native Americans, who don't receive the benefit of having to study and be tested on their knowledge to become citizens, are political illiterates.
You fascists have been pushing that "our system of government is a Republic, not a democracy" BS since the 1964 and 1965 Voting Rights Acts, as a pathetic excuse for preventing the Wrong Kind of People from Voting. Now it's also an excuse for killing anyone who isn't part of your cult. But then, you've done that before as well, haven't you? Maybe you should just get your white sheet and armband and come out of the closet.
Now I am certain that I will not support "Dale's Newsletter."
Your questions don't deserve answers because they are, sorry, just stupid. It's like you just watched something on Fox News. As many have pointed out it was not her job to manage security. Try to draw inside the lines.
BTW, we live in a democratic republic, it's technically a hybrid.
Where was Pelosi? Really? The more important question is ‘where was Trump?’ Oh yeah, after goading his followers to march on the Capitol, he was watching those tourists break into the Capitol, assaulting Capitol and Metro police and parading through the Capitol with confederate battle flags on TV. It took him hours to give the most ineffectual request for his followers to come; his remark that the insurrectionists should “Go home. We love you” was especially touching.
should have typed "leave" instead of "come" in last sentence. my bad.
Would you be willing to share your understanding about the difference between a Republic and a democracy?
This is all patched together from Wikipedia:
A republic (Latin: res publica, meaning "public affair") is a form of government in which "power is held by the people and their elected representatives". In republics, the country is considered a "public matter", not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are attained through democracy or a mix of democracy with oligarchy or autocracy rather than being unalterably occupied by any given family lineage or group. With modern republicanism, it has become the opposing form of government to a monarchy and therefore a modern republic has no monarch as head of state.
Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία, dēmokratiā, from dēmos 'people' and kratos 'rule'[1]) is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy"). Who is considered part of "the people" and how authority is shared among or delegated by the people has changed over time and at different rates in different countries, but over time more and more of a democratic country's inhabitants have generally been included. Cornerstones of democracy include freedom of assembly and speech, inclusiveness and equality, membership, consent, voting, right to life and minority rights.
A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. Rather than being a cross between two entirely separate systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.
In the US, the notion that a republic was a form of democracy was common from the time of its founding, and the concepts associated with representative democracy (and hence with a democratic republic) are suggested by John Adams (writing in 1784):
"No determinations are carried, it is true, in a simple representative democracy, but by consent of the majority or their representatives."
The U.S. is also a constitutional democracy. When Benjamin Franklin was leaving the Continental Congress when the Constitution was written, he was asked what form of government do we have. He replied: "A Republic, if we can keep it."
Hope we can keep it! It's not clear at the moment.
Cathy, you rawk!
Our system of government is an oligarchy, set in place by Roberts and the Citizens United decision.
I have to agree we are now an oligarchic kleptocracy. Robbing from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich. We still have a chance to swing back to being a democratic republic. And, yes, Citizens United has to be overturned. Money is not free speech; corporations do not have more rights than the People.
One PERSON, one Vote; not One million dollars and I own your vote in Congress.
the irony of the citizens united decision is that corporations were created as a buffer between the individual owners of a business and the general public, as a way of protecting the assets of the owners from a lawsuit. you can sue the corporation, but not the individual owners. (of course, they can be arrested if they have committed a crime.) as i understand it, corporations are precisely not people.
I completely agree with you. I was going to write the exact same thing and don’t need to thanks to you. These giant ponderous investigations are all good, but we have a situation on the ground that needs immediate attention. They are planning to come for us. This wonderful government of Biden et al needs to take steps to cut them off at the pass before they get rolling.
Absolutely. That train pulled out of the station and is gaining speed. It needs an intervention.
They? Paranoia is the result of propaganda. Trust no one.
False. “Trust no one”. Paranoia is not a solution. You seem to be a right wing troll Dale
They (that is, people like you) are openly saying that they're going kill us if they can. Did you even read the article? I'm guessing not.
Cut off the oxygen.
Go Make Am,erica Great Again by catching the virus and permanently departing, old boomer moron.
Ned, they are already burning us at the stakes, my friend.
The visual of the gallows and hangman's noose and the cries for Pence and Pelosi during the terrorist riot in our Capital really should make our American DOJ stand up to full attention and intervene immediately. Where are you and fascism continues to rise? I think we all need to flood our government with sanity letters.
Our rights across the country should not be able to be suppressed. I is a federal crime against our people— what these terrorists are committing on democracy.
Three hundred of the hard-core rioters were arrested and charged. Thinking of our people as children who need party guidance is terrorism. Forcing people to act when they know better is terrorism. Causing inflation that swamps wages is terrorism. Take a good look and cut the panting language.
Sorry, Dale, This is the wrong audience for your fear baiting hyperbole and misinformation. Income disparity and politicians being bought by big donor money is what is keeping wages down. Everything possible is going to the Elite 1%. That is the real cause of your anger I would guess - income disparity. You pay more taxes than 60 huge corporations making billions put together if you pay just $1 of taxes. Very few of them have raised wages in years. They don't care about you and me. They only care about power and money and you are delighting them by playing the role of useful idiot for them. They will never care about raising wages because they think you, the 99%, are just lazy when you can't make a decent living off poverty level wages.
Another terrific Cathy Learoyd takedown.
Oooh la la, Kathy!!
I realize that some people have been arrested for these crimes, but not the seditionist party who are the instigators, fomenters and continue to be allowed to be lawmakers in our government. I am talking about the rising of these fanatic fascists and no large scale interventions or appear to be happening. I am talking about bills being passed everyday that attack our rights to vote and should be illegal. This is hardly panting and I find your comment slightly offensive. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you perhaps just do not understand what I wrote.
Ignore this fool. His purpose here is to disrupt our discussion.
Stuff it, shitheaded old senile boomer moron troll.
!!! Since you hearted me, TC, I was just going to respond to you and say the you would probably have had a very different response to my ovary, overly-measured, diplomatic, fact-based, gentle sword of clarity to Dale. Then I arrive and see that you are in full throttle with your blasts words. This, is a great example of an ovarian response vs a cajones' response, even if to a troll. We need both, but used at the right times. You will never die from hypertension, my friend. You withhold nothing.
You seem to be ranting Dale
This is not a rant, this is a call for justice. Something we have not seen enough of due to the Party of Sedition's infiltration and destruction across our land.
I know, I am an expert and earned my Ph.D. in Ranting since 2016. Perhaps two.
Yeah, me too. Plus an honorary.
Ranting and offering solutions to tough problems conflict.
Mis-assigning blame for the security lapses on January 6 does not show a very strong sense of analytical thinking. Grind your ax elsewhere.
Are you a woman? Obv not. Ranting and offering solutions are yin and yang.
Dale: what’s your solution.
You're a persistent old senile white male Boomer fuckwit, aren't you?
I have to admit, when such ploppers show up and try to dominate, I scroll through even faster! I guess for $5 they have a right to play games, but for MY $5, I prefer to follow those whom I respect and who offer substance rather than tidbits of tomfoolery! Thanks, TC!
TC, you totally crack me up sometimes.
I think we need to start an adjunct cabinet under VP Kamala Harris. Proper advisory board. Rants and solutions abundant.
And this selfish (or unaware) notion that ALL speech is protected speech. It is not. ‘Fighting words’, ‘incitement to imminent lawless action’, and ‘true threats’ are a few distinctive ones that are not.
The core of this is disinformation that has been weaponized
The core of this is a disinterested, poorly educated, lonely populace that is ripe for disinformation.
Wrong information and propaganda are tools of a power-mad group; no party is innocent of these faults, but "progressives" spew both.
Shushie on “spewing” and “panting language”. If you are trying to be intellectually provocative, big fail. “Trust no one”? Fail. Find a mountaintop.
They (Dale) are trolling for readers to their substack page. This is hardly the place to provide them. Oops, gotta fly, I have an 11:30 dentist appointment I forgot all about!!!!!
Her FB page hasn't had a post since December 2016.
Exactly, Daria. I always tell myself to not encourage the Russians!
Back to the barracks, comrade troll, no borscht for you tonight,.
Dale. Give an example of progressive disinformation
Pam, I completely agree. The investigation will ultimately land in the GOP's hands after the mid terms to be tossed in the trash, just like the initial Committee, Mueller Report, both Impeachments of Trump.....
We have spiraled to the place in this Country where truth simply doesn't matter.
... too many people have too much to hide - so are driving with the brakes on when it comes to getting real with the truth ...
When did people in power not hide? Staying in power is seductive.
... and, I have to ask, has America ever really had a truly representative government? ... bits and pieces - here and there ...
Listen to Heather and Joanne's August 31 Now and Then podcast which addresses how represented America really has been since its inception. I think this is free:
Excellent talk supporting the mood of the community following today’s Letter.
Good morning Lynell!
Truth always matters. No party has a lock on it. Don't despair. Find truth.
Right with you, Pam!! I couldn't agree more and I too (like Ned) was going to say what you said! While "craziness" has always been with us, we are experiencing a disintegration on a national level with frightening speed and visibility and with the potential for some really bad outcomes.
Elected officials need to be able to get restraint orders against these hoodlums threatening their lives in the very least! Unfortunately it is another way to put puppets into key positions for elections and school boards when the professionals leave because they feel they can't endanger their families. Autocracy at it's ugliest.
I agree with Shaf below - this didn't read as a rant to me. I don't know how these people can threaten elected officials and not be arrested. I don't know how Cawthorn can continue in office when he is literally inciting the violent overthrow of government.
No legal expert here but calling for violence is protect free speech if the danger is not imminent. If the preppy punk from NC had said "Let's go bust them out of jail", and then the crowd went to do it, then he could have been charged.
Any and all lawyers out there please correct me if I'm wrong.
Free speech is as troubling as it is joyful. It can and will be used against those cowards calling for violence in hope someone in the crowed will be incited to do it.
We know those MoC doing the investigation appreciate the gravity of the situation.
Ranting is good, let it out but then channel that energy into anger to fight back.
I would hope that election officials and school officials being threatened by angry hoodlums should have some recourse like a restraining order to keep these nuts away from their homes and family.
My granddaughter's school district refused to have a mask mandate. The district leans heavily Republican with plenty of sign waving loudmouths at the meetings. My daughter, the lawyer, was pissed. She is recovering from surgery and couldn't go to the meetings so she sent an email.
Today the district sent out texts and emails proclaiming masks are now mandatory starting tomorrow. My daughter got mad, fought back and now the kids will be masked. One of the members wrote her to say her letter was instrumental in changing minds. Not saying it was all her, just saying we don't have to take it without a fight.
Would love to see the letter to see how it was instrumental in changing minds.
Take the energy of anger and channel it into something constructive to fix the problem.
I hope some legal experts can weigh in on this. I hope there is more teeth in the law to deal with threats and bullying. We can't lose good people from political life who are justifiably worried for themselves and their families and therefore retreat leaving the field open for thugs.
We can't let bad people intimidate good people doing a difficult job for little or no pay. Sometimes you have to call them out to make them back down.
If that sort of comment doesn't constitute a terroristic threat, I don't know what does. It all goes to the years that we were stunned by TFG, but thought there were checks and balances in place, only to find that there weren't.
I fear this will investigation will go well beyond 2022, with the quest for records tied up in the courts for years (much like T’s tax records). By the time the committee gets the records it needs it will be too late to stop the takeover of our government by the fascist rethuglicans.
Unless we sacrifice democracy to fend off fascism. The ancient Greeks turned to "tyrants" is such situations. But once there, it's difficult to go back.
As Churchill phrased it “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all others.” Tyranny didn’’t work too well after the death of Pericles.
Shakespeare said the truth will always come out when it is needed. His times were politically and religiously dangerous. Coups were a constant threat. Yet, here we are.
Those times were sufficienly dangerous so that duing the ensuing century, many of those out of power saw fit to emigrate to a new English colony starting up across the Atlantic.
"Shakespeare said the truth will always come out when it is needed." Really? Where, exactly, did he write that?
You've never actually read a work of Shakespeare, have you? You're just trolling.
This didn't sound like a rant at all. Democrats as always lack the killer instinct. I have no faith in all the demanding that the select committee is doing. Republicans get away with everything because of their unified and homogenous voters. I kept hoping that January 6 would change how Democrats approach things but I was sadly wrong.