I agree. Heather's analysis helps us more clearly recognize the toxic threat of "soft fascism" in the various exploitative power moves of Trump, DeSantis, and Abbott--and the critical necessity of stepping up our work on behalf of democracy, justice, and the rule of law.
I tend to agree that "soft fascism" is still full on fascism but it is a way to hide that it is fascism. It plays right into the Evangelical wanting to control people and pull in the cash. I grew up in that Evangelical world and yesterday heard something I hadn't heard since my youth. MTGreene saying that the Catholics were controlled by Satan because they wanted to help the poor, black and brown people.
This is NEW! Throwing Catholics under the bus. MTGreene is making new enemies everyday. She should perhaps take up some "Marshall" arts for her own safety.
This isn’t new—it was a common thread in the 1960 election; I had Baptist neighbors who said that Catholics weren’t real Christians, but cultists worshiping the Pope.
I have also heard from their ilk that “the Navaho Nation suffers from poverty and illness because they have a matriarchal society”. P.S. That was part of a “sermon” in New Mexico back in the 1970s.
Really...they suffer because they are marginalized Native Americans made that way by patriarchal whites. I had some friends who were educators who spent time many many years ago among the Navaho and they had a vastly different opinion.
Gangrene hasn't a clue about the teaching of Jesus. The Catholic Church is remiss in many ways, but if they are helping the marginalized, that is not one of them. I thought this was ghastly on the part of Gangrene and shows that she hasn't a clue about the teachings of Jesus. But then I had a person yesterday post that somehow Bernie and Jesus are the same. Yes, we did have a conversation about that.
Here's "Gang-Greene's" interview where she displays her total ignorance of Christianity. I'd advise not reading it with anything in your stomach as it's pretty nauseating. She--and a lot of other people who call themselves "Christian"--seems to have conveniently forgotten Jesus' words from Matthew Chapter 25:
"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"
There's a LOT more where that came from, Marjorie, honey...
Yes, along the lines of "Catholics" aren't real Christians. This divisive group will say absolutely anything that is hateful and that can possibly stir up more hatred. They will not succeed.
In a very real sense, we are living the dystopian vision of the "Hunger Games," with Carlson as the Stanley Tucci character. Or Joseph Goebbels, take your pick.
Hi, Mike. Thanks for this comment about "soft fascism." I agree there's no such animal. But all those particulars aside, what strikes me as more than a little odd is that Mr. Carlson is even a subject for discussion. We now almost take for granted that a television news reporter/celebrity has fully and directly participated (even advising) in the major decisions of our government. It isn't even about the fact that Carlson is a special kind of awful. Any fool can see that and there's not much to say about it. But the evidence says that the man actually conferred with TFG during the making of serious decisions. And, yes, Trump was his own kind of monster, an exception to every rule, but the phenomenon itself, separate from the specific a**holes involved, does kind of blow my mind.
Ha! Ha! Back in the 1980s I ran across the term “Shiite Christians”. I repeat it not to offend, but to inform. I’m sure that the writer of “The Handmaid’s Tale” does it much more eloquently.
100%. Same as 1920’s Germany. Soft Fascism to gain power will cement itself once it has power. The description of cycles here in America did have a degree of luck, the rule of law, and a depressions so bad, it could have happened here. I am most concerned about media moguls (oligarchs really)who fearing regulation go with the hard right. But once a fascists gains power from that relationship, he won’t want to have critics, that could threaten his sustained power, will nationalize the media, as happened in Hungry, which followed Russia’s playbook to cement one party rule.
I’ve been thinking, what’s stopping Elon from buying one of the networks too? Could he buy FB? Or start his own?These are questions that the FCC and Congress should consider before the next recession as downturns always result in consolidation of industries.
Menthol Light still causes cancer and high death rates among Black smokers, the primary target of the industry marketed for it Kool taste. Palatable is soft. Only gonna hurt the other guy.
I’ll agree with “soft” for now. That’s the time to rip the masks off the beliefs of many that this is “ok”. Only goal of Desantis is bully his way through in 2022 and then ride down the tarnished escalator in 2024 to adoring masses of the white minority.
Yes, "soft" in sense that he cloaks his actions in "rights" language--eg, the "don't say gay" bill in parental rights.
You are so right, his only goal is himself--something he shares with Trump--though in this case it is all about his political aspirations. That goal was made even more transparent by the Disney debacle-- purely punitive revenge legislation!! I hope the bond debt issue boomerangs him!!
My hope is that the cost to Florida will destroy their state economy. The first thing they'll do is come begging the federal government and the courts for relief from the self-inflicted wounds. I think what needs to happen is for every Democrat to explain, in detail, exactly how Florida's governor and legislature made a bunch of disastrous decisions, before addressing any issue of how to fix it.
Maybe if the state goes into receivership, DeSantis and the others can be flushed away.
Yes many of us who live here in Florida are hoping that we can oust DeSantis from the governorship and that he will disappear. Reality says this is unlikely to happen - new gerrymandering here and DeSantis' new Election force (enforcers of stopping people from voting - including not allowing people to hand out water to those waiting in line to vote). He is a very dangerous man and young!
I think Mickey will be DeSantis undoing. He says Disney will pick up the multi-billion tab but with 80000 jobs on the line-, it's not much of a campaign slogan.
You didn't mention the ex-gov DIMWIT Lepage that's running for governor again in Maine- as big a danger as Abbott and DeSantis. They're just fascists. Lepage is all of that and stupid to boot.
But isn’t there another step? The consolidation of power into the hands of the Leader and his cronies, and the consequent undermining of law, threatens those rich businesspeople who depend on a functioning legal system to prosper. Those were the people who, with great reluctance, came to understand that the reforms of the 1930s were actually good for everyone (except the outright racists and fascists masquerading as anti-Communists of the John Birch type). The result—aided by American economic dominance—was the unity of the 1950s that saw the greatest growth in our history. Aren’t we ready for another time when business leaders recognize that their interests lie not with the fascists, toadies and cronies, but with those who support democracy, even if that means that those interests will have to compete with those of the lesser folk? In other words, isn’t the time ripe for a different approach to government? Wait, I have an idea: We could call that different kind of governing a New Deal!
I just finished reading The Gardens of Democracy by Eric Hanauer. (I think someone on here recommend it.) I love the metaphor of "tending to democracy." They call for a New Enlightenment.
Hi, Jon, I think you're onto something when you talk about a different approach and a "new" New Deal. When I look at what's happening--what has been happening for a good while now, way before TFG--I see a lot of complete deconstruction and total razing of things we thought were stable. We may not have much choice about starting over and creating something new because it looks to me like we might not have much left when the smoke clears. The hope is that we'll have a planet that can sustain us, a few good souls with skills and determination, and possibly we could put in for a few dinosaurs.
Excellent analysis, indeed! Explains how exploitation of racism endemic in the white electorate has enabled the wealthy to get their way. This cycle started in earnest in 1968 when Nixon realized that Wallace’s assertion that racist dog whistles work as well in the North as in the South. There is now a small crack that might be exploited: some Liberty “University” people have admitted that the evangelical movement is grounded in racism, and instead of that being a positive attribute, they view it as negative. If that crack can peel off, say, 25% of evangelical votes, Republicans won’t be able to win statewide elections.
It’s a longterm project, I’m afraid, and US democracy may dissolve in the interim. Still, a small crack is better than no crack, which us what we’ve had since 1968.
There are what 3, 4, 5 and more stories within THIS DAY IN HISTORY: APRIL 29, 1945? One of them is about how the liberation of Jews 77 years ago speaks to what is happening in Ukraine, the USA and elsewhere on April 29, 2022. TC, thank you more than I can say.
The penny dropped for me also with this letter. I think we have been rather confused about all that is happening and this sure clarifies. What is the best strategy for fighting back against all three? Personally I don't believe that history loops, but history does teach.
To these eyes and ears History has “cycles”, the patterns become clearer after, hard to see them “during” or while it’s happening. We have to zoom out to see them after the fact.
Maybe we need both. I always think about the carpet Obama had in the Oval Office with the quote from ML King that the arc of history bends always toward justice. The politics of eternity is a fine thing, but those of us slogging through this day in this madness, can only try to take a clear-eyed look at what's in front of us and get out there and do just one thing to have an impact on reality. The arc of history, the cycles of history, may or may not come full circle; the universe might well right itself eventually; the harmony of the spheres could very well be restored. But in the meantime I can do my best to be a force for good. And, honestly, the way things look today, I'm not optimistic that it will make any difference. I have to do it anyway.
Sarah, as a forty year veteran of the classroom, I absolutely agree. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Right now, those of us who...I almost typed "those of us who are ready," but I don't think that's quite right. Perhaps those of us who think we are ready. Today is a day for the battle. Tomorrow--or maybe another generation's tomorrow--will make today's lessons clear. Today there is, as Biden said early on, a war for the soul of America. I don't have any doubts about the rights and the wrongs in this situation--at home and abroad. In my ancient playbook, there really are some absolutes. But I don't think I can see, or am even ready to see, whatever the larger lessons here are. I hope they don't include the one lesson it's always too late to learn--that it is not possible to survive the way we're going.
It seems we are on an inexorable path to autocracy driven by the wealthy in their buried fear of the issue of climate change, and the collapse of their good life. That it’s an insurmountable problem, and it would inflict unacceptable changes to their lifestyles to fix it, and so they’re going to just get as much out of their lives now while they can.
To offer a more ecological view of it, I think that the chances of a person having living descendants in the year 2122 will depend in large measure on that person's current wealth and their ability to keep it. So why should they let some government take it away? As a survival strategy it has an entirely consistent logic.
The short-term thinking isn't even necessarily a flaw, because concentrating sole on short-term gains can lead, additively, to long-term gains. If that leads to a gradual diminishment of available rewards, so what? A pot of gold is as good as a sack of moldy potatoes if nobody else has either.
I continue to have a problem with the identification "Christian". I recognize that Puritans called themselves Christians eventhough they persecuted their own members who lived more independently and Oakers with a different view of Christianity. Even to the point of killing them. I recognize that Confederates called themselves Christians eventhough they promoted slavery and killed slaves, abolitionists and Union soldiers to preserve slavery and their oligarchy. During Jim Crow, they burned crosses and killed those who threatened their oppressive rule. And then today Abbott, Desantis and many Republicans call themselves Christians while they do many unchristian things to other people. When are real Christians going to take the Christian identification away from these Philistines? Real Christians are people of mercy and a blessing for all.
@David Souers, I grew up Catholic. I recall only one story where Jesus resorted to violence. When he saw the money changers and vendors selling doves in the temple of Jerusalem, he overturned their tables and said, "my house will be a house of prayer and you have made it a den of thieves. Make not my Father's house a house of merchandise." If Christians want to be Christlike, THIS is the time to start overturning tables. That is the necessary path back to mercy and blessings for all.
Jesus was anti corruption during Empire of Rome. I think something similar has happened in Western Democracies since 2000. Loose money laundering laws has brought Putin’s billions into western democracy ( our Temple).
Mistakenly we thought we could bring democracy to a dictatorship, but the opposite has happened. We didn’t just import stolen foreign capital from Russia, we also imported/ opened Pandora’s box of corruption. It is so clear to me now. How do I explain it better?
But the megachurches preach prosperity as a right and one blessed by Jesus. A few years ago, I remember seeing a Hummer in a parking lot. Its personalized bumper sticker read: If Jesus we're alive, he'd be driving a car like this.
So, WWJD? The Tucker Carlsons of the world say he'd be a rich autocrat pushing illiberalism.
This reminds me of the argument Christians made following 9/11 against followers of Islam not calling out their extremists. So now it’s time for Christian’s to answer that same question for themselves. The ones I know are sitting back from that fault line in their circle of influence. Why? Maybe because it fractures families, friendships, neighborhoods, communities and churches. We are all fearless in our delegation to others to face the rage. But when we have to do it ourselves? That takes much, much more courage and wisdom and diplomacy than many of us possess.
I am a mentor to pastors who are committed to improving their preaching. I hear every day how they struggle to preach the gospel of equality and justice in a cultural climate that includes people like those who supported the Roman government's first century oppression of the poor and who called for Jesus' execution because he was a threat to their power. The question is always how to get the message across, how to change hearts. In addition to the thousands of good-hearted preachers in local churches everywhere who do not agree with so-called "Christian" nationalism, voices like those of Jim Wallis of Sojourners, people who write for Christian Century, the Poor People's Campaign started by MLKing and now led by the powerful Rev. William Barber II, and others do counter the prevailing madness. What motivates hard work and courage of this sort is deep conviction that, for many people in and out of the limelight, is based in their faith. Who's to say it hasn't put something of a brake on the march toward autocracy? Not that we can stop worrying and working. Pastors have been fired in our time for even mentioning Black Lives Matter from the pulpit or doing their job to keep the people they serve save from the corona virus by insisting on masks. They need our gratitude and prayers.
I sent your comment to my stepson, who is a pastor in a small area near Sacramento; these are issues he struggles with in the community too. The few services we have attended are full of true love for all people, and to live as Christ did. Thank you for the work you do
Excellent point, Chris, the great appeal of being one of the chosen ones. Advertising “a one-time special offer only for discerning customers like you, good for eternity.“
How do you, Chris, know that the preachers I refer to are ignoring a huge, open, understanding of how the divine speaks to the world. Please don't assumer there is a closed door, a narrow way. Be careful of interpreting the Bible in a limited lens, the way the "Christian" nationalists interpret scripture. That is not the only window. I hope you can hear someone (listen to The Rev. William Barber II, for example) who hears a different voice from God than the voice that the "Christian" nationalists say they hear.
Excellent analysis, particularly the differentiation of the varieties of threat - Trump, deSantis, Abbott.
I agree. Heather's analysis helps us more clearly recognize the toxic threat of "soft fascism" in the various exploitative power moves of Trump, DeSantis, and Abbott--and the critical necessity of stepping up our work on behalf of democracy, justice, and the rule of law.
Soft fascism is still fascism
Soft fascism with Tucker Carlson as head cheerleader is "just" plain old fascism.
There is no such thing as a "soft" fistfight.
Just a fistfight.
I tend to agree that "soft fascism" is still full on fascism but it is a way to hide that it is fascism. It plays right into the Evangelical wanting to control people and pull in the cash. I grew up in that Evangelical world and yesterday heard something I hadn't heard since my youth. MTGreene saying that the Catholics were controlled by Satan because they wanted to help the poor, black and brown people.
This is NEW! Throwing Catholics under the bus. MTGreene is making new enemies everyday. She should perhaps take up some "Marshall" arts for her own safety.
She really needs to sprout some toes so she can get her feet on the ground.
I hope the Catholics on the Supreme Court were listening.
This isn’t new—it was a common thread in the 1960 election; I had Baptist neighbors who said that Catholics weren’t real Christians, but cultists worshiping the Pope.
Time to bring in the Jewish space lasers to cut down Satan.
I have also heard from their ilk that “the Navaho Nation suffers from poverty and illness because they have a matriarchal society”. P.S. That was part of a “sermon” in New Mexico back in the 1970s.
Really...they suffer because they are marginalized Native Americans made that way by patriarchal whites. I had some friends who were educators who spent time many many years ago among the Navaho and they had a vastly different opinion.
Gangrene hasn't a clue about the teaching of Jesus. The Catholic Church is remiss in many ways, but if they are helping the marginalized, that is not one of them. I thought this was ghastly on the part of Gangrene and shows that she hasn't a clue about the teachings of Jesus. But then I had a person yesterday post that somehow Bernie and Jesus are the same. Yes, we did have a conversation about that.
Does Jesus like mittens?
Here's "Gang-Greene's" interview where she displays her total ignorance of Christianity. I'd advise not reading it with anything in your stomach as it's pretty nauseating. She--and a lot of other people who call themselves "Christian"--seems to have conveniently forgotten Jesus' words from Matthew Chapter 25:
"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"
There's a LOT more where that came from, Marjorie, honey...
Pretty amazing how these people can miss the main message.
Geez, she missed the all Catholic conservative justices sponsored by a movement meant to keep women and big money in their "proper places."
Not the first fascist to “bend” the language to attain their goals.
“Language of the third Reich” by Viktor Klemperer
Manipulation via Language and lies are the first tools of fascists.
"Politics and the English Language", George Orwell (prelude to "1984").
Part of this attack on Catholics might also be an attempt to disavow Joe Biden’s deeply held religious beliefs.
Attack on Catholics could backfire ? 6 of SCOTUS and DeSantis are Catholic..
Yes, along the lines of "Catholics" aren't real Christians. This divisive group will say absolutely anything that is hateful and that can possibly stir up more hatred. They will not succeed.
In a very real sense, we are living the dystopian vision of the "Hunger Games," with Carlson as the Stanley Tucci character. Or Joseph Goebbels, take your pick.
Hi, Mike. Thanks for this comment about "soft fascism." I agree there's no such animal. But all those particulars aside, what strikes me as more than a little odd is that Mr. Carlson is even a subject for discussion. We now almost take for granted that a television news reporter/celebrity has fully and directly participated (even advising) in the major decisions of our government. It isn't even about the fact that Carlson is a special kind of awful. Any fool can see that and there's not much to say about it. But the evidence says that the man actually conferred with TFG during the making of serious decisions. And, yes, Trump was his own kind of monster, an exception to every rule, but the phenomenon itself, separate from the specific a**holes involved, does kind of blow my mind.
A friend of mine came up with the term, Christofascism which I fear is more apt.
Ha! Ha! Back in the 1980s I ran across the term “Shiite Christians”. I repeat it not to offend, but to inform. I’m sure that the writer of “The Handmaid’s Tale” does it much more eloquently.
100%. Same as 1920’s Germany. Soft Fascism to gain power will cement itself once it has power. The description of cycles here in America did have a degree of luck, the rule of law, and a depressions so bad, it could have happened here. I am most concerned about media moguls (oligarchs really)who fearing regulation go with the hard right. But once a fascists gains power from that relationship, he won’t want to have critics, that could threaten his sustained power, will nationalize the media, as happened in Hungry, which followed Russia’s playbook to cement one party rule.
Boiling the fat frog slowly.
It looks to me like the oligarchy is the hard right and owns the media.
I’ve been thinking, what’s stopping Elon from buying one of the networks too? Could he buy FB? Or start his own?These are questions that the FCC and Congress should consider before the next recession as downturns always result in consolidation of industries.
Shhhhhh…don’t give him any ideas!!
The rush for power in the new frontier of internet.
Menthol Light still causes cancer and high death rates among Black smokers, the primary target of the industry marketed for it Kool taste. Palatable is soft. Only gonna hurt the other guy.
I’ll agree with “soft” for now. That’s the time to rip the masks off the beliefs of many that this is “ok”. Only goal of Desantis is bully his way through in 2022 and then ride down the tarnished escalator in 2024 to adoring masses of the white minority.
Yes, "soft" in sense that he cloaks his actions in "rights" language--eg, the "don't say gay" bill in parental rights.
You are so right, his only goal is himself--something he shares with Trump--though in this case it is all about his political aspirations. That goal was made even more transparent by the Disney debacle-- purely punitive revenge legislation!! I hope the bond debt issue boomerangs him!!
That is my hope also....that the cost to Florida will turn enough people against him.
My hope is that the cost to Florida will destroy their state economy. The first thing they'll do is come begging the federal government and the courts for relief from the self-inflicted wounds. I think what needs to happen is for every Democrat to explain, in detail, exactly how Florida's governor and legislature made a bunch of disastrous decisions, before addressing any issue of how to fix it.
Maybe if the state goes into receivership, DeSantis and the others can be flushed away.
Yes many of us who live here in Florida are hoping that we can oust DeSantis from the governorship and that he will disappear. Reality says this is unlikely to happen - new gerrymandering here and DeSantis' new Election force (enforcers of stopping people from voting - including not allowing people to hand out water to those waiting in line to vote). He is a very dangerous man and young!
I think Mickey will be DeSantis undoing. He says Disney will pick up the multi-billion tab but with 80000 jobs on the line-, it's not much of a campaign slogan.
Funny how a Disney character will now do more for democracy than a real gov!
DeSantis with some children of color in the background.
For “appearances” only.
Will DeSantis continue to encourage moves to the “least affordable state” ?
“Freedom” is free…only to those who can afford it.
Who would Ron “anoint” to the Supreme Court? Hmmmmm
Satan is already there so who next?
Pam Biondi?
Yuck. Erghhh
I would call it more "serpentine" (or insidious) than "soft"
Yes, the snakes in the grass and insidious is a good word.
Snakes multiply very rapidly in the Florida climate!!
You didn't mention the ex-gov DIMWIT Lepage that's running for governor again in Maine- as big a danger as Abbott and DeSantis. They're just fascists. Lepage is all of that and stupid to boot.
Like a three-tined fork sticking itself into democracy to see if it’s done.
Excellent metaphor of where we are in our history, Ally.
Gives a whole new meaning to “Butterball Turkey”.
Morning dear Ally. Get people and pets moved cross country successfully?
Just took possession of the house. Movers to arrive in an hour.
More like the pitchfork held by the devil in Christian iconography.
Absolutely, TC!
The penny dropped quite brilliantly, Heather! I can only hope that this triple pronged fork will weaken the GOP's hold in the long run.
But isn’t there another step? The consolidation of power into the hands of the Leader and his cronies, and the consequent undermining of law, threatens those rich businesspeople who depend on a functioning legal system to prosper. Those were the people who, with great reluctance, came to understand that the reforms of the 1930s were actually good for everyone (except the outright racists and fascists masquerading as anti-Communists of the John Birch type). The result—aided by American economic dominance—was the unity of the 1950s that saw the greatest growth in our history. Aren’t we ready for another time when business leaders recognize that their interests lie not with the fascists, toadies and cronies, but with those who support democracy, even if that means that those interests will have to compete with those of the lesser folk? In other words, isn’t the time ripe for a different approach to government? Wait, I have an idea: We could call that different kind of governing a New Deal!
I just finished reading The Gardens of Democracy by Eric Hanauer. (I think someone on here recommend it.) I love the metaphor of "tending to democracy." They call for a New Enlightenment.
Hi, Jon, I think you're onto something when you talk about a different approach and a "new" New Deal. When I look at what's happening--what has been happening for a good while now, way before TFG--I see a lot of complete deconstruction and total razing of things we thought were stable. We may not have much choice about starting over and creating something new because it looks to me like we might not have much left when the smoke clears. The hope is that we'll have a planet that can sustain us, a few good souls with skills and determination, and possibly we could put in for a few dinosaurs.
Excellent analysis, indeed! Explains how exploitation of racism endemic in the white electorate has enabled the wealthy to get their way. This cycle started in earnest in 1968 when Nixon realized that Wallace’s assertion that racist dog whistles work as well in the North as in the South. There is now a small crack that might be exploited: some Liberty “University” people have admitted that the evangelical movement is grounded in racism, and instead of that being a positive attribute, they view it as negative. If that crack can peel off, say, 25% of evangelical votes, Republicans won’t be able to win statewide elections.
I like your serene optimism. :-)
It’s a longterm project, I’m afraid, and US democracy may dissolve in the interim. Still, a small crack is better than no crack, which us what we’ve had since 1968.
I promise not to make a practice of this.
There are what 3, 4, 5 and more stories within THIS DAY IN HISTORY: APRIL 29, 1945? One of them is about how the liberation of Jews 77 years ago speaks to what is happening in Ukraine, the USA and elsewhere on April 29, 2022. TC, thank you more than I can say.
תודה לך יותר ממה שאנ
It always does, doesn't it?
Right on the penny….I mean money.
A necesssry analysis if the collective one is to be clear about resistance.
United, TC. 🗽
All of us, this time. Or so I pray. ❤️🕊🙏🏻
The penny dropped for me also with this letter. I think we have been rather confused about all that is happening and this sure clarifies. What is the best strategy for fighting back against all three? Personally I don't believe that history loops, but history does teach.
To these eyes and ears History has “cycles”, the patterns become clearer after, hard to see them “during” or while it’s happening. We have to zoom out to see them after the fact.
What you are describing is the politics of eternity isn't it? That is a trap.
Maybe we need both. I always think about the carpet Obama had in the Oval Office with the quote from ML King that the arc of history bends always toward justice. The politics of eternity is a fine thing, but those of us slogging through this day in this madness, can only try to take a clear-eyed look at what's in front of us and get out there and do just one thing to have an impact on reality. The arc of history, the cycles of history, may or may not come full circle; the universe might well right itself eventually; the harmony of the spheres could very well be restored. But in the meantime I can do my best to be a force for good. And, honestly, the way things look today, I'm not optimistic that it will make any difference. I have to do it anyway.
I think the politics of eternity and the politics of inevitability are pitfalls.
Kathy, we hope to goodness that it does, but what to do with a generation and more of people who think history is either irrelevant or dangerous?
History teaches only if there’s a willing student.
Sarah, as a forty year veteran of the classroom, I absolutely agree. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Right now, those of us who...I almost typed "those of us who are ready," but I don't think that's quite right. Perhaps those of us who think we are ready. Today is a day for the battle. Tomorrow--or maybe another generation's tomorrow--will make today's lessons clear. Today there is, as Biden said early on, a war for the soul of America. I don't have any doubts about the rights and the wrongs in this situation--at home and abroad. In my ancient playbook, there really are some absolutes. But I don't think I can see, or am even ready to see, whatever the larger lessons here are. I hope they don't include the one lesson it's always too late to learn--that it is not possible to survive the way we're going.
I hope this isn't as muddled as I think.
For an even deeper analysis along these lines, read "Right Across the World" by John Feffer.
See also this Rachel Maddow interview, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eidNzvrukBg
It seems we are on an inexorable path to autocracy driven by the wealthy in their buried fear of the issue of climate change, and the collapse of their good life. That it’s an insurmountable problem, and it would inflict unacceptable changes to their lifestyles to fix it, and so they’re going to just get as much out of their lives now while they can.
To offer a more ecological view of it, I think that the chances of a person having living descendants in the year 2122 will depend in large measure on that person's current wealth and their ability to keep it. So why should they let some government take it away? As a survival strategy it has an entirely consistent logic.
The short-term thinking isn't even necessarily a flaw, because concentrating sole on short-term gains can lead, additively, to long-term gains. If that leads to a gradual diminishment of available rewards, so what? A pot of gold is as good as a sack of moldy potatoes if nobody else has either.
This is the politics of inevitability.
Chilling, Ron
I too agree. And it is written with such clarity!
I continue to have a problem with the identification "Christian". I recognize that Puritans called themselves Christians eventhough they persecuted their own members who lived more independently and Oakers with a different view of Christianity. Even to the point of killing them. I recognize that Confederates called themselves Christians eventhough they promoted slavery and killed slaves, abolitionists and Union soldiers to preserve slavery and their oligarchy. During Jim Crow, they burned crosses and killed those who threatened their oppressive rule. And then today Abbott, Desantis and many Republicans call themselves Christians while they do many unchristian things to other people. When are real Christians going to take the Christian identification away from these Philistines? Real Christians are people of mercy and a blessing for all.
@David Souers, I grew up Catholic. I recall only one story where Jesus resorted to violence. When he saw the money changers and vendors selling doves in the temple of Jerusalem, he overturned their tables and said, "my house will be a house of prayer and you have made it a den of thieves. Make not my Father's house a house of merchandise." If Christians want to be Christlike, THIS is the time to start overturning tables. That is the necessary path back to mercy and blessings for all.
Jesus was anti corruption during Empire of Rome. I think something similar has happened in Western Democracies since 2000. Loose money laundering laws has brought Putin’s billions into western democracy ( our Temple).
Mistakenly we thought we could bring democracy to a dictatorship, but the opposite has happened. We didn’t just import stolen foreign capital from Russia, we also imported/ opened Pandora’s box of corruption. It is so clear to me now. How do I explain it better?
But the megachurches preach prosperity as a right and one blessed by Jesus. A few years ago, I remember seeing a Hummer in a parking lot. Its personalized bumper sticker read: If Jesus we're alive, he'd be driving a car like this.
So, WWJD? The Tucker Carlsons of the world say he'd be a rich autocrat pushing illiberalism.
This reminds me of the argument Christians made following 9/11 against followers of Islam not calling out their extremists. So now it’s time for Christian’s to answer that same question for themselves. The ones I know are sitting back from that fault line in their circle of influence. Why? Maybe because it fractures families, friendships, neighborhoods, communities and churches. We are all fearless in our delegation to others to face the rage. But when we have to do it ourselves? That takes much, much more courage and wisdom and diplomacy than many of us possess.
I am a mentor to pastors who are committed to improving their preaching. I hear every day how they struggle to preach the gospel of equality and justice in a cultural climate that includes people like those who supported the Roman government's first century oppression of the poor and who called for Jesus' execution because he was a threat to their power. The question is always how to get the message across, how to change hearts. In addition to the thousands of good-hearted preachers in local churches everywhere who do not agree with so-called "Christian" nationalism, voices like those of Jim Wallis of Sojourners, people who write for Christian Century, the Poor People's Campaign started by MLKing and now led by the powerful Rev. William Barber II, and others do counter the prevailing madness. What motivates hard work and courage of this sort is deep conviction that, for many people in and out of the limelight, is based in their faith. Who's to say it hasn't put something of a brake on the march toward autocracy? Not that we can stop worrying and working. Pastors have been fired in our time for even mentioning Black Lives Matter from the pulpit or doing their job to keep the people they serve save from the corona virus by insisting on masks. They need our gratitude and prayers.
I sent your comment to my stepson, who is a pastor in a small area near Sacramento; these are issues he struggles with in the community too. The few services we have attended are full of true love for all people, and to live as Christ did. Thank you for the work you do
Thank you for reminding us of this.
Excellent point, Chris, the great appeal of being one of the chosen ones. Advertising “a one-time special offer only for discerning customers like you, good for eternity.“
How do you, Chris, know that the preachers I refer to are ignoring a huge, open, understanding of how the divine speaks to the world. Please don't assumer there is a closed door, a narrow way. Be careful of interpreting the Bible in a limited lens, the way the "Christian" nationalists interpret scripture. That is not the only window. I hope you can hear someone (listen to The Rev. William Barber II, for example) who hears a different voice from God than the voice that the "Christian" nationalists say they hear.